by Ace
Opening question: Will the remaining network dead-enders, like CNN, ABC, and Chuck Todd’s MS/NBC, finally admit the laptop is real, now that Hunter Biden admits it?
Opening answer: No of course not. They’ll play up the “Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani #hacked Hunter Biden” angle while playing dumb about the fact that this allegation confirms the laptop is real.Hunter Biden FINALLY admits infamous laptop is HIS as he sends letters to prosecutors demanding investigations into Trump allies Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani for peddling hard drive to mediaHunter Biden’s lawyers are asking the Justice Department to open a criminal inquiry into some of former President Donald Trump’s top allies over his laptop
Lawyer Abbe Lowell asked the DOJ to probe Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani’s lawyer and the owner of the Wilmington computer store
Hunter Biden never consented to having his personal information from the laptop shared, Lowell argued
Hunter Biden is going on the offense with his lawyers now asking the Justice Department to investigate former President Donald Trump’s allies, who peddled his laptop’s hard drive to media outlets in the run-up to the 2020 election.
The first son’s lawyer Abbe Lowell asked the DOJ to probe former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, campaign lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Giuliani’s lawyer and the owner of the Wilmington computer repair shop, John Paul Mac Isaac, who obtained the laptop in April 2019.
Using passages from Mac Isaac’s book, American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth, Lowell notes that Mac Isaac sent a copy of the laptop data to Giuliani’s lawyer Robert Costello who turned it over to the ex-mayor, who at the time was pushing discredited theories about the younger Biden.
‘This failed dirty political trick directly resulted in the exposure, exploitation and manipulation of Mr. Biden’s private and personal information,’ the letter said. ‘Politicians and the news media have used this unlawfully accessed, copied, distributed, and manipulated data to distort the truth and cause harm to Mr. Biden.’
The letter is the first time Hunter Biden has acknowledged it was his data that was found and distributed to members of the news media.You may wonder how Chuck Todd can possibly continue maintaining that the laptop might not be Hunter Biden’s and instead an exquisitely detailed RUSSIAN FORGERY, giving that Hunter Biden’s own lawyer is demanding that people be prosecuted for sharing his “private and personal information.”
Don’t worry — that’s why the lawyer included the word “manipulated” in his letter. He suggested that Hunter’s data was then “manipulated” to give Chuck Todd the cover to claim that while maybe the data was gotten from Hunter’s laptop, it was subsequently “manipulated,” altered, and counterfeited by RUSSIAN HACKERS.
Working with Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani, obviously.
You may wonder: Is Chuck Todd really enough of a lying degenerate partisan hack and soulless cvnt to attempt to push that new cover story?
And to that question, I can only answer with an image.
This lawsuit is being organized and funded by Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother,” the man who paid off his $2 million in outstanding tax bills… for some reason.
This “sugar brother” also lied his way on the set of the “My Son Hunter” film, to spy on the actors and filmmakers and get pretextual interviews with them.It was a scene straight out of a film noir: A glamorous Hollywood writer flies in his private jet to a small Balkan enclave posing as a documentarian to gather information on a group of actors and filmmakers in the midst of shooting a biopic about Hunter Biden.But the star of the surreal scenario that took place last fall in Serbia was Los Angeles-based lawyer Kevin Morris, a friend of Hunter’s who is now being accused of “spying” on the set of “My Son Hunter.”
The film, which is highly critical of Hunter for allegedly selling influence to foreign companies while his father, Joe, was vice president, is produced by husband-and-wife documentarians Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney.
“On set, a man named Kevin Morris arrived and told us he was working on a documentary exposing Hunter’s corruption,” a tweet from the official “My Son Hunter” site declared on Tuesday. “He told us he was a retired lawyer associated with South Park. We allowed him and his crew to interview us, cast members, and film on our set.”
