Fourth secular Bangladesh blogger hacked to death

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All part of the same poisonous tree; not just a Bangladesh problem. It’s a world problem:

Niloy Chatterjee, who used the pen-name Niloy Neel, was murdered on Friday after the men broke into his flat in the capital’s Goran neighbourhood, according to the Bangladesh Blogger and Activist Network, which was alerted to the attack by a witness

“They entered his room in the fifth floor and shoved his friend aside and then hacked him to death. He was a listed target of the Islamist militants,” the network’s head Imran H Sarker, told the AFP news agency.

Later on Friday, Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star, reported that Ansar al-Islam, a local chapter of al-Qaeda had claimed responsibility for the killing. The newspaper said the group had sent an email to media houses in Bangladesh, adding that the authenticity of the email issued by Mufti Abdullah Ashraf, who claimed himself to be the spokesman of Ansar-Al-Islam, could not be verified independently.

Chatterjee, 40, was a critic of religious extremism that led to bombings in mosques and the killing of numerous civilians, Sarker said.

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You know, perhaps not all Muslims are violent jihadists who might hack someone to death, but where are the Koranic and Hadith verses to make the case against doing this?
They don’t exist.
If they did exist we would know about them.
Passive Muslims are merely weak Muslims who are not whole-hearted in their worship.

The view on the left isn’t always as uniform as people on the right like to believe. This guy is undeniably progressive. He wrote the following article last January:

I’m Running Out of Ways to Defend Islam