Is It Already Too Late for Dems to Abandon COVID Theater?

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by Jim Treacher

For almost two years now, we’ve had propaganda pounded into our heads every waking moment:
“Wear a mask. Yes, we know we told you at first that you shouldn’t wear a mask, but never mind all that. Get your shots, which will keep you from getting sick or spreading the virus, unless of course you still get sick and/or spread the virus. Look, forget about our assertions of absolute truth yesterday, and just focus on our directly contradictory assertions of absolute truth today. You will listen to us, and the more we flip-flop and pretend we haven’t, the more you will trust us. If you don’t, you’re a Nazi fascist insurrectionist who probably loves Trump, and we’ll get you fired and ruin your life.”
Believe it or not, this message has not worked. People are not convinced. And the more they’re scolded, the more they dig in their heels.
Now there are cracks in the facade. We’re hearing it from Democrat politicians across the country:




And even from Democrat politicians who pretend to be doctors:


NOTE: The science hasn’t changed. Not since yesterday, anyway. No, the politics have changed.
When Democrats finally say the same thing Republicans have been saying for months or years, it’s good. Even though it’s still bad when Republicans say it. The exact same message is good and bad at the same time, depending on which political party is delivering it:

Yesterday’s ban-worthy “misinformation” becomes today’s conventional wisdom. And then they wonder why we don’t trust them.
Journos and other Democrats hope that by the time the November elections roll around, we’ll have forgotten what they’ve done to us.

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Yes, absolutely yes. The democrats dug themselves into a hole that the will not be able to extricate themselves from.

The democrat party is dying and that is a good thing for America.


The sudden reversal of our current unelected regime is quite…curious.

Oh my the science has changed
The shut down of go fund me did not work
Calling good kind people names and telling lies did not work
Trying to steal their fuel in the dead of winter so they would freeze did not work
Huh when they are done with Turdeau they are coming to the lower 48, Eeeeeek the science has really changed.
Turdeau said them shutting down the economy is terrible, I guess him doing it was wonderful, we need to see the data on that science.
GOP governors were wrong for chucking mandates, now that Democrats are it is brave and noble, another scientific mystery.
Oh ICYMI the Farmers have already arrived ,The miners are joining in, the really really big trucks are rolling.

Last edited 3 years ago by kitt

“Thanks to idiot Biden’s leadership, only 600,000 more people died after vaccines were available!”

I’m not sure idiot Biden has a firm grasp on what “shut down” actually means.

Can we all agree that Pelosi, Maxine and AOC should still wear masks?

“The science has changed.” @DrLeanaWen ???
Or, more likely, the Pfizer losing it’s ploy to stretch out the data releases is forcing this change.
Instead of 55 years to keep its secrets, Pfizer now, after only the 2nd tranche of data had to admit:

‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business.
If Pfizer can’t promise to cover for Dems’ lies, then Dems will pull a, “the science has changed,” rabbit out of their hat and hope we’re all dumb enough to swallow it.

Shades of the book, 1984, when Big Brother changed the chocolate ration from 30 grams a week to 20 and everybody cheered the INCREASE!

FLA gov DeSantis:
“The medical science hasn’t changed, the POLITICAL science has changed as midterm elections approach.”

The Biden admin opened investigations on states that allowed children to opt-out of mask mandates

Ignore the waste of money and marvel at how shitty this behavior was, especially now that everyone agrees that these states were doing the right thing.

Remember when YouTube censored a video of medical experts saying children don’t need masks, claiming it was disinformation?

Who told them to do that? EXACTLY how was decision this made?

Fauci says U.S. heading out of ‘full blown pandemic phase,’ sees end to COVID restrictions in coming months
I question the timing.