Did you ever wonder why something so obvious can be missed by so many people? Can it be that our intelligence gets in the way of our reasoning? If we overthink a situation, can we miss what’s staring us right in the face?
Occam’s Razor tells us that the simplest solution is most likely the correct one. In other words, if we complicate what’s on the surface plain-as-day, we will most likely come up with the wrong view of it.
Take the events of January 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C. Why were over 100,000 patriots in our Capitol on that particular day? Were they there to “stop democracy”? Or were they there to peacefully show their displeasure over what had become obvious over the two months since the 2020 presidential election?
Days of Fabricating Ballots
The rally was centered around a simple concept displayed on many of the signs: “Stop the Steal.” What the crowd was demanding was an examination of the overwhelming evidence of what common sense told clear-headed people was obvious: Donald Trump defeated Joe Biden in the 2020 election. However, it took no less than three days of fabricating and counting votes in six swing states to make it appear that Biden had squeaked out a victory over Trump.
The movie 2000 Mules demonstrates with unassailable clear-eyed video and geo-tracking evidence how one facet of the steal was accomplished. Even without this behind-the-scenes revelation, an overwhelming mass of facts tell us the same story. The Left and their Democrat and Republican enablers (also known as the Uniparty), would never have allowed Donald Trump and his Deplorables the opportunity to steer this country on a further course to “greatness” for another four years. The fix was in.
A Stalinist Show Trial
Most Americans are painfully aware that the January 6 Committee has absolutely no interest in the truth or the facts of what happened at the Capitol that day. Many on the committee already know exactly what happened. Why? Because they were involved in orchestrating it to some degree. Start with Nancy Pelosi’s rejection of Trump’s offer of National Guard troops despite intel warnings of trouble … and the history of ANTIFA attacking Trump supporters during and after previous MAGA-related events. The committee’s job at this juncture is to shoe-horn the select and/or doctored video and partisan testimony into their preconceived narrative.
Let’s fantasize. What if the January 6 Committee were honestly interested in getting to the bottom of an actual insurrection, albeit bloodless and under-the-radar? If that were the case, I’d like to offer just a few common sense, obvious observations pointing to the stolen presidential election of 2020.
The Facts
- In the weeks leading into the election, Trump crisscrossed America, drawing tens and hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic supporters at each stop to hear his uplifting and encouraging message. Voter enthusiasm for President Trump was, to put it mildly, through the roof. Joe Biden appeared sporadically from his bunker in front of perhaps a dozen people, some press, separated by twelve-feet-in-diameter circles. The boredom was almost palpable.
- Twenty years earlier, in the presidential election of 2000, “hanging chads” in the Florida count became the issue delaying the outcome of Gore-versus-Bush. Every person in America, whether on the left, the right, or in the middle, demanded scrutiny of each ballot to determine a fair, transparent, and legitimate outcome.
- In 2020, six states halted vote-counting within an hour of each other and subsequently took three days to tally boxes full of ballots from who-knows-where. Concerned citizens were told not only to shut up about demanding recounts, but labeled as “conspiracy theorists” to be canceled. The mantra got trotted out, claiming 2020 as “the most secure election in American history.” Would anyone with nothing to hide worry about some scrutiny? If Biden really had wanted to unify the country, wouldn’t it have been in his own interest to ease concerns?
- We have learned since the inauguration on January 20, 2021, that the Biden administration has harbored nothing but ill-will towards more than half the country that’s unhappy with its policies. The current administration has even used the FBI to dish out punishment to anyone deemed an adversary. (Ask parents questioning left-wing school boards. Ask Project Veritas, which had legal possession of Ashley Biden’s dairy).
- Are we to believe that leftists who follow an unethical, Stalinist, Progressive playbook would do everything and anything except steal an election to seize and control power? Is the only thing sacred to them the will of “We the People”? Would they have allowed Donald Trump to continue in office based on the whims of the Deplorables? Or is it more likely that nothing as important as absolute power is left to chance?
