Mark B. Lowe:
The consolidation of the GOP “Establishment” behind Jeb Bush has begun. NBCNews reports:
Jeb Bush Already Winning Over Some Supporters of Christie, Rubio
Some potential supporters of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are already saying they will instead back Jeb Bush if he runs for president, illustrating the new challenge both men face with Bush now likely to be a 2016 candidate.
While the vast number of influential figures in the Republican Party have not yet said who they support, a slew of political operatives and donors in Florida, including former state party chair Van Poole and ex-RNC finance chairman Al Hoffman, all told the Tampa Times over the last week they would choose Bush over Rubio if the two ran against each other. Several of them suggested Rubio should not run, since he would be fighting important political influencers in his own home state.
Meanwhile, Mel Sembler, who was the Republican National Committee’s finance chair from 1997 to 2000 and then served as George W. Bush’s ambassador to Italy, told the Newark Star-Ledger that he was an “admirer” of Christie but will opt for Bush.
The Tampa Times reports about what is happening in Rubio’s own backyard, in Florida:
“It’s nothing against Marco,” said John Thrasher, a former legislator who is now president of Florida State University. “Jeb has built up political capital over the years. It’s not just capital. These are people who have worked with him, understand him, and feel his time is here.”
Rubio, who at 43 is nearly two decades younger than Bush, enjoys loads of enthusiastic supporters among Florida’s deep pool of elite GOP fundraisers, but few, if any, of those top bundlers prefer him over Bush. It’s a simple fact of life for any Republican elected leader in Florida that even eight years after he left the governor’s office, Bush overshadows all.
“I love Marco Rubio. I was his general campaign chairman when he ran for Senate,” said Al Hoffman, a developer and former Republican National Committee finance chairman from North Palm Beach. “Marco is a great guy and has a tremendous future, but I have to support Jeb first.”
Wow, so a non-conservative, establishment RINO steals the thunder of two other non-conservative, establishment RINOs. Quelle surprise.
The friends of the GOP establishment are very eager to have another even more leftist Bush anointed as the Republican candidate. Like them, Mark B. Lowe is salivating over the prospect in complete ignorance of polling of rank and file Republicans.
If Bush is the GOP nominee, I predict another 4 years of hell under a demomarxist, and control of the senate going back to Reid.
I’m quite sure Bush is for a more liberal amnesty plan than Obozo is following. Not only is Bush a Rino, he has no conservatives bona fides at all. We need a ‘real’ conservative.
Bush, Christie, Rubio, why I wouldn’t support either of them. First, all of them would be a disappointment because they all label themselves as Repubs, but none of them believe in being a practicing Republican, so every move when we would be expecting them to take the Repub side, they wouldl inevitably disappoint us and side with the Dims. Bush is heavily for amnesty, he wants all of his wives relatives up here at our expense. Christie is just a disappointing blowhard that you can’t depend on for anything except disappointment. Rubio is not eligible, not a natural born citizen.
“Bush, Christie, Rubio, why I wouldn’t support either of them.” Say what? I see a Paul/Kasich ticket.
Oregon wins it all.
Pats over Lions in Super Bowl.
@Rich+Wheeler: Kasich/Paul good in either combination< Kasich has more governor time so he might be a better manager.
Den over someone in Superbowl. Maybe Seattle again. or Green Bay.
@Redteam: IRISH
Jeb Bush: I Would Govern Like Lyndon Johnson as President
Jeb Bush: I Can ‘Persuade’ Conservatives on Amnesty
What made America dynamic and prosperous was industrial production (with high employment at good wages whereby a single bread winner could support their family,) coupled with a well educated citizenry who could create and bring new innovations or through hard work and ingenuity build a business from a small time operation into a thriving competitive success.
High taxation with stagnate wages in an economic situation with low levels of industrial production, and where only the wealthiest prosper and deadbeats and paupers are a subsidized burden on the backs middle-class is not dynamic. Competition for low wages against immigrants (legal or not, thanks to Washington DC’s crony elites amnesty programs) will never bring the working class up, or restore America’s prosperity. Jeb Bush is a typical robber baron elitist who seemingly want to establish a Pseudo-feudalistic form of capitalism.