Tristan Justice @ The Federalist:
On Sunday, Florida Democratic Rep. Donna Shalala demanded Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis shut down the state again to break the coronavirus cases increase making its way through the population.
“We need to close down again,” Shalala said on ABC’s “This Week,” criticizing the state’s Republican leadership for reopening what she condemned as “too soon.” “I said four months ago if we don’t do this right we’re going to have to close down again. That’s our worst nightmare and we’re going to have to do that in Florida.”
Cases in Florida are indeed rising. On Saturday, the state reported 12,523 new infections in the fifth consecutive day of more than 10,000 cases. The death toll too has risen, but not as much as one might expect.
While Florida surpassed 5,000 COVID deaths this week, its fatality rate remains remarkably low considering its cases, particularly when compared to New York where Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo stuffed infected patients into nursing homes even though older people have proven more vulnerable to the virus. Florida has suffered approximately 231 deaths per million. In contrast, New York’s rate is about 1,675 per million.
The same story is playing out nationwide, where cases have gone up as the government ramps up testing capacity while the death rate barely budges, suggesting the virus is getting weaker as it spreads.
This won’t stop Democratic lawmakers from pursuing a second wave of lockdowns, however. California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom already issued another major stay-home order last week affecting millions in the state. According to The New York Times, nearly half the country is following suit, with at least 21 states either pausing or reversing their reopenings.
Even while claiming to reopen in New York, Cuomo is slapping on unnecessary restrictions such as mandating customers order food with alcohol at bars and restaurants, because forcing people to eat has everything to do with coronavirus.
In Michigan, Democratic governor and top-tier candidate in the presidential veepstakes Gretchen Whitmer extended her state’s emergency declaration for the third time through Aug. 12 and issued a mask mandate last week threatening non-compliant residents with a $500 fine.
“The heroes on the front lines of this crisis have gone hours without taking their masks off every day, doctors, nurses, child care workers, grocery store workers. We owe it to them to wear our masks when we’re on a trip to the grocery store or pharmacy,” Whitmer said. “For the sake of your loved ones, let’s all mask up.”
The Michigan Retailers Association however, said Whitmer’s order were “impossible” to enforce because of vague exemptions included in the mandatory guidance.
“Determining the validity of an ambiguous exemption is an impossible task for a retailer,” the group said in response to the order. “And now, even retailers acting in good faith could be subject to severe licensing sanctions based on the actions of non-compliant customers.”
Recent events are only the beginning of a new second wave of lockdowns despite the absence of a second wave of viral fatalities, the latter of which is cause to celebrate, the former which is a dangerous slope.
Earlier this year, the nationwide campaign of “14 days to slow the spread” quickly morphed into “lock everybody up until there’s a vaccine.” Even as good news comes on the vaccine front this month, there is no certainty the world will see an effective vaccine before the end of the year, and there is even less that millions of doses will be available in that time.
Meanwhile, Democrats’ incentives for reimposing lockdowns are clear no matter the costs. With just more than 100 days until the election, Democrats can cite rising cases as ample reason to issue fresh shutdown orders in the name of “public health,” even as the lockdowns became worse than the cure.
Democrats need confined to their homes for rest of the Year
But no effort to stop out of control violent riots committed by masses of non-social distancing anarchists. Because they are so sanitary and clean.
So today we learn that Trump, who ridicules the usefulness of COVID-19 testing, is himself tested multiple times daily…
July 21, 2020 – White House: Trump sometimes tested for coronavirus more than once a day
The White House might want to consider adding a laugh track to Kayleigh McEnany’s press conferences. Everyone in the room remembers what was actually said in the recent past, as their job is to listen, record, and report it.
@Deplorable Me:
according to nyc mayor dumblasia only rioters will be allowed to assemble and muslim temples.
@Greg: Are you addicted to lies? He didn’t “ridicule” testing, he rightly pointed out that with less testing, we would have far fewer cases. Duh.
Yes, he did indeed make that astonishingly simple-minded assertion, and on multiple occasions.
He’s beginning to pivot so quickly in response to polls that he’s in danger of running into himself. He’s consistently inconsistent. His spin doctors then refer back to whichever contradictory position is best suited to the demands of the current moment.
@Greg: Pretty soon he’ll be a Democrat, then?
No one beats the left when it comes to lies and misinformation.
July 21, 2020 – What Could Happen if Donald Trump Rejects Electoral Defeat?
Gore won the popular vote election by around 500,000 votes; Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million. Hopefully the electoral college and popular votes this November will coincide, leaving no room for claims that the results are in any way invalid. In Trump’s case, nothing can be presupposed.
@Greg: I remember the same shit went around about Barry not leaving declaring martial law ect… Instead he just spied and organized an attempted coup that goes on to this day.
I wonder if they’re also giving Donald cognitive evaluation tests multiple times daily…
I guess it would then be acceptable to launch multiple investigations upon Biden, commence government spying of his campaign and transition team, leak false rumors about treachery, incite political violence and begin working on impeachment. After all, that’s what the Democrats did.
Maybe you leftists should worry about real life and not create your own lies to get yourselves all worked up over. We’re all still waiting for you and Hillary to accept the lawful outcome of the 2016 election.
Trump demonstrates his cognitive acuity. You should be worrying about Biden.
His brain is clearly running on fumes. NO WAY the Democrats will allow him to debate Trump.
What happens when everyone wears masks and the virus isnt defeated, well they will finally admit that most of the population in Wuhan China wore masks for the toxic pollution yet the virus spread freely. Then its back to safer at home til the mandatory vaxx, which after paying pharma billions we will get “for free”, Dont think you can sue big pharma for the adverse side effects short or long term.. Finally they will stop screeching for massive testing, and people that die wont all be counted as Kung Flu victims. They will have died from complications of why they went to the hospital. That also may be when they stop paying extra for a covid patient.
In the Fall, Democrats will lose elections again, too.
Look it up, Greg.
Al Gore, who manned up and made a terrific concession speech, watched as he LOST every single recount he insisted on.
In FLA he lost every recount.
As long as we have the Electoral College protecting smaller states from large states there is likely going to be a discrepancy between the “popular” vote (irrelevant) and the votes cast by the Electors (totally relevant.)
@Nan G, #14:
I did look it up. All sources I found—including Encyclopedia Britannica—report that in the final recount Gore won the popular election by a margin of 500,000 votes. That just came too late.
The initial count and subsequent recount of ballots in Florida were done by machine, which was discovered to be producing inaccurate results because of a physical fault with some of the punched ballots. (The machines were frequently attributing votes clearly cast for Al Gore to an Independent candidate.) A manual recount was therefore ordered. It was already underway when the Florida Supreme Court ruled on December 12th by a split decision that the machine recount had to be accepted because the manual recount would not be completed before December 18, the deadline for officially reporting election results. The suspect results therefore became final. The court-ordered manual recount was not stopped, however.
Upon completion, it was found that Gore had actually won the national popular election by a margin of over 500,000 votes. It was the erroneous Florida popular count which gave Bush the 271 Electoral College votes that won him the election.