In Britain, praying in public can be a crime. It depends on your religion

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Looks like their back to persecuting Christinas again how soon will they be throwing them to the Lions?

They tried that it didnt work, now they just flood your country with sub normal intelligent, violent invaders that drain the system, gimmiegrants. Sweden it seems is finally catching on.

No doubt, they would love to suppress Islamic worship as well, since all religion competes with the State for worship. But, Islamists react a bit differently than Christians to interference with their worship.

One article about the woman praying noted that the police first ASKED her if she was praying.
They couldn’t tell by simply watching her!
THEN, when she said she had been, they arrested her for hurting the feelies of some snowflake.
Meanwhile Muslims use prayer in public as a threat that the gov’t better
GIVE them another mosque ….. or else.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. This is the utopia planned by the left. BOHICA