How Long Will The Media Bury The Biden Assault Story?

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In the span of a week, and no thanks to the mainstream press, the accusation by Tara Reade that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in the mid-1990s gained infinitely more credibility than any of the accusations lodged against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

There are now four people who say that Reade told them about Biden’s assault around the time it happened in 1993. And a tape of “Larry King Live,” during which Reade’s mother apparently phoned in to talk about the abuse, has emerged.

The story Reade tells is that while working in Biden’s Senate office, she was told to deliver a duffel bag to the once and future presidential hopeful. She says Biden pushed her up against a wall, reached under her skirt, and violated her with his fingers. And that, when she resisted, Biden said, “Aw man, I heard you liked me,” and then, “You’re OK, you’re fine.”

Reade says she complained to her supervisors and then filed a complaint with the Senate’s human resources office.

We’re not talking about some hazy, half-remembered, and completely uncorroborated story about drunken high school hijinks that Democrats hoped would derail Kavanaugh’s nomination, and led to wall-to-wall coverage by the press.

Whether Reade’s story holds up to close scrutiny is far from certain. But it certainly deserves more scrutiny than it’s gotten. At least as much as the press gave a Supreme Court nominee. Biden, after all, wants to be the leader of the free world. And his party has repeatedly set the standard of proof for such accusations at the “believe all women” level.

What’s more, unlike Kavanaugh, Biden has a reputation for creepily and inappropriately touching women in public. In fact, last year seven women came forward accusing Biden of kissing, or hugging or otherwise touching them in ways that made them squirm.

Just as important, Reade doesn’t have an ideological ax to grind against her alleged assailant. She’s a liberal Democrat who presumably cannot fathom the thought of a second Trump term.

As is usually the case when a scandal involves a Democrat, the press did a perfunctory “investigation” after the accusations emerged, and quickly concluded that Reade’s story wasn’t entirely credible because she’d provided different accounts and because other Biden staffers don’t recall her complaining.

But it wasn’t long after the New York Times concluded its “investigation” that the Larry King video appeared. On it, Reade’s mother asks “what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there, after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.”

As Ryan Grim, former D.C. bureau chief for the leftist Huffington Post who’s now with the Intercept, put it, the King tape “calls into question the credibility of Biden’s denial.”

Subsequent to that, two more people came forward to claim that Reade had provided contemporaneous accounts.

The mainstream press has so far ignored these latest developments.

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joe is not only a pediphile but a psychopathic sexual predator. the media is only interested in a vested promotion of their own careers. these dumbass activists take their marching order from their managers who take their orders from the dnc, and deep state communists. in America, these dick head cowards cower under the ubbrella the First Amendment. in any other country, the state would have silenced idiots like colbert, idiot joe and his dumb looking wife who sits there like a pimple on his ass and others.

Just as long as they want to their not about to tell the American People that Biden a a Sex Fiend just like Bill Clinton

@Spurwing Plover:

both are cut from same material. jfk was a bigger whore dog than billy. fdr dies in his girlfriends bed, well his wife was a lesbian.

The left is even hypocritical about their hypocrisy. Big, fat tax-evader Stacy Abrams cites a NYT “investigation” that “clears” Biden but fails to acknowledge these are the same people that STILL consider Christine Ford credible and Kavanaugh guilty without one shred of evidence or corroboration and AMPLE proof of lies.

How Long Will The Media Bury The Biden Assault Story?

About the same length of time it took people to get over Bill Clinton’s sex with Monica Lewinsky.
About the same length of time it took people to get over Ted Kennedy’s little Chappaquiddick problem.
About the same length of time it took people to get over Trump’s dalliance with a prostitute or divorcing his dying wife.
About the same length of time it took people to get over SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh’s long-ago sex-and-alcohol binges.
About the same length of time it took people to get over Clarence Thomas’s “affair” with Anita Hill.

Just MAYBE the media is finally refusing to go along with morals-based character assassination when the alleged “crime” is decades old, having been shown over and over again that out society DOESN’T frown on a bit of grab-ass, not to mention the occasional oval office BJ.

