Hillary Insider Admits to Starting Birther Conspiracy, MSM Still Blames Trump

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Truth Revolt:

Donald Trump declared once and for all Friday that Barack Obama was, in fact, born in the United States, the mainstream media, and Hillary Clinton are still complaining that he peddled the conspiracy for the last five years. But another revelation on Friday confirms what Trump has said all along, that the Clinton camp started the rumors in 2008.

According to Breitbart, Clinton’s short-term 2008 campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, admitted that a campaign staffer circulated what became known as the “Birther” theory that Obama wasn’t born in the USA and therefore was ineligible to be elected president.

On Twitter, Doyle said it was a “rogue staffer” who sent out an e-mail and “was fired pretty damn quick.” Later on CNN, Doyle told Wolf Blitzer, “The campaign nor Hillary did not start the Birther movement, period, end of story there. There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe, in late 2007, I believe, in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa — I don’t recall whether they were an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an email that promoted the conspiracy.”

Trump rightly stated on Friday, “Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the Birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it. You know what I mean. President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again. Thank you very much.”

Yet, the MSM is still attacking Trump for starting the Birther movement. The Washington Post says, “Trump admits Obama was born in U.S., but falsely blames Clinton for starting rumors.” The Chicago Sun-Times ran an Associated Press story on Trumps admission but chided him for blaming Clinton’s campaign, “an assertion which is not true,” it states about “the most prominent ‘birther.’”

Injustice Watch’s James Asher, as noted by Mediate, also weighed in with a few tweets addressing this issue:

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MSNBC, Politico, Bloomberg, CNN, McClatchy and More Confirm: Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Campaign Spread ‘Birtherism’ About Barack Obama

Politico, in 2011, published a piece from two of its top reporters at the time—Ben Smith and Byron Tau, who have gone on respectively to BuzzFeed and the Wall Street Journal—specifically detailing how the Clinton campaign was behind birther rumors spreading.

Where did this idea come from? Who started it? And is there a grain of truth there?The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008. At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama.

Tau and Smith detailed in a lengthy four-page-long investigation how in April 2008, when Clinton was slipping in her battle against Obama for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, “Clinton supporters”—as they say—circulated an anonymous email chain that pushed the theory.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” the email that Clinton supporters circulated read.

Joshua Green reported in The Atlantic in August 2008, a March, 19, 2007 strategy memo from longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn that proves that the Clinton campaign itself was pushing the conspiracy theory. Penn, in the memo, advocated that Clinton target Obama’s “lack of American roots.”

Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary’s close friend and adviser, was personally pitching the story on Obama’s birthplace back in the 2008 election.


It all boiled down to Hillary’s non-answer about Obama not being a Muslim ….”as far as I know.”
In a way Obama had something to do with his birther story, too.
1. He did not correct his grandmother (in Kenya) when she called him Kenyan by birth.
2. He did not correct his publisher when their blurb on his 1st book called him a US Senator FROM Kenya.
3. He held off on making his birth certificate public for YEARS.

It doesn’t look like lying Teleprompter Don’s racist rubber/glue game is going over very well. I’ve noticed that even the more Trump friendly news anchors are calling him out for lying, calling it what it is.

He threw away the innuendos and dog whistle long ago and went full blown racist and now wants to walk it back in one or two sentences and of course, blame Hillary (all while advocating the secret service quit protecting her to “see what happens”).

Oh I’d say he’s energizing his loyal deplorables but doubt very seriously that he’s expanding his base any.

I won’t even bother asking AJ for even a single example of dog whistle, racism or anything else; all he/she traffics in is lies and false accusations. He/she has no idea that that would only gain support among his deaf, dumb, blind liberal co-conspirators, not in a venue where facts are trafficked.

I would hazard a guess that most of us here already knew the birther conspiracy originated in the Clinton campaign. So, if that is racist (I can’t imagine why, since Obama’s campaign questioned McCain’s citizenship), the original racists are the Hillary campaign workers… and Hillary. The Obama campaign had even determined both Hillary and Bill were racists… before she became the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the Presidency.

One would think the entire conspiracy would have been dispelled when the Hillary campaign came out publicly in 2008 to denounce and dispel the entire story… oh, wait. That never happened, did it? Hillary’s campaign was more than happy to allow the suspicion to continue and provide whatever meager aid the story could provide to her other foundering campaign.

No one was talking about this non story until HRC began having a bad time in the campaign. So they drag this out to distract people from her health issues. The press all fell in line and it became THE story of the day. It’s a distraction and nothing more.
Trump played the press with his short response at his new hotel and the lefties are angry he didn’t play by their rules. Too bad for them.

The facts are out there for those who care to look. Sid Blumenthal is a key player in pushing the Obama birther story for HRC back in 2008.
The 1991 introducing Obama (Kenyan) brochure is still out there as well.
All of this pre-dates Trump.


Your gibberish is being and has been debunked repeatedly but if I’ve learned anything from the rabid and unhinged right, it’s that reality has no place in your hatefest.

The rabid and unhinged right has forever and probably will forever cling to some death panel invented by Obama to round up the elderly to bring before them in front of some imaginary panel to plead their case for existence. They will likely continue to insist that Obama won both elections by voter fraud. And most have up to now, nodded in agreement to Trump’s claim Obama wasn’t born here.

The rabid and unhinged right has grown numb to reality, falling for about any nonsense their corporately owned leaders demand of them. You guys fell hook, line and sinker for some silliness about a need to “fight them there or fight them in our streets” (as if a country with no navy, army, or air force would somehow board transcontinental flights in mass proportions to fight us in our streets or better yet, that somehow providing them with fresh young men to slaughter would satisfy their blood lust so they wouldn’t come here). It’s as if the rabid and unhinged right would actually think Gilligan’s Island was a true story if their leaders said so.

