Haley: Come On, We All Know Assad Used Chemical Weapons — Again

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A raucous debate erupted at the UN Security Council over the use of poison gas on civilians in Syria, at times getting derailed over old gripes and petty swipes. “This is a renewed effort to bring chemical weapons back into the mainstream,” Nikki Haley told the press before the meeting, adding, “and we can’t let that happen.” During the UNSC meeting, Haley blasted attempts to shift blame for Bashar al-Assad’s war crimes, openly scoffing at the suggestion that anyone else was responsible or that it never happened:

Haley had a few words to say about that guarantee, too. After Russia stepped into the vacuum left by the lack of action against Assad in 2013, Moscow assured Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State John Kerry that all of Assad’s stores of chemical weapons had been accounted for and either destroyed or secured. So, Haley asked, how did Assad still have chlorine and nerve gas to drop on Douma?

What will the US do in response? Haley played coy on that matter, but said that any action will be taken as part of broad alliance to enforce bans on the use of chemical weapons. Russia, Haley accused, has stood by while Assad has conducted “at least 50” chemical weapons attacks, and the time to take action is now:

According to Haley, President Trump has not yet decided whether to respond to the recent attacks in Syria militarily. However, she said if the U.S. and its allies “decide to act in Syria, it will be in defense of a principle on which we all agree.”

Haley said that the U.S. believes that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in that nation’s civil war “at least 50 times.”

“[W]e know who did this. Our allies know who did this. Russia can complain all it wants about fake news, but no one is buying its lies and cover-ups,” Haley said.

“It is those who act to violate the prohibition on chemical weapons who deserve our condemnation,” Haley said in conclusion. “Those who act to defend it deserve our support. The United States and our allies will continue to stand up for truth, accountability, justice, and an end to the use of chemical weapons.”

In other words, Trump will likely act soon.

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Haley is a tough Rep but needs to keep her yap shut first to not escalate things second there is no proof of any chemical weapons were ever used by Assad unless you want to call General Mattis a liar.

By all means make damn sure who was responsible for the attack, but coalition action is required, since Obama got us involved in this and the UN can’t get anyone to bribe them into taking action.

It shouldn’t be that difficult to discern who launched the attacks, but if it WAS Syria, you can expect all the chemical weapons to have been bunkered.

I’m glad Pres Trump is holding back for now.
The only “proof” we have is from those same White Helmets who faked the same things https://twitter.com/rfh19/status/982745347800825856
If we really also have independent proof that blood/urine tests show a chemical &/or nerve agent in the victims, then we have to ask the obvious questions:
Why would Assad do this now?
Who has a better reason for doing this, since Assad doesn’t have one?

Bomb Assad into the Stone Age.—False flag–BS Hold Russians and their thug Prez. responsible for allowing Assad to remain in power.

Kitt and Nan “WHY ASSAD?”” Do you question intelligence DT is receiving? Do you think it “fake news.’

@Richard Wheeler: Good logic, IF Assad killed say 30 of his people we should turn the rest into a glass parking lot cause killing is wrong and stuff.
Calling Mattis a liar?

The White House is claiming (but not sharing with us) they have proof of Assad being behind actual chemical weapons attacks.
Looks like Saudi Arabia, France, UK, believe this proof.
Russia got all its ships out of Syrian ports this AM.

@kitt: Show me exactly where Mattis said he doesn’t believe Assad is involved. Mattis believes and that’s why it’s a go.
Assad has overseen the killing of thousands of his citizens during his regime.
But hey, you’re a fan of Putin and Gaddaffi–also mass murderers

Do you think Nikki a liar?—she will hopefully be our first female Prez circa 2028

Nan#6—Of course they do.

@Richard Wheeler: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-has-no-evidence-of-syrian-use-of-sarin-gas-mattis-says
How long will it take before they say same of this attack, but the mission is a go, so all the lib media can bitch about this decision.

It’s on.

@kitt: News conference 30 minutes ago Mattis says Assad did it and Prez has Constitutional authority to act–Concur.
Seems it’s Cons like you that are upset–libs not so much.

@Richard Wheeler: Just remember

Seems it’s Cons like you that are upset–libs not so much.

I want no more refugees. Remember also the terrorists were so close to be eliminated as a force.
I know Russia pulled out their navy I hope Trump is colluding with them.

What I can’t figure out is why would Putin tell Trump to bomb Syria?