In fact, Morris is a successful lawyer and big-money Democratic Party supporter who has become Hunter Biden’s newest fixer and “sugar brother,” allegedly loaning the president’s son $2 million to help pay off his overdue federal taxes. In addition to the loan, Morris, 58, has become the architect of the legal and media strategy of the president’s beleaguered son. The lawyer, who counts Chris Rock and Matthew McConaughey among his celebrity clients, is also a prolific fiction writer of two novels and a collection of short stories.Morris was also instrumental in Hunter Biden’s new transformation into an “artist” selling his “artworks.” To anonymous Chinese buyers, naturally.
Over the past two years, Morris has helped Biden, a self-taught artist, forge a deal to market his paintings, which are priced between $50,000 and $500,000 apiece. Morris has also paid Hunter’s monthly living expenses in Los Angeles, according to the New York Times. The Hollywood attorney even found a high-powered literary agent for Biden, 52, when he was writing “Beautiful Things,” a 2021 memoir that chronicles his drug and alcohol addictions. Biden was so grateful for Morris’ counsel that he included him as part of “the outstanding team behind this book” on the acknowledgments page of his memoir.In fact, both Morris and Biden are represented by the same agents — Aevitas Creative Management — which looks after Morris’ own works, the novels “All Joe Knight” and “Gettysburg,” and the short story collection “White Man’s Problems.
Boy, this Democrat activist sure has an unreasonably high level of interest in moving money into Hunter Biden’s accounts.
It was Morris who tipped the media a few weeks ago that he and his “sugar brother” were plotting an “aggressive” legal strategy against the people telling the truth about Hunter Biden.
Turns out that legal strategy is begging Daddy to direct his corrupt Regime bastards to put the people telling the truth about Hunter Biden in prison.Letters were also sent by Hunter Biden’s lawyer on Wednesday to the Justice Department’s National Security Division and the IRS….The House Oversight Committee will commence hearings next week on Hunter Biden’s alleged influence peddling, and claims he cashed in on ties to his then-vice president father to rake in millions from foreign companies, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the chairman of the panel, told the National Press Club on Monday.
Ziegler, who worked as an aide to Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro and has published the laptop’s data on his Marco Polo USA website, told The Post on Wednesday that the letters were a “desperate attempt” by the Biden family to get the spotlight away from “their crimes.”
…”With respect to the letters from the president’s son pleading with his daddy’s agencies to target those who expose his blatant criminality, Kevin Morris did not get a lot of bang for his buck,” Ziegler told The Post, referencing Hunter Biden’s fixer and “sugar brother” Kevin Morris, who allegedly lent the president’s son $2 million to help pay off his overdue federal taxes and has become the architect of Hunter Biden’s legal and media strategy.Of course Hunter Biden ran to the Regime mouthpiece the Washington Post to get his spin into print.
Hunty and Kevvy are threatening to sue Tucker Carlson as well, obviously:Matt Viser @mviser
Hunter Biden’s lawyers today also sent a letter to Tucker Carlson and Fox News demanding that they correct falsehoods from his recent show, or risk a possible defamation lawsuit.The Regime Apologist Newsletter doesn’t bother reporting which statements are claimed to be “falsehoods,” almost certainly because they don’t want to alert their plunging readership to the allegations against Hunter Biden at all.
But this bit of Regime Apologism by Nazi scion and Regime Narrative Enforcement Hauptmann Glenn Kessler may provide a clue.
When the accusation that the laptop was “Russian disinformation,” first came out, an honest Hunter Biden would have chirped up, “No, it’s really MY laptop!”
But he didn’t.
He waited until all the dominos are falling to make his admission.
Anyway, once Hunter left the laptop past the date of “pay or forefit,” he no longer “owns,” the laptop.
The computer repairman does.
Whether the laptop is Biden’s isn’t the question. The question is whether its files were altered before it mysteriously turned up in the hands of Rudy Giuliani.
Given all the illegal bullshit Trump operatives were up to, a person would have to be crazy not to wonder.