You might try to argue that Republicans are all angels and Democrats are all demons, but the truth is quite in the middle of those two extremes. It is politically convenient to scream bloody murder over past indiscretions real or invented, but the American public simply doesn’t care. They KNOW that Trump’s hush money payment to Stormy Daniels doesn’t affect the job he does.

@George Wells:

little Chappaquiddick problem

A girl died. Someone’s daughter. Yet you worry about Ted Kennedy’s “problem”. Yeah, there’s your typical Democrat rationale

About the same length of time it took people to get over Trump’s dalliance with a prostitute or divorcing his dying wife.

What prostitute? What ex-wife died?

About the same length of time it took people to get over SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh’s long-ago sex-and-alcohol binges.

How LONG before all the gullible morons that believed the PROVEN baseless accusations, every one of which were disproved, will stop believing the lies and begin accepting the truth, which is that Democrats, led by Feinstein, concocted the entire story with a willing useful idiot to make false accusations in exchange for over a $1,000,000 GoFundMe payoff? I don’t reckon YOU would have an answer for that one.

About the same length of time it took people to get over Clarence Thomas’s “affair” with Anita Hill.

I guess you think that is pretty easy to sell… Justice Thomas being black and all. That’s how “they” all are, isn’t it?

This isn’t about “morality”, it’s about consistency and hypocrisy. You just proved it. You gloss over (or try to) Democrat cases while citing Republican cases that are proven false and political. There’s the problem; you Democrats regard the abuse of women as nothing but a political gambit. It’s a weapon to use when nothing else works. Kavanaugh was probably the most brazen and disgusting example; even after it was investigated and totally disproved. Even Ford’s “supporting witnesses” didn’t support her accusations. But here you are… still promoting the lies. LIES and false accusations that threatened his family and career was Kavanaugh’s “little problem”, thanks to Feinstein.

But the issue here with Biden is to get Democrats to either accept responsibility and pay the price for the monster they created or admit to their past crimes and that a person IS actually innocent until proven guilty and sex crimes accusations are not a political weapon.

By the way, Stormy and her attorney admitted there was never any sex. But, that’s just facts and stuff… nothing you or any other Democrat would be interested in.

@Deplorable Me:

Nobody cares. That was my point. None of the people I listed were ruined, even when they were caught blue-dress-cum-stained. YOUR morally indignant goal posts were moved long ago by the rest of the nation.

I neither accused nor vindicated ANY of the listed persons. I just observed that none of them suffered anything more than a momentary embarrassment over the accusations, true OR false. What sort of rhetorical shell-game is it when you focus on an irrelevant detail and ignore the crux of the matter, because that’s what you did yet AGAIN.

Just so you don’t get distracted by my capitalization of the word “AGAIN,” I will repeat myself: IT DOESN’T MATTER. NOBODY CARES.

@George Wells:

Nobody cares. That was my point. None of the people I listed were ruined,

Uh… Mary Jo Kopechne was pretty effectively ruined, being left to SUFFOCATE in Teddy’s car. But, folks like you never cared.

Again, what I said was I only care about the Democrat’s abuse of women as political weapons. Those abused should get their day in court and then justice will take its course, but the Democrat’s use of false allegations to serve as an alternative to elections should be denounce and their CURRENT hypocrisy should be addressed as well.

You can only see things from a liberal perspective, which is often grossly skewed.

I neither accused nor vindicated ANY of the listed persons.

You cited them as facts. And, in the case of Trump, Kavanaugh and Thomas, they weren’t. Want to be taken seriously? Try maintaining your credibility instead of wrecking it.

@Deplorable Me:

You cited them as facts. And, in the case of Trump, Kavanaugh and Thomas, they weren’t.

The facts I cited were that NONE of the listed people were ruined by their so-called scandals. I did not address the truth or falseness of any of the charges. Neither did I mention Kopechne because she was not the subject of any scandal, she was the object of one. The two are not the same things.

