IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.
The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress last week — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.
“While we may disagree about whether your deferred action programs were lawfully created and implemented, we are confident that we can all agree that these programs cannot be permitted to impair the integrity of our elections,” Republican members of Congress from Ohio wrote in a letter to Mr. Obama Wednesday, ahead of a hearing on the issue in the House on Thursday.
Mr. Obama’s new deportation policies, which carve most illegal immigrants out of danger of being removed, and could proactively grant as many as 4 million illegal immigrants work permits and Social Security numbers, are increasingly under fire for ancillary consequences such as tax credits and competition for jobs.
Mr. Koskinen, testifying to the House oversight committee, said the White House never asked him or anyone else at the IRS about the potential tax effects of his amnesty policy.
“I haven’t talked to the White House about this at all,” he said.
More at the Washington Times
Irony alert.
While illegals are getting money for nothing many ObamaCare subsidy recipients are having to ”dip into savings” or create a repayment plan to pay back their subsidies!
Janice Riddle applied for Obamacare in late 2013. She qualified for a hefty subsidy of $470 a month, leaving her with a monthly premium of $1 for the cheapest plan available.
Riddle landed a job in early 2014 at a life insurance agency, but since her new employer didn’t offer health benefits, she kept her Obamacare plan.
Now, she has to pay back the entire subsidy, which is forcing her to dip into her savings
At 18 months that is $8460 she owes Uncle Sam.
Add in penalties and interest and she can’t afford to get sick lest she must pay her hefty deductible.
And she’s just one of many.
According to CNN between 4.5 million and 7.5 million taxpayers received subsidies for insurance premiums when they signed up for coverage on Obamacare exchanges, federal officials said. These folks had to forecast their 2014 income when they applied. Those who underestimated their earnings either will receive smaller tax refunds or will owe the IRS money.
Some 53% of Jackson Hewitt clients who received subsidies have to repay part or all of it, with the largest being $12,000.
Some Obamacare enrollees who have to pay back their subsidies are now thinking twice about enrolling for 2015.