The real war on women:
A young Yazidi woman forced into sex slavery by the Islamic State begged the West to bomb the brothel where she was being held after militants raped her 30 times in just a few hours, it is claimed.
The unidentified woman is understood to have been kept as a prisoner of the jihadists somewhere in western Iraq having been captured by ISIS during the Sinjar massacre in early August.
A group raising awareness of ISIS’ persecution of women in the vast swathes of the Middle East under its control said the woman had contacted Kurdish peshmerga fighters by telephone to plead for the brothel to be bombed to put the women held as sex slaves out of their misery.
She allegedly told the fighters she had been raped so frequently that she could no longer use the toilet, adding that the ordeal has been so harrowing that she plans to commit suicide even if freed.
Read the whole sickening piece.
So……what’s the reaction from the feminists of the Left?
Questions about their access to birth control?
Concern shown through a hashtag campaign?
This poor woman has been so traumatized that even if her imprisonment ended she would still kill herself.
She is begging for her own position to be bombed.
Reminds me of that nightmare in the movie Aliens.
But this is real life.
These parasitic Muslims must be stopped.
@Nanny G:
Do not forget the MoBroHood and12th Imam – in the WH!
@Nanny G: Perhaps they assume she is a Republican.
I thought this was about Lena Dunham
Or maybe the ‘Fluker’!
Nah, the “Fluker” gives it away. That is why she wants you to pay for her birth control. Going to Europe is expensive, don’t you know?
I read about two Yazidi teenagers who escaped the sexual slavery in an IS brothel and promptly committed suicide by jumping off a cliff because of their shame. These Yazidi are blonde haired blue eyed Aryan Christian people and do not seem to be high on our president’s list of people who deserve consideration. He managed to get himself all worked up when Skippy Gates was arrested, but when these people are the victims of atrocities and are fighting the Sunni supermen to the death, he can’t mention their name. This president is a disgrace to the civilized world.
If you’re concerned about Middle Eastern Christians ask yourself why a representative of our government took the opportunity to use his time before the largest gathering of Middle Eastern Christian leaders assembled in memory to blanket accuse them of anti-Semitism. They were here to draw attention to their existential plight and Senator Cruz took that rare opportunity and turned it into a ten second sound bite for his 2016 campaign at their expense.
The more important question you should be asking is not why Ted Cruz was even the speaker at that gathering (which included some Hamas supporters) but why isn’t President Obama meeting with Coptic/Yazidi Christians? Ted Cruz is not president. Obama is.
But then, you liberals have set such a low bar for Obama, I doubt you would complain if he axe murdered Michelle.
Workplace violence – nothing to see here folks – move along now!