The Resurgent:
One of the most cringe-worthy things to watch is when really smart people – philosophers, scientists, deep thinkers – try their hand at comedy. It’s so uncomfortable, so unnatural, so painful, their attempts often become fodder for actual comedians.
What’s strange is that those same comedians don’t seem to recognize that the exact same spectacle takes place when they try their hand at deep thinking. It’s not that they aren’t entitled to having or sharing their own opinions, of course. It’s the bizarre and inexplicable perception they seem to harbor that their late-night soliloquys represent profound truths that inspire the masses rather than blundering non-sequiturs and clumsy analogies that annoy the masses.
Take Jimmy Kimmel’s recent effort to become our national conscience on healthcare and guns – an effort that disappeared fairly rapidly after his silence regarding Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assaults and the surfacing of videos where Kimmel encouraged females on the street to grab his crotch.
After having set himself up as one with moral authority, Kimmel’s defense for those embarrassing realities of a lifelong comedian was that he’s just a comedian. It was the old Daily Show Jon Stewart strategy: pretend to be a serious commentator on the news of the day, then when you’re exposed as a fraud, retreat behind the comedy clown mask.
And now, it’s uber-liberal Stephen Colbert’s turn:
Stephen Colbert got serious at the beginning of Monday night’s Late Show broadcast to talk about the recent massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas in which 26 people were killed. Colbert reminded the audience that the largest mass shooting in American history was a little more than a month ago, and frustratingly little has been done to prevent a similar tragedy from happening again…
Colbert urged against hopelessness and pointed out that not doing anything to affect change isn’t just morally wrong—it’s also unnatural. “Five thousand years ago if your village had a tiger coming into it every day and was eating people, you wouldn’t do nothing. You would move the village, you would build a fence, or you would kill the tiger,” he said. “You wouldn’t say, well, I guess, y’know, someone’s going to get eaten every day because the price of liberty is: tigers.”
Of course this intellectual vapidity earned rousing applause from a studio audience of people whose brains were engaged to analyze the depth crotch-grabbing videos. Anyone watching with even a modicum of rational thinking quickly realized how Colbert was setting his anti-gun side up for intellectual obliteration. After all, if your village had a tiger coming into it every day to eat people, Stephen is right – “you wouldn’t do nothing.” What would you do?
So nice to see hollywood taking a break from molesting to condemn the 2nd amendment.
It was a armed citzen and former NRA instructor that stopped the mass shooting from being worst so all you STOP THE NRA jerks should just go and SOAK YOUR HEADS and screw Harvey Weinstein and his putrid movies
Funny because that is just about exactly what the left says about Islamic terrorism.
When Stewart started out (with Colbert as his Sideshow Bob) he was a comedy show pretending to be news. He would take stories (mostly conservative, of course), remove some context, do a little editing and make them sarcastic and funny. Then the left came to accept his offerings as the news. Just as they quickly accepted the SNL Sarah Palin as THE Sarah Palin, they accepted Stewart’s version of conservative thought as fact… because they wanted to. Because it make their own failed ideology look smarter.
Not only has it been a joke, but the joke’s on THEM. Their belief in their on lies has all but ruined their ideology. Let’s hope it gets the chance to finish the job.
Ray Moore Your bible thumping, gun toting, gay bashing child molesting Conservative is really a piece of work===eh
Any more like him in your ranks?
Trump says VA. loss was because Repub didn’t kiss his ring. Most say it was a repudiation of DT’S brand of politics.
What say you Trumpeteers?
Rich Wheeler. All mouth and no mind right? Your a liberal for sure they have big mouth and walnut sized brains
@Spurwing Plover: What say you about Moore and VA. defeat? Give that big brain some exercise Spewing Bile.
@rich wheeler:
I expect you subscribe to “innocent until proven guilty” with the same enthusiasm as Greg… only when it suits you. Any of those sorts of accusations need to be taken seriously and investigated, but the frequency they are used as political weapons, particularly by the left, makes them suspect as well. Plus, there’s that glass houses and stones thing you might consider; just because every liberal seems to either be a sex offender or tied to one doesn’t mean that is how the rest of the world behaves.
You mean a Republican didn’t win in a blue state? Shocking. What you should be wondering is why it was as close as it was. I suspect if he HAD embraced Trump’s agenda, Gillespie just might have won.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Typical Trumpeteer denial of reality.
Majority of Americans don’t buy DT’S BRAND
Laura I. says you need to be “happier”–tell guys like Hannity , Bannon and Carlson.
