There is something broken in the brain of humans. All humans, going back as far as we can tell. Call it being built on the frame of a great ape, or call it, if you’re inclined that way religiously, the result of the Fall. Or as a friend of mine puts it “the Fall was worse than we thought.”
This particular flaw in reasoning is that children know best.
In the course of my degree, I read countless Medieval ballads in which the children at the breast spoke up and identified the true king. This kind of thought persuaded kings and church that the Children’s Crusade would have a peculiar power.
Our entire culture went mad-crazy for the young people in the sixties, something that also ties into the Romantics’ idea that the savage, untutored, and unsophisticated was naturally better.
Now, I could sort of understand that in the framework of a deeply religious culture, in which, because untutored and natural, children – like birds and the weather – could serve as voices of the gods or God.
I do not understand its persistence in the modern day and amid the atheistic left. And yet, it is omnipresent in everything, from their political views to their propaganda, to their valuing of the mad and savage.
Take these innocent children being used by the leftist gun grabbers.
They went through a shooting, they do not have the life experience to know they’re being used, they fail to understand that new laws won’t solve anything and that the only way to keep any area safe is to be ready to defend yourself, but the left invest them with a sort of magical power because they’re victims and young.
Student survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who are taking the fight for gun control to the state and national level don’t appreciate seeing their organizing efforts being labeled as a left-wing conspiracy.
“Their sorrow can very easily be hijacked by left-wing groups who have an agenda,” former Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) told CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday, specifically naming billionaire and liberal activist George Soros.
“Do we really think 17-year-olds on their own are going to plan a nationwide rally?” the conservative activist continued.
Incensed students went on the air following Kingston’s remarks to defend their activism.
“I think it’s very despicable that he would even have the audacity to say that,” said student survivor Brandon Abzug. “Especially in the wake of a tragedy we really show who we truly are. Just because we’re young we can’t make a difference is not right.”
No, son, it means that because you’re young you don’t even know what kind of “difference” you can or should make. All you’ve heard all your life, and you think that “difference” is what is required.
You don’t even have any idea that gun control has been tried everywhere from Nazis to Communists, and it always ends the same way: in tyranny, increased crime and utter ruin.
But you little boy, you’ve been told that making more laws against law abiding citizens having guns will make the entire difference.
And you’re upset that people call you a puppet?
Child, you don’t rise that high. You’re a poor concussed creature who’s been lied to so much in his life that he doesn’t even know that where there’s smoke there is fire and that no, a bunch of high school students aren’t organizing buses and arranging for demonstrations all over the country.
But more importantly, you don’t realize that you’re pursuing goals that you’re not sure about, and which you simply were told to pursue because the left thinks that if words come out of children’s mouths that magically makes them right.
You’re not the first one, nor frankly, the last kid to want something stupid, or to think they have the solution for the world.
Kids pay attention to celebrities and almost all the celebrities are liberal idiots. In addition to consuming their products laced with violence, greed and disrespect, these “role models” promote lack of patriotism, resistance to authority, poor work ethic, drug use and abysmal logic.
These same kids think college should be free, even if your course of study has no marketable value. They think everyone pollutes… but them and they aren’t about to turn off the lights, walk somewhere or turn off the a/c. They believe they are entitled to a way of life of their choosing, based on what celebrities have. Further, they believe if they go deep in debt trying to get that life style, the debt should just be forgiven. Poof… gone.
They believe if something disturbs them, it should cease to exist.
Yeah, let’s hear what they have to say about self defense. This should be good.
These kids aren’t coached much “audacity” whats the short hand for that lol, rfol, is there an emoji? Feld trip kiddies and you get to be on the television.
The Hogg kid wants to be a journalist, so is the coach going to pay his college and give him the ol fast lane into CNN or MSLSD?
They want more federal control, has anyone told the kiddies that America used to be #2 in the world for education then came the federal government, the DOE the federally backed student loans, now only since Carter we have dropped to 17th and colleges can give you a non-marketable education for 10s of thousands of debt that you cant declare with your bankrupsy, The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4) authorizes Congress to enact “uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States. How do the kiddies feel about getting a lousy useless education and congress forces them to pay for it no matter what. That and taxes.
I am really old. Started college in ’61; so admitting my bias up front! I was sure lowering the voting age to 18 was a bad Idea decades ago! Your post, IMHOM, proves I was, and still am, RIGHT!
SO OLD I CAN NOT TYPE! But I think I can still think
And after their big big rant t against guns they will return to their dorms and watch their MTV play a few games of DOOM or head off to the theater to watch some blood and gore movie