If you are smashing stuff up, yelling anti-capitalist slogans, wearing name brand clothing, and don’t know why, it must be #SEAMayDay—
Jared Kail (@SledHeadJed) May 02, 2013Ah, yes. So rich. So very, very rich.
Which reminded us:
#SEAmayday #mayday 2012 memories: Vandals in downtown #Seattle smashing Niketown…wearing Nikes!—
Andy Karuza (@AndyKaruza) May 02, 2013I’ll never forget the image from the WTO tantrum: A kid climbing up on the Niketown sign, kicking it…wearing Nikes. #seamayday—
CorrComm (aka C2) (@corrcomm) May 02, 2013Flashback May 1, 2012:
Rich. RT @KIRO7Seattle: PHOTO: Was one of the people who smashed windows at Niketown wearing Nike shoes? #seamayday—
Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) May 01, 2012And fast forward to May 1, 2013:
Guy holding a rock (clearly intending to throw it) while wearing a peace sign shirt. #Seamaydayprotests—
Mary Dreves (@Marydreves) May 02, 2013NWCN anchor” They say they’re protesting capitalism all while wearing Northface jackets and brand-name sneakers.” Love him #seattle #MayDay—
Teresa Graves (@MGoesler) May 02, 2013Love Seattle Protesters, claims to be anti-capitalist yet protesters are wearing $200 Shoes & $300 Backpacks, yep they believe in the cause—
Jeffrey W. Roach (@jnjroach) May 02, 2013May Day Seattle Hippies ” Get your capitalist cameras out if our face” … as they are recording the march on their own Iphone #Facepalm—
Jason Knox (@KNOXTOX) May 02, 2013
Overly pampered jerks. The parents should be proud.
THAT’S their fun outing, yell, destroy make noise, ignorant creeps,
not good for a COUNTRY,
is that what they learn in school?
self center shameless little punk out to no good.
give them a job washing dishes in restaurants,
@ilovebeeswarzone: No — I prefer that the dishes my food is served on in a restaurant are properly washed.
you are to demanding, of those youngs,
It is to partially fund these types that Obama insisted ObamaCare cover ”children” up to age 26.
What do you do after you finish school if you are so infanticized that you still live at home for free?
Have tantrums when anyone threatens to pull you off your teat, mama’s or nanny gov’s.
The Occupiers and these May Day “commies” have nothing better to do.
“Rebels without a Clue” 😉
I feel for the POLICE OFFICERS they work hard in there
and many get hurt by those creeps,
who don’t care and attack them.
I suppose they should have been wearing clothes handmade from homespun cloth, and shoes made by the local village cobbler.
they should have the boots of the OFFICERS in their BUTT each one of them
so they wouldn’t be able to sit down for a few months,
they are able to afford the shoes, they are double stupids kids to get in a rally of ANARCHIST,
they knew there would be fight they where there to start it.
their rights stoped when they attack the POLICE. who represent the law,