I gave you a closed-ended list, not an open-ended one, and my predicate was a true statement – that none of the listed names were ruined as a result of their respective scandals. Are you having trouble following this simple narrative?

@George Wells: Do you ever consider the personal hell people like Kavanaugh and his family were needlessly put through? Does the fact that Ford was caught lying numerous times in her testimony, her “friendly” witnesses would not corroborate any of her accusations and all the other accusations were proven false constitute egregious and despicable behavior that shouldn’t just be blown off? But, no harm done, right? Sure, the entire Democrat party, including their media lap dogs, attacked a totally innocent man with baseless lies, but he lived through it so… what? Give Biden a pass? Aside from grasping at some of the most ridiculous straws I have ever seen to defend a babbling idiot, what IS your logic?

@Deplorable Me:
I said that the voters don’t care. They didn’t care about Monica Lewinsky’s cum-speckled blue dress, they didn’t care about Kavanaugh’s family, and they don’t care about anything a woman or women accuse Biden of. Politically, that’s what matters. That logic is pretty simple. I agree that those facts place little value on the testimony of women, but that isn’t my problem. Get all red in the face over this if it helps keep your blood pressure where it should be, but mine is fine without wasted anger.

@George Wells:

I said that the voters don’t care. They didn’t care about Monica Lewinsky’s cum-speckled blue dress, they didn’t care about Kavanaugh’s family, and they don’t care about anything a woman or women accuse Biden of.

No, DEMOCRAT voters don’t care. I never really cared about Clinton’s activities except for the sheer stupidity of it. The first thought I had was of blackmail and a gigantic national security threat. I didn’t care about his morality, just his performance as President, which he himself reduced by his irresponsibility and lies.

So, no, Democrat voters didn’t care. They didn’t care about Ted having affairs and they didn’t care about manslaughter. They don’t care about Bernie declaring women like to fantasize about being raped and they don’t care about Keith Ellison beating up his girlfriend. If only they were consistent and not scumbag hypocrites about it.

Because, whenever an accusation is brought against a Republican, no matter how shaky and obviously politically motivated, they go absolutely apeshit AS IF they cared. But, no, they don’t. They just want to reap political hay. To Democrats, what happens to women is must collateral damage. They DON’T care, actually.

Funny how liberals get all analytical and rational when the accusation is aimed at a Democrat.

@Deplorable Me:

I can pretty much agree with what you said above, although you paint with too broad a brush. “MOST” would have been better than leaving no quantifier, since saying “Democrats XXX” could mean anywhere from “one” to “some” to “most” to “all” Democrats, and that’s overly general. I’d also suggest that the same sort of indifference can be found in more than a few Republicans, but that argument isn’t worth getting tangled up in. Whatever makes you feel good.

Here’s one detail I WOULD like to follow up on, however.

Bernie declaring women like to fantasize about being raped

I’ve read enough accounts by women as well as men (!) who self-admit to having fantasies centered on rape to appreciate that for some people, pain, violence and domination are important parts of their sexual fantasies. Perhaps Bernie should have said “SOME women” (I’m not familiar with your quote), but out of context, your quote would seem to be accurate, and I’d rather not interfere with Bernie’s free speech for the sake of censoring the truth.

@George Wells: Well, I have yet to see the Democrat holding Biden to the same standard as they held Kavanaugh and Trump to. The closest to that would be die-hard Bernie supporters that (though they don’t care about Bernie’s women-like-to-be-raped stupidity) that are still pouting about the DNC driving Bernie out of the race. Overall, where ARE the Democrats that will hold Biden accountable or, at the very least, finally admit that believing any and all accusations that cannot provide at lease ONE verifiable supporting fact is not really fair to anyone.

@Deplorable Me:

Well, I have yet to see the Democrat holding Biden to the same standard as they held Kavanaugh and Trump to.

What standards were they held to? In both cases, their alleged sexual misconduct proved to be totally irrelevant.

