Scotty Starnes:
This is rich coming from Hillary Clinton (who claims she’s broke) who wants to blame Republicans for a law the Democrats passed without a single Republican vote or amendment. The Democrats refused to read the law because it was “to complicated” as one Democrat put it. Nancy Pelosi said that they had to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. Then after passing the law, Obama promised a $2500 savings.
All lies and the dumb voters, as Prof. Gruber exposed. All who support this law, got ricked due to their ideology
From Bloomberg:
“We cannot afford to let Republicans stop the progress we’ve made and push further harmful cuts” to Medicare and other programs, Clinton says in statement.
Well, let’s us do a little fact-checking for Bill’s wife. The Democrats lied and stole $500 Billion from the Medicare Fund to pay for Obamacare. The Chief Actuary, Richard Foster, testified, in front of Congress, about how the Democrats were “double counting.” Some so-called “fact-checking” sites attempted to lie to American taxpayer but you can watch Obama answer Jake Tapper’s question with a “YES.”
(Liberals hate reading so I posted the video. Don’t believe your lying eyes folks)
There you go folks. Democrats stole at least $500 Billion (say claim it’s closer to$700 Billion) and now due to their inept law, Hillary want’s Republicans to fix the mess they created. People have to remember that Democrats have controlled 2/3rd of our government from 2007 – 2015. They controlled 3/3rd during Obama’s first two years but Democrats, like Hillary, wants their help now that they control 2/3rd.
So, now we have Hillary being the corrupt, lying politician we all have come to know and detest, blaming the party that didn’t pass Obamacare for Obamacare’s huge mistakes. They could have fixed it but decided to celebrate the Supreme Court ruling it Constitutional. Yes, they celebrate as the majority still hates the law.
Yay, Team Democrats.
Well, from a moral stand point, i do not understand how you can truly support Hillary. It has been shown time and time again that she is not a person with high integrity and not someone that you should want your children to look up to. The way that she treats the people that protect her is Disgusting as you can see…
What a shock. Hillary blames Republicans for the failure of liberals. Of course, it HAS been longer than a half an hour since Obamacare passed and the Medicare hokey-pokey was exposed, so it is excusable that Hillary’s misdirection would work on the inattentive minds of liberals.
Broke, USSS transported $29 million in cask four days before the trash departed the wipe house.
Pending Medicare disaster is a direct result of the affordable care act constructed by the democrats.
Leftists are just like the immature teenager that upon crashing a car into another vehicle insists, “It wasn’t my fault the other car was in my way.”
Democrats own the disaster of obamacare, and as we conservatives have predicted each and every failure that has occured, we also predicted the left would demand republicans “fix” the leftist failure.
Remember how obamacare supporters smirked against states that chose not to expand medicaid, because they would lose all that federal money? With over one third of state obamacare co-ops collapsing, (and more to follow suit) and the fed reneging on $2.5 billion in risk corridor payments to insurance companies, those states that used financial.common sense are looking pretty smart, aren’t they?
In blue Colorado, with that state co-op collapse, roughly 80,000 people have now lost insurance and have to scramble to find new insurance.
If the voters are ignorant enough to vote for either the criminal Hillary, the socialist Sanders, or the GOPe Bush, they will deserve the crappy national socialist medical system that results.