— Weighted Relative International Rape Scale, the countries with the highest number of rapes are either Islamic countries OR those with a high Muslim population.
— Almost 70% of all rapes committed in Denmark are committed by Muslims.
— 100% of assault rapes between strangers were committed by immigrant, non-Western Muslim males. And nine out of 10 of their victims were native Norwegian women.
— There’s a Rape Wave in Sweden, due to the increased Muslim population.
— 1 in 4 Swedish women will be raped by a Muslim, as sexual assaults increase 500%.
— Pakistani Muslim men in England, who “groomed” young white British girls for rape gangs, called the victims “white trash”.
— According to the Brussels Journal, Muslims are 6 times more likely to commit rape.
More at Clash Daily
They simply do not consider it ”rape.”
Rape can only be proven if 4 Muslim men eye witnessed the act and testified against the rapist.
Otherwise it is simply having sex with an infidel female.
Muslim men have a perfect right to that, mostly because infidel women (and girls) dress ”indecently.”
I recall a set of rapes by a group of Muslim men in Australia a few years ago.
Girls as young as 10 up to about age 18 were victims.
But the men sought to throw out all DNA as fiction.
They lost on that.
Next they complained as all the victims testified in each case instead of only in her own case.
They lost on that, too.
Then they explained they were still acting like they could legally act back home (Pakistan), but that didn’t get them freed either.
So, they fell back on their most common defense when they victimize Westerners: they were all ”crazy,” mentally imbalanced.
I think they are still behind bars.
But to them that is simply ”prison dawa,” a chance to proselytize for free while they get free room and board.
In the last week a Muslim man ”knew” his daughter (age 10) had sex (because he had raped her).
So, he killed her (it is perfectly legal under Sharia for a parent to kill a child) for ”adultery,” not admitting his part in the rape/molestation.
DNA is a bitch for these Muslim immigrants to the West.
There are two cures for this. Both involve ropes. Both are permanent. Both should be mandatory. Problem should be over after a couple of thousand of these ‘men’ receive the treatment.