After she helped the OIC secure passage of U.N. resolution 16/18, “Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence, and violence against persons based on religion or belief,” Clinton promised the U.S. would take what steps it could to curb speech critical of Islam.
“And together we have begun to overcome the false divide that pits religious sensitivities against freedom of expression, and we are pursuing a new approach based on concrete steps to fight intolerance wherever it occurs,” she said in an address following the resolution’s passage.
“We also understand that, for 235 years, freedom of expression has been a universal right at the core of our democracy,” she added. “So we are focused on promoting interfaith education and collaboration, enforcing antidiscrimination laws, protecting the rights of all people to worship as they choose, and to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel they have the support to do what we abhor.”
More at the Daily Caller
No wonder she keeps avoiding taking real questions from real people.
This would be bound to come up eventually.
Like “hate crime” laws never seem to apply when the victim is white, this will certainly protect everyone but Christians… and probably Jews. See, right here…
“The resolution condemns “any advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, whether it involves the use of print, audio-visual or electronic media.””
So, unless you threaten to behead someone over their statements, those statements don’t quality and there has not been a lot of Christians beheading anyone that denigrates Christianity or Jesus Christ.