Most people try to hide their ignorance and stupidity but well, I have to admit, Comrade Greggie, for the last few days you have been on a roll going out of your way to show what an idiot you are.
Rudy Giuliani never had the “computer.” But you just had to show what a f*cking moron you are, didn’t you?
Greg, mysteriously turned up in the hands of Rudy Giuliani. Mysteriously… like no one knows how he got the copy of the hard drive, after Bill Bar had their copy get buried at the FBI.
From a source the villiage idiot might trust,
Question is how are all the alterations identical on every copy?
You’re actually thinking the Snopes’ analysis endorses credibility of the story? They’ve laid out the reasons why so much of it remains in question.
And the “smoking gun” message? Joe Biden and his son’s business associates had dinner together in a Georgetown restaurant? How shocking.
You had no problem when Michael Flynn, the undisclosed employee of a couple of foreign governments, shared a dinner table with Vladimir Putin. Among other things. The depths of the hypocrisy and blindness to double standards is mind-boggling.
More and more people are waking up to the reality in America: we are no longer a Republic, and our Federal Government has become tyrannical.
The power of the American worker and the power of the American gun-owner will essentially kept this madness contained in the DC offices of idiots like AOC, disgraced Omar, and our first installed Puppet Dictator, former-VP Joe Biden.
They don’t have any real power and they know it.
Normal Americans are getting after it, working hard, raising LGBT-free families, and raising kids who will be responsible with their bodies and grow our demographics.
Everything else this fraud regime is doing is just noise compared to that.
Wait… did idiot Biden LIE about having any knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings?
Well, has the FBI released any comparison of the files on THEIR hard drive with what has been released to the public, revealing discrepancies? No?
Well, case closed. Idiot Biden and the Biden Crime Family need to be publicly arrested and shackled.
Was this photo taken after Hunter lost his arm to a shark?
When greg knows he’s lost the argument… ^^^
Nah, that’s just Hunter in his Ukrainian/energy/international finance expert outfit. Doesn’t that look like someone that every corporation would want on their board?
I think I see the actual justification for the 87,000 IRS agents; they are needed to track down all of Hunter’s clients and see if they dutifully claimed all the money he paid them for sex and drugs on their tax returns. This could lead to millions in recovered tax revenue.
Let’s see Hunter’s IRS returns. Did he claim the $2 million to pay his back taxes as income? Did he claim the expenses Morris paid as income?
Why wasn’t this “investigated” when the stories first surfaced? If they are false now, weren’t they false then as well? No, this an attempt to intimidate anyone reporting or investigating facts to cease and desist.
If idiot Biden sent the FBI to raid homes and seek out his daughter’s diary recounting her being forced to shower with Pops, why wouldn’t he order them to harass those who blew the lid off of this national security scandal? After all, the FBI is (or should be) embarrassed by the exposure of the evidence on the lap top which they have been sitting on to protect idiot Biden. The only thing holding them back is the risk of exposing and validating MORE of the scandal.
One has to be corrupt one’s self to continue to support this corrupt regime.
As this saga with Joe & Hunter Biden continues to play out, look for two names to surface. Igor Komoisky and PrivatBank.
1) Igor Komoisky — he is a Ukrainian Oligarch that had a controlling interest in Burisma, the company paying Hunter Biden $50K a month to sit on its Board. 2015 emails show his protegee is the one who met with Joe Biden.
2) PrivatBank – was owned by Komoisky and was the entity paying Hunter Biden. If you recall, the Treasury Department has said they will not release financial records pertaining to Joe Biden. Is that because it will connect him, Igor Komoisky, and PrivatBank?
Komoisky has been banned from entering the United States and was recently raided by Zelensky, which is odd considering that he and Zelensky are very good friends. In fact, Komoisky used to fund the television station Zelensky performed his comedy show on.
Why are they so concerned about Komoisky?