@Deplorable Me:
When I was in the Navy, my last command in Norfolk sent us all around the World on what they called “independent duty.” Two sailors were unmarried, the rest otherwise. What I found remarkable was that EVERY married sailor, EVERY married chief and EVERY married officer had “girlfriends” (with benefits) in just about every port that we regularly visited. EVERY one of them! Not a faithful husband among them! I became convinced that infidelity and sexual promiscuity are fundamental aspects of the human condition. While I have softened that view somewhat as I have aged, I have not abandoned it altogether, for I have seen so much mischief in so many quarters that believing anyone is without sin in this regard is impossible.

I bring this perspective to any discussion about sexual conduct. Excepting for the most egregious crimes, I am unable to sit in holier-than-thou judgement of my fellow man. I will happily proclaim a particular behavior to be embarrassing, or uncivil, or disrespectful, of some other aspect of distasteful, but I can find little that is criminal in a general class of conduct that seems to be ubiquitous among all people.

@George Wells: Well, what a wonderful story. Tell it again!!

Did any of these people sexually assault any women while preaching that women should be respected and their accusations believed without question or evidence?

@Deplorable Me:
Every one of them went to Christian Churches of varying denomination, but your use of the word “preach” does not fit my understanding of that word’s definition.

@Deplorable Me:

Well, what a wonderful story. Tell it again!!

So, is George telling us he was a corpsman who served at least 10 years in the Navy? Is he telling us that he questioned each, and every other sailor he was stationed with? And each, and every one of them told him about their sex lives and their chosen faith? No Jews? No atheists? Wow, that’s really a story. Right up there with Jack and The Bean Stalk.

His comeback to me ought to be a doozy.

@George Wells: As I said before, I never commented on the morality of the situation, only the Democrat hypocrisy. Can you tell me how many were in each denomination? I’m really interested.

None of your details of my enlistment are accurate. If you searched for me, you found the wrong George Wells. As for knowing what my fellow servicemen were up to, everybody brags sooner or later, and everybody sooner or later knows all the gory details. I’m guessing you never spent any time in the company of squids, or you’d know how they are.

@Deplorable Me:

Can you tell me how many were in each denomination?

I know for a fact that none were Jewish. For some reason, that was an important question, though I can’t imagine why. One was Mormon. Most were from the South, and I would suspect that they tended to be Southern Baptist, but I never asked. We talked about GOD a lot, Jesus less, and I didn’t pursue the tenants of specific denominations because I wasn’t interested. I’m still not. My faith is my own non-denominational take on everything that exists and everything that doesn’t, and I don’t need other people’s help in figuring out the details of it all. Oh, and Kelley said he was a Methodist, so I’d bother him about what his favorite “method” was. Hey, I was young. And I know that you don’t believe a word of anything I say, so why ask?

@George Wells:

You said:

When I was in the Navy, my last command in Norfolk sent us all around the World on what they called “independent duty.”

You got caught in a lie.

So says someone who was a squid from the Dennis J. Buckley to the Enterprise.

End of story.

Carry on with your lies to those who actually believe you.


I was attached to FLEET ELECTRONIC WARFARE SUPPORT GROUP, NAVAL AIR STATION, NORFOLK VIRGINIA. We were sent on independent duty regularly, on which we installed, operated and retrieved equipment that was used to produce the electronic signatures of enemy air and sea craft. This service was essential to the training mission of the fleet. The captain of FEWSG was known as “Com Orange,” a reference to our “enemy” status in exercises without using the word “RED.”

You might want to pass this info along to your uninformed “friend,” as he evidently isn’t familiar with all aspects of Naval Ops. Being stationed on a few ships doesn’t teach you everything there is to know about the USN.

Do you own a dog? Next time ask him. You can’t do any worse.

@George Wells:

OK, I’m willing to cut you some slack. Perhaps your mental agility is just not what it used to be, or your memory is fading. I suspect you meant “TDY” instead of “independent duty.” Why don’t you tell me what ship(s) you were on then?

You might want to pass this info along to your uninformed “friend,” as he evidently isn’t familiar with all aspects of Naval Ops.

