Columbia University students heckled a war hero during a town-hall meeting on whether ROTC should be allowed back on campus.
“Racist!” some students yelled at Anthony Maschek, a Columbia freshman and former Army staff sergeant awarded the Purple Heart after being shot 11 times in a firefight in northern Iraq in February 2008. Others hissed and booed the veteran.
Maschek, 28, had bravely stepped up to the mike Tuesday at the meeting to issue an impassioned challenge to fellow students on their perceptions of the military.
“It doesn’t matter how you feel about the war. It doesn’t matter how you feel about fighting,” said Maschek. “There are bad men out there plotting to kill you.”
Several students laughed and jeered the Idaho native, a 10th Mountain Division infantryman who spent two years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington recovering from grievous wounds.
I applaud the courage of this young hero. The gall of those idiot, brain dead drones is reprehensible. They don’t even realize that because he did what he did, they have the right to say what they said.
They are pathetic losers, he is an American Hero.
They may laugh and jeer all day long but they’ll be the bloodied hypocrites who’ll come screaming for someone to stop whomever attacks them as the Veteran is right there are too many groups and people to count Globally who would love to maim, pillage, and burn the very people who heckled the Veteran.
Appeasement does not make for good armor against the blade that seeks blood.
OH MY GOD, this is terrible, there must have been some muslim sympathiser to start the shout, or if those youngs students where americans descents It’s their shame to carry all their life, they descent lower than a all the worst human on this planet, where was the higher responsible person to have let this happenned, was’nt it one who dare to stand up and join the young VETERAN HERO?
THIS I would like to know
OLD TROOPER2, hi, very good to see that support, and I beth some other will burn their eyes,
on their computers, this shamefull incident wont be ride out ever in the history of that teaching building which failed to do what is right, and teach foreign studient what AMERICA ‘S MILITARY has done,
in the past and present to serve the cause of FREEDOM. their FREEDOM to free speech,
WHICH they have shamelesly used to attack the ELITES of this COUNTRY IN most need to be redress now
today, and repaired; because the bad influences has reach the minds of the young who are there to receive the best education they are entitle to, where are the leaders gone that profess to give them the knowledge of what a true AMERICAN is to become!!! over the their own foreingn assotiations
which are very dangerously display to all AMERICANS to see and hurt
@Old Trooper2: Awesome letter! Too bad more good, patriotic Americans like her won’t write similar letters.
@ anticsrocks, When Common Sense and Patriotism fails, those Jerks always understand Money.
There are TWO absolute Universals in this Life, the same in any Culture or language.
Sometimes with holding Money establishes a level of Pain to those of negotiable values.
You don’t always have to poke someone in the snoot to get their attention.
When the talk is about the “DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA” this is EXACTLY what they mean….
This is the ‘Tolerance’ of the left… We will keep “Cheering on the oppressors” of the world!
But we will disrespect as much as possible and at every turn our American National Heroes at all costs!!!!!
I wish I could send Anthony a personal email to let him know all of America doesn’t feel this way. And those who disrespected him have no souls. They are weak, weak, small people. May God Bless you Anthony Maschek! Thank you for your service and for protecting me and my fellow Americans who support you and your family.
Too bad he could not withdraw out of Columbia and be somewhere where there weren’t so many dumb arses …. He deserves to be somewhere where there is a lot more respect for people of his stature and courage.
@Old Trooper2: I hear ya.
What more can we say:
Authors of the Cloward Piven Strategy, long time political activists, socialists. Frances Fox Piven still returns to Columbia every spring for the Socialist Scholars Conference held there.
That’s many years worth of socialist indoctrination of the alumni that attend/ed Columbia. Not only was that young man brave on the battlefield, he knew when he prepared his speech what he was in for yet he took the mic. That deed opened up a hole for the rest of the country to AGAIN look through, unfortunately there are too many in that institution that can’t be humbled, shamed or open minded to the world outside of their cocoon.
Some escape the indoctrination, I’m positive that will be the case for the young warrior, the family from OT’s letter and others; but look at where Piven remains to this day….representing decades of harmful, wasted thought she was able to infect to many with, Obama being one.
MISSY, hi, you always are
hitting the right ball, you should show other how you can do that,
LIKE I remember saying to a young girl telling me that her teacher was pushing her beliefs
in class; You should tell her gently that you’r there to learn, not to be joining her political inclination,
they will make you followers instead of thinker to go get your own gifts under the sun,
Vets groups appalled by heckling at Columbia
WHY did it take that to get COLUMBIA alerted to the problem, and clean their house before,
arent they the brains of that place of learning, they have brought shame on themself,
and must do more than what they are doing and planning, to let that shame behind,
they must step ahead and use their intelligence and knowledge to forsee those ignorant behavior from the students who participated and give a sturdy warning and have a firm commitment to make sure that this manifestation shall be repaired and never to be encountered again, against the BEAUTIFULL AMERICA
which is telling her people to wake up to the insidious advance of the forces of HATES.
Beezy, I don’t think the uproar this has caused or thousands of letters will do anything to change their ways at Columbia. Some people will withhold money, but other like minded socialist/marxist creatures will step up and fill the void.
MISSY, at least they will know that not only the CONSERVATIVES are OUTRAGE by the fews BULLIES,
WHO tried and will continue to spread their propaganda and faulty religious beliefs on the young still vulnerable students not equipped to know the real danger of enemies propaganda of peace THEY call
them self to be, and those are found in all steps of the ladder, including the students,
OK then. Just Cut off the Federal Funding, Grants, Contracts and ALL based upon the US Code, Sections Cited above, Indict all of those that Restricted ROTC, Military Recruiting, Etc and lets see what happens…Whoops!
The Eric Holder DOJ won’t enforce it…
THEN It become an act of treason against the law of USA, written some times ago,
IS IN IT?; WELL IT couldn’t be clearer than that to my mind