Freddie Gray Autopsy Revealed: An “Accident” Changed To “Homicide” By The Absence of a Seatbelt…

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BOOM ! Our suspicions were 100% accurate in the review of all prior information coming from the released details.

An “accidental” self-induced injury stemming from Freddie Gray standing, not being seat-belted; and as a consequence of the van moving/stopping, Freddie Gray impacting the wall of the transport van. Also including the presence of opiates and cannabinoid within his toxicology report.

The Baltimore Sun has obtained the Freddie Gray Autopsy, and in an article today outline the Asst ME, Carol H Allen, determined:

freddie gray while cell phone on top of knife(Via Baltimore Sun)  […] Though Gray was loaded into the van on his belly, the medical examiner surmised that he may have gotten to his feet and was thrown into the wall during an abrupt change in direction. He was not belted in, but his wrists and ankles were shackled, making him “at risk for an unsupported fall during acceleration or deceleration of the van.”

[…] The autopsy report was completed April 30, the day before State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced criminal charges against the officers. The autopsy has not been made public, and the deadline for releasing evidence in the case to defense lawyers is Friday. A copy of the autopsy was obtained and verified by sources who requested anonymity because of the high-profile nature of the case.

transport 2

Gray tested positive for opiates and cannabinoid when he was admitted to Maryland Shock Trauma Center, according to the autopsy. The report makes no further reference to the drugs found in his system.

[…] The autopsy details a chronology of the events surrounding Gray’s arrest that helped inform the medical examiner’s conclusion. The medical examiner relied upon witness statements, videos and an examination of the transport van.

While bystanders captured his arrest on video, showing Gray moaning for help, the autopsy concluded that Gray suffered no injuries to suggest a neck hold or stemming from physical restraint. Assistant medical examiner Carol H. Allan noted that Gray could be seen bearing weight on his legs and speaking as he was loaded into the van.

Officers placed Gray on a metal bench running from front to back along the outside wall of the van. After the doors were closed, he could be heard yelling and banging, “causing the van to rock,” the autopsy noted.


The van made several stops. The second stop occurred a few blocks away on Baker Street, where officers placed an identification band and leg restraints on Gray.

[…] “Reportedly, Mr. Gray was still yelling and shaking the van,” the medical examiner wrote. “He was removed from the van and placed on the ground in a kneeling position, facing the van doors, while ankle cuffs were placed, and then slid onto the floor of the van, belly down and head first, reportedly still verbally and physically active.”

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Moseby’s lesbian assistant’s girlfriend works at the Baltimore Sun as a reporter.
Thus the ”leak.”
And the Sun got this before the DEFENDANTs legal teams got it!
Now, how about those WEASEL WORDS?

medical examiner surmised that [Gray]may have
[Gray] was at risk for

The Medical Examiner did NOT sign this report.
One of his assistants did.
Assistant medical examiner Carol H. Allan determined [Gray’s] body likely couldn’t have moved in position with enough force to cause his injuries.
Probable Cause is written all over the thing.
Moseby ought to drop the charges against the 6 police.

First and foremost: Obama’s immediate, ill-informed and baseless accusation that Gray “had his spine snapped” by the officers was yet another example of his insurmountable stupidity and recklessness. This guy went to law school? This guy is a Constitutional scholar? Obama has a goal to incite unrest, violence, hatred and upheaval with the sole purpose of enacting more restrictions on personal liberties, if not martial law.

Those who can’t see this or choose to ignore it (or think that is just fine) are just as stupid.

The driver is always responsible for the passengers. If the passengers refuse to wear seat belts, it’s the driver that pays the ticket. If the passengers throw trash out the window, it’s the driver that pays the fine. The list goes on from open container to accomplice in a crime without the driver’s knowledge. As for the other officers, it’s a matter of being along with the group, just like when criminals get charged for murder when the police kill the hostage or recently when the police killed a cameraman from the show COPS.

@Gregory_Dittman: Unfortunately (for the cop hating racists salivating over the prospect of drawing and quartering some cops), the case against all the other officers now falls apart. First, Gray was lawfully arrested. Second, Mosby herself ORDERED the cops to that crime-ridden neighborhood to do exactly what they did; arrest scumbags. Third, Gray was OK when put in the van, so none of the arresting officers abused Gray.

So, what you are left with is the charge of murder on the van driver for failing to put a seat belt (a less than a month old new regulation), even as there is testimony that Gray was trying to cause harm to himself to build a case of police brutality. I don’t think murder is going to stick.

Mosby fails. Sorry, racist cop haters. Looks like game over. Baltimore, get braced for more riots.