One thing I do know; you would have had to call the person you refer to as my “friend” SIR who was stationed at Point Mugu. Ooops. Also, I do know you have a nasty habit of being, shall I say, less than honest.



suspect you meant “TDY” instead of “independent duty.” Why don’t you tell me what ship(s) you were on then?

First, when my tour at Naval Air Station, Keflavik, Iceland was coming to an end, my Captain called me into his office and told me that he was putting me in for what HE called “independent duty.” He showed me the recommendation he had written that described how proficient, dependable and motivated I was, a kindness that left an indelible mark on me personally. I can’t remember his name. I went to my next duty assignment after a two week vacation (I remember that) and that was the FEWSG spot. I remember that every time I was sent to Honolulu or Puerto Rico (Roosevelt Roads) or Oxnard (I think it was an air station) California, or Jacksonville or San Diego or Vancouver, BC (these few places we went to many times) I flew, usually on commercial air. I wouldn’t remember which airline. The better locations – like ones in Japan or Germany – were hogged by the senior officers and chiefs.

I did the electronic repair more often than the operation, and the installation and retrieval more often than the operation. There would have been many dozens of different ships I put equipment on. Usually escort vessels, occasionally oilers, sometimes destroyers, the occasional sub, and sometimes fighter aircraft. My personal favorite piece of equipment was something called a “Digicom” that was an encrypted digital communication device that had been originally designed for the LAPD to allow them to communicate without being overheard by criminals monitoring the police bands. The Navy found it useful to use Digicoms during exercises where otherwise both sides could monitor each other’s coms because they all had the same equipment. Digicoms fit in planes and on the bridges of ships, but we also had containers (like used for transoceanic shipping) that were full of electronic countermeasures, and these were welded onto ships’ decks. Older ships were used for this reason.

Now, please remember, this was fifty years ago. I long ago discarded every shred of paper from my service years, save my honorable discharge. So I have no copies of orders, and no memory of ship names. Several times, I searched the internet for ship names, hoping to find a name that sounded familiar, but nothing is left of those memories. I even contacted several of my “shipmates” from that duty, but they couldn’t remember ships either. We were only aboard any of them for a few days. Most exercises lasted a week or two, sometimes three, and after we put our equipment on the right conveyances, we holed up onshore until the exercise was over. I spent almost three weeks on Waikiki Beach one time – rented an apartment for a month, all on the Navy’s tab. It was my sweetest boondock.

If you can find anything, anywhere, that I have been dishonest about, please call my attention to it, and I’ll happily correct myself. I DO remember the term “TAD” (which at the time meant “Temporary Additional Duty.”) We didn’t use “TDY” that I recall. But thanks for that fill-in-the-blank. Now if you could just remember a few of those ship names for me… Nostalgia goes to hell when the memory’s faded.

@George Wells:

or Oxnard (I think it was an air station) California,

That would be Point Mugu, you idiot. If you can’t even remember that, why should anyone trust your memory about anything else?

my Captain called me into his office and told me that he was putting me in for what HE called “independent duty.” He showed me the recommendation he had written that described how proficient, dependable and motivated I was, a kindnes my Captain called me into his office and told me that he was putting me in for what HE called “independent duty.” He showed me the recommendation he had written that described how proficient, dependable and motivated I was, a kindness that left an indelible mark on me personally. I can’t remember his name. s that left an indelible mark on me personally. I can’t remember his name.

So a man left “an indelible mark on” you personally was so great that you can’t even remember his name? Tell that crap to someone else, Wells.

BTW, TDY is a standard Navy/Marine Corp term. It is still used today as it was when you claim to have been in the Navy. I’m not surprised you can’t remember the name of even one ship you served on. Thank goodness my “friend”, who is older than you can remember every damn one of the ships he served on, his rank when he was on them and the dates of his service dates.

Now if you could just remember a few of those ship names for me… Nostalgia goes to hell when the memory’s faded.

Not my job.
But then, if you listed the ship(s) it is very easy to find out if you ever really served on them. So there’s that.

@retire05: @retire05:

it is very easy to find out if you ever really served on them.

