Katya Sedgwick:
Democratic presidential front-runner Bernie Sanders likes to market himself as a wise old man who just happens to have clown hair but is right about everything, such as the War in Iraq. Yet his opposition to the Iraq War was dictated not by cool-headed geopolitical calculations, but the lifelong habit of romancing American enemies — as is typical for communism-lovers.
The recently surfaced press conference Sanders gave following his return from his honeymoon in Yaroslavl, USSR, is a great example of leftist naïveté about totalitarian regimes. For Bernie to fawn over Soviet culture the way he did indicates a staggering degree of incuriosity. I was only 15 and growing up in Kharkiv, now Ukraine, when the couple visited the USSR, and I’m not impressed when I watch Sanders sing Moscow’s praises.
Start with the metro. Sanders said at the time, “The stations themselves were very beautiful, including many works of art, chandeliers that were beautiful. It was a very, very effective system.”
It’s slightly creepy that Joseph Stalin initiated the tradition of building chthonian palaces underneath Soviet cities. The stations are beautiful, no doubt, but effectiveness is a whole different matter. Coverage was so-so, and the rush hour commute was a nightmare, so Sanders’ classification of the stations as “effective” is puzzling. People stuffed into trains like sardines.
More at The Federalist
What world do you live in that you think like this?
Yes, it’s still called COMMUNISM. It’s still horrible and wrong.
Not sure if you are a troll for Soros, but I assure you…people of moral integrity will resist fools like you who don’t understand the genocide you’re inviting.
Get some education, or get out in the street and just say what you are.
@Nathan Blue: If the DNC endorsed genocide people like Greg would spread the excuses for it he would be provided. He (and the others) have proven this repeatedly. He has supported death threats against children for wearing MAGA caps, supports killing babies up to and beyond the moment of birth, open borders, illegal immigrants over citizens and punishing lawful gun owners for what criminals do. What ever the DNC (and Soros) commands.
@Deplorable Me: I think he’s a russian bot. They just post to create discord. Most of what he says, if you read carefully, aren’t things that someone would actually say or believe. It’s more like things you’d say just to incite.
Still…it’s scary.
I like when he pretends to be a Nam Vet from Puerto Rico who’s retired. No one with life experience and/or age would ever say the b.s. this guy “greg” says.
He’s just a troll.
@Nathan Blue: What scary is the top contenders for President Joe claims 1/2 the US population killed by guns, he authored Amys bill after he was out of the congress, an you dont negotiate with a NK dictator but go to China dictator, good thing he ran out of time or the nuclear football would have been dropped on lil kim. Hes a nut! Or trolling the DNC.
Mr. Vice President, how would you deal with North Korea?
BIDEN: You don’t negotiate with a dictator, give him legitimacy without any notion whether he is going to do anything at all. You don’t do that. Look what happened. He gave this dictator — he’s a thug — legitimacy. We’ve weakened the sanctions around the world against holding us — committing people not to trade, if anything from oil to parts — that can deal with providing missile technology. And what’s happened? It’s been weakened.
I would be in Beijing, I would be calling to — I would be speaking with Xi Jinping. I would be reassigning the relationship between the Japan and South Korea, and I would make it clear, I would make it clear to China, we are going to continue to move closer to make sure that we can, in fact, prevent China — prevent North Korea from launching missiles to take them down.
BIDEN: And if we don’t — why am I stopping? No one else stops.
@Nathan Blue, #51:
The world of 21st Century reality.
Communism is something specific, not whatever someone wants to stick the label on. The fact that the label no longer accurately describes China isn’t any sort of endorsement. China still has a horribly oppressive, authoritarian committee government that is anathema to democracy and individual freedom.
@kitt: Of course, Biden would have given Un relief of all sanctions first, just as he and is idiot trainer Obama did with Iran. Trump did everything he could to entice Un to see reason and accept reality. Personally, I think Un WANTS to normalize but those around him don’t want to give up all their perks and benefits by standing down from their constant war footing.
It should be noted that Biden has NEVER been right on ANY foreign policy efforts. Getting involved in the Burisma money laundering scheme certainly doesn’t expose any insight or intelligence; just corruption.
@Greg: Communist China is…Communist. Go read.
@Nathan Blue:
Really? He told me back in the day when I read his bullshit that he was from Indiana and that his ancestors fought on both sides of the Civil War. Puerto Rico didn’t become part of this country until well after the CW ended.
@another vet: Yes I got the PR story too, add sent to a private religious school.