The Washington Post appears to be transfixed on whether Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker believes President Obama is a Christian – a cryptic inquiry surely driven by the obscure belief held by some critics that the president is a Muslim.
The newspaper hit the probable 2016 Republican presidential contender with the “gotcha question” on Saturday at the winter meeting of the National Governors Association, but the transparent attempt to set up Walker resulted in some unintended consequences.
To start with, Walker turned the question back on the two Post reporters.
“To me, this is a classic example of why people hate Washington and, increasingly, dislike the press,” he said. “The things they care about don’t even remotely come close to what you’re asking about.”
Another inauspicious result is the question prompted more than one member of the “new media” to recall another politician who was somewhat ambiguous about Obama’s chosen faith — Hillary Clinton, the likely 2016 Democratic presidential nominee.
A video clip quickly surfaced of a 2008 interview on “60 Minutes,” where Clinton was asked if she believed rumors that Obama is a Muslim.
“No! No! Why would I?” Clinton replied in the interview. “There’s nothing to base that on. As far as I know.”
More at bizpacreview
There’s a small video of the US-African Summit walk-in of leaders that is interesting.
Listen carefully as Obama walks in and someone shouts “allahu akbar.”
Then watch what Obama does.
He gives a ”thumb’s up,” then that turns into an ”usbu al-shahada” – the finger of shahada, which identifies the person doing this sign as a Muslim.
As Obama lowers his arm he says, ”We’ll see.”
Then Obama looks around for who called out allahu akbar and smiles at him.
Also not the faces of those African leaders who are having problems with Muslims.
Not so approving.
Is Obama a Muslim?
I don’t think his actions show him to be a good Muslim.
Perhaps he simply leans toward that religion because of familiarity from childhood.
I doubt he could ever give up his drugs, his drink, his boyfriends, his love of sports and music.
So, he could never be a ”good” Muslim.
@Nanny G:
There are two videos of Obama giving the usbu-al-shahada at the African Leadership Conference.
Obama gives the usbu-al-shahada TWICE, not just once. The second time he mouths “allahu Akbar.”
There’s clearly a bipartisan Islamic conspiracy that’s been decades in the making.
If you could find and link to that I would love to see and hear it.
Cute, but not the same thing.
An ”usbu al-shahada” includes tucking the thumb under the middle finger so that the middle finger’s knuckle rises.
@Greg: How many decades old is Obama?