And here we go again. It was “INDEPENDENT DUTY.” We were Never, I REPEAT, we were NEVER attached to ship’s company. We would go aboard, and in the middle of the exercise, the ship would go to “General Quarters.” Some officer would walk by and see us sitting on the ship’s deck outside of our van, and he’d go ballistic because we weren’t standing at attention somewhere waiting for our superior officer to bark orders at us or some such nonsense. We even got marched before one of the ships’ captains once for this, and were respectfully pleased when the captain had to patiently EXPLAIN to the junior officer that we were NOT part of the ship’s company. We were visitors. Now, you tell me how in the Hell you think you could find out who had ever visited a ship without your having access to the ships original quarterdeck logs? You can’t, you silly old witch. Give it up. I’ve told you what my command was, and what it did. If you have such inside access to naval records as you suggest, go look it up yourself. Feb, 1973 to June, 1975. Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group, Naval Air Sta., Norfolk, VA. You’ll find me, and Dave Wilson, and Doug Kelly, and Chief Solt, and Christopher Koval, and Commander Knight, and Captain Dresden, and Chief Hitt, and Warrant Officer Vito Losardo, and Gary Daniels, and Lt. Bobo (yeah, that was his name.) THAT much I remember, and you can check it out if you know how. I don’t, but like you said, I’m an idiot. Like the pot calling the kettle black.

I spent six years at that silly sailor game. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I was there. You weren’t. And you call ME an idiot?

For anyone else bothering to read this nonsense, Retire05 is for reasons unknown ATTEMPTING to catch me in a lie that she cannot prove. She cannot prove it because I’ve told nothing but the truth.

Why would I bother to lie? I claim no fame, no special contribution to our nation’s security. Fifty years ago I was just a sailor doing my job, keeping away from shooting Vietnamese because, at the time, I was adverse to killing my fellow man.

I use my REAL name here. I’m proud of it for no reason other than that I served my country honorably, held a decent job and secured my life financially. I pay my taxes on time and I break no laws. I am hiding from no one. Evidently, “Retire05” is.

Found something I’m sure you care a lot about. It’s a letter from N. H. Petree, Jr., Commanding Officer, USS Basilone (DD 824) dated December 12, 1973, addressed to me.
Subject: Performance of Duty.
1. From 26 November to 13 December you were attached to and embarked in USS Basilone (DD 824) for Electronic Warfare Support operations for Atlantic Fleet Readiness Exercise 2-74.
2. and 3. While aboard Basilone you did thus and thus, long and arduous hours yada yada heavy seas yada yada your contribution was immeasurably valuable yada yada.
4. By copy of this letter your parent command will be advised of the top quality performance which you displayed… Well done and many thanks.
Signed as above.

I must thank you for inspiring me to locate this letter, as I had believed that I had tossed all of my military records. It is especially heartwarming to discover that the one ship that I still (now) know of having visited was named for an especially courageous Navy hero who gave his life for his men. I know that now, having read a lot of naval history, but was unaware of the ship’s significance at the time I was on it. Thanks again.

And you can look this letter up in your cauldron, or send me an address and I’ll forward you a photocopy.

@George Wells:

FYI, your military records are stored. They are also public information (except for anything marked “Classified.” How do I know this?

Well, there was a gal running around my town claiming to have been a “recruiter” in the Marine Corp. Now, anyone with any Marine Corp experience knows that recruiters generally have served for more than four years, as she claimed, so I filed a FOI requesting her military records. She enlisted in the summer but didn’t start training until September, which was her “active” date. Her records show that she was a “recruit”, not a “recruiter.”

We have an active veteran’s organization here and she was being tapped to give speeches at various veteran’s events. I provided her records to a friend of mine who is a retired AF Major. When he saw them, he went ballistic. She never served her enlistment and got out using any excuse she could. She is now shunned more than a pregnant teen aged Amish. Stolen valor. That is what she was trying to do. Now, here’s the catch; I don’t give a shite about you enough to request your records.

Too bad you had a commanding officer that could only use the term “yada, yada, yada.”