And now we have the rabid and unhinged right actually saluting the likes of a con man like Trump.

It doesn’t matter that the entire world is calling out Trump’s lies on Hillary and the birther conspiracy no more than they’ll admit that the economy went crashed under GWB or that the GOP has intentionally sabotaged the economy or that trickle down economics don’t work or that maybe environmental issues have a place in conversations or that Hillary has really never said or implied she wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.

Hell, even Redman and his cohorts can’t admit that his claim that Obama put us $20 trillion in debt was absolute,y false or that Bill never said that he’d vote Hitler over Trump (even adding that my proof of it would still be dismissed) and then denied it.

Honesty has no place in the rabid and unhinged right’s world.

Hillary did not start the birther movement and Trump has elevated the conspiracy for racist and de-legitimization of Obama’s presidency. And now he wants to simply walk away from that while blaming it on Hillary. And the rabid and unhinged right is doing all it can to salute “Heil Trump”. facts and reality don’t matter. They can’t even admit that Trump must have been wrong about it for the past 8 years. And if Trump comes out today and says he has never supported or believed in the birther conspiracy in any shape or form, the rabid and unhinged right will believe that as well and back him 100%.

@Ajay42302: I see your rants are corroborated with references to facts as usual.

You could teach a class in gibberish and hate. I am only stating what I can easily look up and read. You might try it sometime. Try this one, Mcclatchy news service actually sent people to investigate the Kenyan birth rumor of Obama back in 2008. And this was done with no Donald Trump to be found.

Again I say this is a non story that does not matter and never did. It’s a typical media distraction to to take the focus off their favorite candidate during a rough period for her. cough cough.


Another narrow minded pinhead and typical liberal idiot always blmae someone or something else These people are far too gone into stupidland for any hope of recovery


You guys fell hook, line and sinker for some silliness about a need to “fight them there or fight them in our streets” (as if a country with no navy, army, or air force would somehow board transcontinental flights in mass proportions to fight us in our streets or better yet, that somehow providing them with fresh young men to slaughter would satisfy their blood lust so they wouldn’t come here).

In light of the fact that you made this statement AFTER Boston, Garland, San Bernardino, Orlando, Charleston and then the NYC and New Jersey bombing and the Minnesota knife attack occur, don’t you feel just a little bit stupid?

When will you realize your controllers are making you look entirely stupid? Not just a little bit, but a whole lot? You should rethink your approach and try to begin thinking for yourself for a change. It will take some practice, considering how long you have simply been an echo chamber for far left lies, but with some effort, I think you can turn it around. I’m pulling for your success.

Have you EVER seen the MSM in the form of the NY Times, WaPo, ABCBSNBCNN move as one in the same 24 hour period to attack a presidential candidate as they have Trump?The stories across these “news” organization were all of a piece. “Trump the birther”.

Think it might have something to do with getting Hillary’s health off the front pages? And perhaps the news that Trump is now attracting 19.1% of the black votes. The Left must have been terrified.


but doubt very seriously that he’s expanding his base any.

Strange, the polls seem to be saying his support from blacks is up to 20% and up for hispanics also. Your ‘cut and paster provider’ is not serving you very well, old out of date info. It is a known fact that Obama started the born in Kenya movement when his book was published in 1991 and was still pushing that as late as 2007. Everyone knows that.

Hell, even Redman and his cohorts

You trying to insult the indians by referring to me as Redman? Can’t get away from that bigotry can you?

@Ajay42302: 5

Your gibberish is being and has been debunked repeatedly

debunked? Debunked? That’s a liberal word meaning, ‘we don’t know what the hell they said, but if it’s not kissing Hillarys ass, it must be wrong’. Obama takes full credit for claiming to be born in Kenya, read his book from 1991 and pay attention to the cover. Then Hill’s campaign got desperate in 08 and starting pointing out what Obama had said about himself. Who has ‘debunked’ that?

agreement to Trump’s claim Obama wasn’t born here.

Trump only pointed out that Obama ‘claimed’ it.

some silliness about a need to “fight them there or fight them in our streets”

Let’s see, where was that shooting of the terrorist just this morning? Well, what do you know, it seems it was ‘in our streets’ right there in New Yawk.

It doesn’t matter that the entire world is calling out Trump’s lies on Hillary and the birther conspiracy

you sure are hung up on Obama’s story about being born in Kenya, don’t you believe Obama? He said it, accuse him of lying. Why do you label quoting Obama as a lie?

And the rabid and unhinged right

I know you didn’t pick up on this, but your ‘cut and paste provider’ used that phrase 4 times in this one comment by you. I believe you should get a new ‘cut and paste’ provider if you want to keep your No. 1 troll rating.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

It will take some practice, considering how long you have simply been an echo chamber for far left lies, but with some effort, I think you can turn it around. I’m pulling for your success.

Sorry Bill, he can only hope to get back up to last place. He’s way behind.

@Redteam (One of The Proud Deplorables): Anything would be a vast improvement on the current cowardly, stupid, lackey version.


You really need to talk to your psychiatrist about upping your meds. The extreme level of projection you put in your post is clear evidence of undertreatment of your mental illness.

You DO know that a McClatchy reporter came out, supported by a 2nd reporter in less than 24 hours, stating that in 2008 Sidney Blumenthal was aggressivrly pushing the birther meme to him and other reporters, right?

Last I heard, Blumenthal has been a Clinton dirty trickster thug for decades.

But truthfulness and dedication to facts has never been a leftist character trait.


You really need to talk to your psychiatrist about upping your meds.

No, that’s not correct. Meds are administered by how much brain you have and AJ is at the complete limit for one functioning cell.