- The movie Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections was released in March of 2020. It was produced by a group concerned that Donald Trump’s team was going to jigger electronic voting machines to assure he won a second term in office. Kamala Harris testifies in the movie that this vote-tampering was a very real possibility. Others suggest that the tampering occurred previously in 2016 when Russia hacked our electronic voting system to assure that their man Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. However, in the five years of excruciating and intensive investigation into the connection between Trump and Russia, not once did the investigators look into vote-machine manipulation. Could it be that they knew in advance that if they had, they’d show America that the tampering occurred to manipulate votes for Clinton, not Trump?
- Time magazine released an article soon after the election titled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” It stated the need to interfere with the election results to “save Democracy.” The Left told Americans outright “Yes, we did it, but it was for your own good.” And we’re now supposed to thank them, shut up, and move on.
Why Were Fox and the Rest of the Right Silent?
One of the biggest questions that now remains is this: Why haven’t supposedly Right-leaning news outlets covered even a hint of the “mostly peaceful insurrection” of November 3? The Salem Media Group is one of the only news organizations unafraid to speak truth to power. But, what’s restraining the rest, networks like Fox News?
Could it be that many who know or at least strongly suspect the truth are afraid what the revelation will do to this country? Are they fearful of riots in the street and a physical (rather than ideological) civil war? (Remember how businesses in Washington, DC boarded up before the election fearing the Leftist backlash of a Trump re-election?)
I think everyone was afraid of what the reality would do to this nation. Democrats, of course, were afraid of being exposed, but every conscientious American feared what the revelation of a fraudulent and stolen election would do to the nation. There is no way around the fact that it would be messy, bitter and somewhat destructive, but that was the hand the Democrats dealt us. The damage was done; the reconstruction can’t happen until the extent of the damage is identified.
The accusations and evidence of fraud should have been addressed immediately, because time to sort it out was short. No, just brushing off the evidence as non-existent, not sufficient or without standing without even examining it is not good enough; in fact, it made matters worse. We can debate the extent of the fraud, but without doubt, the fraud was there.
In reality, the results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania should have been thrown out because violation of election laws and state constitutions were allowed. Thus, the majority of votes were illegal, even if they were legitimate. Now, how do you rectify that? The Democrat solution: deny it.
Democrats stole an election and they set the stage for a riot on January 6th. In addition to that, they manipulated the conditions for a riot. Then, I wonder, where WAS ANTIFA? They show up every time some Christian group might demonstrate, where were they when the largest concentration of conservatives yet seen was offered up as a target? Either they were afraid of confronting a strong force or they were told to stand down and let the conservatives take the fall for a contrived and incited riot.
“Just say it was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.” Donoghue reiterated: “That’s an exact quote.”
Jan. 6 hearing focuses on Trump’s pressure on DOJ and plan to replace attorney general—6/23/22
Talk about corruption
Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board To Reject 2020 Presidential Election After Election Audit and “2000 Mules” Documentary Prove Irrefutable Evidence of Fraud
Well, she obviously doesn’t care about Republicans. Or the country. That’s exactly what Democrats gravitate to.
04/12/22 – Trump issues anti-endorsement in Pennsylvania governor’s race
Nothing like a little abuse, to make ’em come crawling back…
Abuse is blaming small business owners for the problems idiot Biden himself has caused. If not for election fraud, the nation wouldn’t be in collapse mode right now.
Talk about corruption
Certainly having raided Ray Epp’s home, have they?
That they’ve done this confirms that a federal criminal investigation is well underway.
There you go. Fixed that right up to reflect reality.
Take a gander at your party’s LONG history of denying election results…
IMAGINE it? Hell, we’re WATCHING it!
To say it’s corrupt would be stating the fact. Did Donoghue prove that was an actual quote under cross examination and the introduction of contradictory evidence? Oh… that’s right. The WAS no opposition.