But you are one insecure ass.

Looking for Shipmates

Dave Wilson, and Doug Kelly, and Chief Solt, and Christopher Koval, and Commander Knight, and Captain Dresden, and Chief Hitt, and Warrant Officer Vito Losardo, and Gary Daniels, and Lt. Bobo

Odd, none of those names appear on the ship’s past roster.

Frankly, I still think you’re full of shite. I know you are a braggart and braggarts are not opposed to padding their CVs.

I Quoted the first and fourth paragraphs, but added the yada yada’s where there was filler you wouldn’t have been interested in.
And ALL those names were FEWSG personnel, not the Basilone’s. Look how I wrote them:

Feb, 1973 to June, 1975. Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group, Naval Air Sta., Norfolk, VA. You’ll find me, and Dave Wilson, and Doug Kelly, and Chief Solt, and Christopher Koval, and Commander Knight, and Captain Dresden, and Chief Hitt, and Warrant Officer Vito Losardo, and Gary Daniels, and Lt. Bobo (yeah, that was his name.)

How COULD you confuse that with the Basilone’s personnel?
Why bother with a FOI request when I offered to send you a photocopy of an original letter from the ship’s commander?
Yeah, just like the definition of bigotry says: Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up.
Don’t you think that by now, anyone reading this understands that your objections are not only absurdly thin, they are provably wrong. You just don’t WANT to know the truth, you don’t WANT to be proven wrong.
Well, I invite ANYONE to ask me to send them a copy of ANY record they want to verify that I have told y’all NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! That way, you can learn for yourselves how desperate Retire05 is to character-assassinate someone whose honesty is clearly out of her league.

@George Wells:

I invite ANYONE to ask me to send them a copy of ANY record they want to verify that I have told y’all NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH

How arrogant and egotistical do you have to be to think anyone really gives a damn about you? Are you so insecure and lacking of friends that you have to try to impress anonymous posters on a blog? Seems so.

you can learn for yourselves how desperate Retire05 is to character-assassinate

ROTFLMAO. You assassinated your character a long time ago, like when you were here the first go-round and you did all by your wittle self with nobody’s help.

And who is this unhappy soul who has nothing better to do with her time than complain about this nobody?
No, I don’t think anybody cares… certainly none of the rabid conservatives who here insult me endlessly. Jesus taught me to turn the other cheek, and if it was good enough for him…
I find it teaches me humility, that so many of y’all shun my offer of friendship. It confirms my opinion that different life experiences aren’t nearly as valuable as some would have you believe, that they are so easy to reject.
I am sorry for you that you have nothing better to do. Maybe your lot will Improve soon.

George, you’re good at deflecting a thread from its intended subject to one of irrelevance.
Back to the STATED subject.
The Biden assault story has not, even now, been denied by Biden….unless you count his double negatives as accidents.
Joe pretends to be so stupid he has no idea how to do a word search for a name in his records
Sort of like Hillary’s “What? Like with a cloth?” when she was asked about her emails being scrubbed.
The media has become more and more compliant with the DNC recently, even to the point of burying one story after another regarding Joe Biden.
There are 7 or 8 women who currently accuse Biden of sexual impropriety.

If the Dems voters “don’t care” is it because they don’t know?
When journalists pretend they’re talking about Trump and quote a Dem, all their Lefty interviewees think the quote is AWFUL!
Then when they are told, oh that was Obama, Hillary, Biden, etc., they are speechless.
See this video for an example:

And look at it this way: If anybody IS following your silly nonsense, they will be waiting for your grand revelation of some proof that you have discovered that I have lied to you. Your failure to find such evidence proves the opposite, that I have told you the truth and that it is YOU who have lied. Failing, you will simply disappear from this thread, hoping it will die a silent death from neglect. But I won’t let that happen. You may as well stop reading my posts, so you won’t have to face the truth I speak.

@Nan G:

George, you’re good at deflecting a thread from its intended subject to one of irrelevance.

