“I’m old enough to remember Most of the Right predicting COVID danger would magically end 20 Jan 2021… Prediction looking solid”

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Time to try to make Biden look good by opening Trump’s economy back up. Then, tax and regulate it back to the Obama Age.

Biden will inherit existing problems that are even worse than those that were waiting for Barack Obama when he first took office. The pandemic and botched vaccine roll-out is the most immediate. 389 thousand U.S. residents have died COVID-19 since the beginning of 2020. We’ll be lucky not to lose another 100 thousand over the next few months.

To put that into perspective, the total could soon exceed the number of American military personnel who died during the Second World War. It has already eclipsed the total number of U.S. Army soldiers who died during the war.

@Greg: The only problems Biden inherits have been created by Democrats. All that the economy needs is to open up. That won’t restore the thousands of businesses driven out of business by Democrat shut-downs, but the economy will pick up where it left off and continue to grow.

Until Democrat taxes and regulations kill it again.

You might not have noticed, but the pandemic and the related economic damages and business closings is not something restricted to the United States. Most of the industrial world has been similarly affected, without the assistance of the Democratic Party.

Resistance to masks and social distancing was turned into political expression by Trump and his followers. It became an expression of angry rebellion and individual choice. Consequently, the United States has had more illness and death from COVID-19 than any other nation on the planet. We have around 4 percent of the world’s total population, but have had around 20 percent of the world’s total COVID-19 deaths—quite an accomplishment for a nation that spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation.

Thanks much for that.


Biden will inherit existing problems that are even worse than those that were waiting for Barack Obama when he first took office.

Not correct. Any issues are due to Chinese incompetence/intent and Democratic opposition that made any issues worse. Dem governors botched Covid. Reps and Trump did not.

botched vaccine roll-out is the most immediate.

A laughable new hoax that has no basis. Biden has done nothing, and has no hand in the MASSIVE success of the Trump team in getting a vaccine faster than Democrats and their media lapdogs tried to make impossible.

Resistance to masks and social distancing was turned into political expression by Trump and his followers.

False. Data varies, and even Democrats that you are shilling for agree with Trump and others on lockdown harm and masks.

Consequently, the United States has had more illness and death from COVID-19 than any other nation on the planet.

Another sensationally false statement. Please use per capita and case mortality when citing covid. In real analytical terms, the US has fared better..and our vaccine development will save millions. The efforts to say otherwise are weak partisan rhetoric and easily dismissed.

We have around 4 percent of the world’s total population, but have had around 20 percent of the world’s total COVID-19 deaths—quite an accomplishment for a nation that spends more per capita on healthcare than any other nation.

False. No one, not even the WHO or UN, recognizes the numbers as they are. Deaths world-wide are far more than reported, especially from less-civillized China, the origin of the outbreak.

That said, the US has a lower than average mortality rate and per capital death rate. The weak efforts to continually cite overall death is a pathetic attempt at simple disinformation.

Trump did well against covid. It’s fact.


You might not have noticed, but the pandemic and the related economic damages and business closings is not something restricted to the United States. Most of the industrial world has been similarly affected, without the assistance of the Democratic Party.

Wait… are you suddenly spinning on your premise that Trump has caused all the deaths and economic downturn?

When the economy opened up this summer, it EXPLODED with 31% growth. Democrats panicked and shut the economy back down wherever they could. Trump built a great economy; it’s the Democrat’s to destroy. They will also have to deal with the left wing terrorist violent monster they created. Had they been more open to deploying troops when necessary during the summer, it wouldn’t still be a problem, but BLM/ANTIFA are still rioting in NYC, Seattle and Portland. As soon as Biden starts handing out paybacks and they don’t get their Marxism, there’ll be more violence. Also, any violence from the right as a result of not addressing the election fraud accusations will be their fault as well.

Biden doesn’t have an Israeli/Arab problem, unless he makes one. He doesn’t have an Iranian problem unless he makes one. He will have to show N. Korea he’s as formidable as Trump or he’ll have problems there as well. Russia will be testing him. China, of course, is allied with him; they’ll take total advantage of him.

Biden brings all the problems with him. By no measure is he capable of handling a single one. He is a proven idiot.

Resistance to masks and social distancing was turned into political expression by Trump and his followers.

And why was that? Because Democrats pushing that bullshit wouldn’t respect it themselves. They made it clear they didn’t think it was necessary, why should anyone else be burdened with it?

Consequently, the United States has had more illness and death from COVID-19 than any other nation on the planet.

Nope. Wrong. First, you don’t have any data from Russia, China, N. Korea or Iran. Second, the data of COVID deaths have been intentionally inflated. Not even HALF that have died of the virus.

@Deplorable Me: Deplorable Me “Biden brings all the problems with him. By no measure is he capable of handling a single one. He is a proven idiot.” Gee, I don’t know. From top to bottom the rankings are 1. Normal, 2 . Idiot 3. Imbecile 4. Moron. The way I see it, Biden has to go up at least to the 3rd level to be rated as an Idiot. He’s just below the Moron stage now.