Hillary Clinton’s Going to Keep Telling Us What Happened Whether We Like It Or Not

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illary Clinton continues lighting the town on fire with her blamethrower.

From Matt Vespa, quoting Politico:

“I go back over my own shortcomings and the mistakes we made,” Clinton writes, according to early excerpts of the book. “I take responsibility for all of them.”But, she adds, “I wasn’t just running against Donald Trump. I was up against the Russian intelligence apparatus, a misguided FBI director, and now the godforsaken Electoral College.”

In the memoir, Clinton also takes jabs at former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, her Democratic primary opponent, both of whom she faulted for causing “lasting damage” to her campaign.

So basically, Hillary would have won, if not for that meddling Constitution, and people noticing she commits a lot of crimes, and a couple of Penis People running against her.

Absent her crimes, the Constitution, and any opponents whatsoever — Her Majesty wins in a walk.

Or a stumble.

Hillary Clinton has a long list of a lot of people to blame for her loss who are not named Hillary Clinton.

While she claims that the media was out to get her — that must be the chardonnay talking and the vodka calling back “A-men!” — she wants you to know she’s a huge, huge fan of the nonpartisan hard news network CNN’s snarky anti-Trump chyrons.

Clinton held up CNN as an example for other networks in her new book, “What Happened.” …”I love it when CNN does real-time fact-checking in its on-screen chyron,” she added. “More of that, please.”

Although Hillary Clinton declared what we’d already all decided ourselves anyway– that she was finished as a political candidate — she remains determined to be a political player, #Occupying the stage for as long as it supports her girth. Meanwhile Democrats want her to just go away.

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Attila the Hen Hillary on a phone is like what you hear ona saturday morning cartoons when their on the phone a whole lot of un translatible yammering

Why didn’t she compliment CBS? After all, they created an entire drama series, “Madam Secretary” to divert attention away from her own incompetence during her tenure as Secretary of State and conflate that with some sort of State Department action figure.

It didn’t work.

But, here’s how they can help again. Next season, make the theme that the Secretary of State runs for office and is beset by terrorists, racists, MEN and a full array of assailants. But, she “persists”, dons a bullet-proof Pu$$y-helmet and confronts snipers all around the world. She could even develop a super-secret email server that not only deflects attempts at hacking, but sends a charge back into the hacker’s equipment and blasts them with that blue robbery ink so they can be identified, tracked down and assassinated by none other than the Madam herself, and she’s just the man that can do it.

Times a-wasting… let’s get that history re-written before some of these dimwitted, ignorant, propaganda-addict liberals stumbles across it.

If she was locked up like she should be she’d instantly lose her platform.

just shut the *f**k up and get out of the way of progress. oh, where is the 8 billion the slut stole from the State Dept???? the trashy daughter his no better-to bad she will not submit to a DNA