@rich wheeler: Moore, what timing, WAPO pile of liberal garbage, wheres the proof, suddenly 3 more all with same type story, sounds very much like a Dem smear job that they are recycling they just have nothing new to try, did the women in question all scream like banshees on Nov 8th?. He as denied the claims, there is no proof, the GOP spent millions trying to defeat him they wont come to his defense.
VA many more counties voted Republican than Democrat, it was the populous cities that screwed the state. Mostly just outside the DC garbage pile. Same way Hillary took the state, Big deal.
look at the map.
@kitt: Nine point win doubles HRC’S red areas unfortunately for Repubs a lot more non voting animals and trees.
You think Moore accusations a smear? doubtful. This guy reminds me of Swaggert, Baker and Company.
Can Badgers run the table? Go Irish.
Do you think Sean and Shep ever talk to each other?
@rich wheeler: 30 years ago a leopard doesnt change its spots, he would have been found out long ago its so typical cliche dem smear job, they try this over and over it grotesquely obvious. As they get away with it predators become more bold like the Hollywood sickos.
@rich wheeler:
Tell me, how does one deny reality without knowing what the reality is? Sure, I could do what you and other liberals do and create my OWN reality and then condemn or praise people on that basis. However, I find that method kind of stupid.
Yeah, that’s sort of what I’m talking about.
Hmmm… McAuliffe gives 206,000 convicted felons the right to vote and Northam wins by 270,000. I guess they had to make up the difference with illegal immigrants and the dead. Did you notice all the Republicans in fetal position, crying or standing out and screaming at the sky?
Yeah… me neither.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: And you’re the guy who calls out sore losers–face it– your guy got clobbered–more to come.
Kitt You wanna stand by Moore? Good luck
@rich wheeler: I am just done with hearing the BS the left throws out because they have no platform, Vote 4 me because I am a whatchamacallit. The Arkansas race will be close, because the GOP swamp wont give this guy a dime, they prefer Never Trumpers and Super Rino losers so they have excuses for not legislating the Republican platform.
@rich wheeler:
Yeah, I am. Again, did you notice a difference in the reaction? Or, have Republicans donned their pussy-hats and demanded impeachment?
Had Guillespe WON, it would have been a shocker. He was behind the entire campaign… in a blue state. Same with New Jersey. But, I understand you whiners have to boost your self esteem somewhere. So, go for it.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: You’re the whiner and excuse maker–Mc Auliffe did this –illegal immigrants–don’t forget the media.
Face it –you had a lousy candidate that got clobbered–Voters said they were voting against Trump–fact–he’s at 35% approval.
Did you see Laura Ingraham’s show? Her take? MADE SENSE
@rich wheeler:
OK, sure, fine. Cling to whatever you have to cling to.
Hey, did you notice the WELCOME the US military gave Trump in Hawaii? They LOVE him!! Did you see the welcome he got in Japan (no bowing), S. Korea and China? S. Korea called him the “Leader of the World”. China allowed Trump to come in the FRONT door and showed him the respect they DID NOT HAVE for Obama. THEY get it. This guy’s a leader and they take him quite seriously. Imagine the reception Ms. Money First would have received. They would have had to lock up the good silverware to keep her and Bill from stealing it.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: The first and only to be entertained in the forbidden palace, the magazines are missing out big sales by not putting the Flotus on the cover she is always fashion perfection, Trumps grand-daughter cutie singing in Manderin to Xi and his Mrs.
Billions in contracts for American workers. Yup a complete failure .
@kitt: If any of the media reports the truth, they will legitimize the administration. They’d rather lie and suppress.
Yesterday unrepentant “comedian” Kathy Griffin explained that she was totally unaware that REAL BEHEADINGS had been taking place in modern times!
Her holding the head of Trump was complete fictional hyperbola as far as she (claims) was concerned.
She then goes on to tell listeners how she became aware of modern-day beheadings: Rosie O’Donnel asked her how she thought the parents of Daniel Pearl might have felt when(if) they saw her “parody.”
Who is Daniel Pearl, she wondered aloud.
Rosie informed her how he had been beheaded in front of a video camera.
Then his head was held just like she did the Trump head.
She’s claiming ignorance, folks.
But comedians usually acknowledge that it’s only funny if it riffs off of truth.
She knew.
Now she’s lying.
@Nanny G:
And she makes it work.
Liberals ARE ignorant. Many are willfully ignorant because even though they have seen multiple examples of their beloved media and representatives lying to them, they refuse to confirm the information they get or seek alternative sources.
They actually cannot face the facts. They will turn into those bawling Hitler Youth that finally found out what their beloved Fuhrer REALLY was.