You can thank Retire05 for that. All she has posted here of late are her attacks aimed at my credibility. If I ignored her, she would announce that as an admission of guilt. I’d much rather discuss the subject of this thread, but as long as Retire05 lies about me, I will address those lies.

@George Wells:

Oh my, your new found humility is so…………………………………………….fake.

KJV 1 Cor 6:9

Add cafeteria Christian to your CV.

Good night, Sweetheart.

Tara Reade (aka Tara Reade Moulton, Alexandra Tara McCabe, Alexandra Tara Reade) has a long history of changing allegations of abuse which have been directed at a number of men and women, beginning with her own father.

The first powerful man who abused me physically and emotionally was my father. He was rich and a defense contractor but did not like children, only the process of getting them. He never shared his wealth with any of his children or family but squandered it on women he met and his own indulgences like the modern day pirate he was. But oh, how everyone wanted his attention and approval, even other men.

But read on, to get to the details of the physical and emotional abuse: She was destined to be a Great Hollywood Star, but her father advised her to study law and wouldn’t pay for acting school.

Read on through her paragraphs about her time in Hollywood and Washington DC, and then read through the RESPONSES at the bottom of the article. You might begin to wonder if her “acting career” is currently being played out in a different public spotlight.

In addition to sexual abuse allegations against Joe Biden—which have changed significantly over time, recently becoming more more graphic and serious—she has made assault allegations against her former husband, a former employer named Krystal Rojas, another female YWCA supervisor, and her former business partner, Frankie Knight.

She has a persistent delusional belief that Vladimir Putin—whom she has never met—is secretly in love with her. She publicly asserts this to be the case.

Seriously, folks… This is a delusional, attention-seeking woman with a glaringly obvious credibility problem. The only reason anyone can’t see that is because they aren’t trying very hard.

@Greg: So, the character assassination begins. She doesn’t even get a hearing.

BelieveHer? No… USE her. That’s the Democrat policy. I know I won’t have to wait long, but I can’t wait for the next time the Democrats try to use weak, flimsy, unverified and verifiable accusations against a Republican. Then, there’s this blast from the not-so-distant- past of another example of how easily Democrats can disregard a credible accusation to protect a Democrat.

@Deplorable Me, #40:

The attempted character assassination is being perpetrated against Joe Biden.

Where’s Rudy, with his Big Box of Evidence proving the claims he made against him regarding Ukraine? That was about to turn up at any moment.

May 4, 2020 – Senate rejects Joe Biden’s request to search for records on Tara Reade

The US Senate has rejected a request from Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, to search for and release any records of a 1993 complaint against him from an aide who has accused him of sexual assault.

The former vice-president gave his first TV interview on the matter on Friday, flatly denying former aide Tara Reade’s allegation that when he was a senator from Delaware he pushed her against a wall and assaulted her.

Biden also wrote to Julie Adams, the secretary of the Senate, requesting that she locate and make public any paper trail relating to a complaint Reade says she made to the Senate personnel office.

But on Monday the secretary said the Senate legal counsel had reviewed relevant laws and, based on strict confidentiality requirements, advised that “the secretary has no discretion to disclose any such information as requested in Vice-President Biden’s letter of 1 May”.

The Biden campaign responded with three questions: can the Senate disclose whether the records exist; is there anyone to whom the records could be lawfully disclosed; and can the Senate release any procedures used by the office that would have overseen a sexual harassment complaint in the 1990s…

So, Reade can claim a formal complaint was filed to bolster her story, but Biden can’t have a search made to see if that is true or not…

@Greg: Biden’s character committed suicide.

The documents are possessed by Biden in his archives, not the Senate’s.


So, Reade can claim a formal complaint was filed to bolster her story, but Biden can’t have a search made to see if that is true or not…

Biden absolutely can. He can require the University of Delaware to release his records.

@retire05: Or he could just be honest and admit what he did. If Democrats actually cared about “BelieveHer” other than how it can be weaponized, they would already have the truth. The fact that Biden lies about access to the alleged complaint indicates he is lying and is afraid of what would be uncovered.