Hillary Suggests Amb. Stevens Responsible For His Own Death In Benghazi: He Was There “Of His Own Choosing”

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Safe to say yesterday’s interview with Diane Sawyer was a disaster for Pant Suits.

Via Truth Revolt:

In an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC News, Hillary Clinton appeared to put some of the blame on the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi on the late Ambassador himself.

Sawyer pointed out that Stevens had written about “never ending security threats” in his diary and Clinton interjected to remind Sawyer that Stevens was in Benghazi “of his own choosing.” […]

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Stevens just decided to go to Benghazi on his own???? For vacation???

“At least one of the reasons he was in Benghazi was to further the secretary’s wish that, that post become a permanent constituent post, and also there, because we understood that the secretary intended to visit Tripoli later in the year,” said Hicks. “We hoped that she would be able to announce to the Libyan people our establishment of a permanent constituent post in Benghazi at that time.”

Greg Hicks

Maybe she a little brain damage and cannot keep her stories right. Or she could be just trying the CYA tactic.

I’ve been wondering lately if the right is going to be so preoccupied with the possibility of another President Clinton that they’ll be blindsided by Elizabeth Warren.


The fact that Democrats even elected lying Fauxchahontas, whose claim to Native American heritage was soundly disproven by the Cherokees themselves, is proof that you can be a lying radical but if you are a Socialist who promises more free stuff, lazy Democrats are all for you.

The lack of standards and morals exhibited by Democrats no longer surprise me.

While I, on the other hand, never ceased being surprised by the extent of the political right’s capacity for delusional thinking and selective recollection.

I seem to recall being attacked for suggesting that the armed loons flocking to the Bundy ranch were dangerous extremists rather than patriots. Do you recollect that discussion?

I think I’ll trust my own judgement. I think I’ve figured out where the morals that actually matter tend to be lacking.

Gee Greg, how many people were injured or killed by the “armed loons” while they were at, or near, the Bundy ranch?

Now tell us how many utterly innocent people are injured, or killed by your beloved Government SWAT teams each year? You know, like the infant that was just recently injured, and permanently disfigured, while it slept in it’s crib.

Surely you have the mental capacity to recollect that event.

Right Greg?


I seem to recall being attacked for suggesting that the armed loons flocking to the Bundy ranch were dangerous extremists rather than patriots. Do you recollect that discussion?

Yes, I remember. And are you aware that the Bundy’s threw those two nut cases off the ranch, or did your handlers not tell you that?

Do you admit Elizabeth Warren lied about her heritage?

@retire05, #8:

I have no “handlers.” There is no “Collective.” And the point has to do with the sort of people who are attracted to and become energized by events such as the Bundy confrontation. The right’s extremist rhetoric feeds armed psychos, not only people who they hope will be motivated by anger to vote as they wish.

You’ve told them to get their guns. You’ve told them the government is their enemy, hellbent on robbing them of their freedom. Well, some of the people who are listening are believing every word of it.

Sociopathic behavior is predicated upon lies and deception. Jeff Cooper’s book “To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth” has little effect on hillary or the current administration.
Psychopathic behavior is demonstrated by the pres.

That flash bang was just an innocent squat  error. Did the child die? Notice the press dropped everything. Killing Americans has become as common as killing dogs by cops. The heat of a flash bang is about 700 degrees. The child was only 19 months old-old enough to be considered a terrorist ,traitor, and ennemy of the state.  The squat team will be given a citaton for child burning-new citation for the cops in the US “Child Burning” . Has a nice ring to it, rools off the lips better than book burning.


The right’s extremist rhetoric feeds armed psychos, not only people who they hope will be motivated by anger to vote as they wish.

And what about the left’s extremist rhetoric that created the movement OWS? That was really a bunch of people to admire, wasn’t it? Shall we talk about the radical leftist (who the lame stream media quickly labeled as “white” when he was half Asian) that just slaughtered a bunch of people because he was a brainwashed son of a Hollyweird liberal? Nah, you don’t want to talk about the left’s admirers.

You’re a joke, Greggie. Nothing more than a pawn for the liberal talking points. How sad that you have degenerated into such a useful idiot.

@retire05: Elizabeth Warren said that she supported the Occupy Wall Street protests, “I created much of the intellectual foundation for what they do.”
This alone is enough reason for many fiscally conservative Dems to vote, ”Anyone BUT Warren.”

I read that HILARY SAY IT,
i jump of outrage, to hear how far she would go to cover herself,
no honor left in the DEMOCRATS WHO WANT TO ELECT HER,

And now we have a US Major reporting that the Benghazi terrorists were using captured US state Dept cellphones to report to their terrorist higher ups on their progress attacking the US Consulate facility….and our government knew this as it was happening….yet more evidence that Obama and Hillary were lying while trying to push the ridiculous video-protest meme.

Impeachment. Now.