Flashback: Trump Slammed NATO Leaders For Being ‘Totally Controlled’ by Russia

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A 2018 video shows then-President Trump slamming NATO leaders – particularly Germany – for being “totally controlled” by Russia due to their dependence on energy from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
The confrontation shows Trump speaking at a breakfast meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and questioning why the United States protects Germany when they’re deeply involved in an energy deal with Russia.
“I think it’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia, where you’re supposed to be guarding against Russia​,​ and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” he ​told Stoltenberg.
“So we’re protecting Germany, we’re protecting France, we’re protecting all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with Russia where they’re paying billions of dollars into the coffers of Russia,” he added.
“And I think that’s very inappropriate.”
Watch this video – the depth of knowledge, the passion in fighting for American needs – and compare and contrast it with President Biden’s commentary on Russia and NATO in recent days.

Trump Slams Germany For Being Controlled By Russia
Trump continued to bash Germany in front of NATO representatives in a press conference prior to a two-day summit.
The President at the time insisted that Germany is “totally controlled” by Russia, something he defied the leaders to “tell me if that is appropriate because I think it’s not.”
“I think it is a very bad thing for NATO and I don’t think it should have happened and I think we have to talk to Germany about it,” he added.
As for comparing his leadership and intellect to that of President Biden, Fox News personality Sean Hannity did just that in his broadcast earlier this week.
Hannity described Biden as ‘sauntering out’ to deliver “very uninspiring remarks.”
He went on to describe the 2018 video as “an epic face-to-face, complete beat down” with Trump “rebuking European leaders, getting right in their face for their dependence on Russia for their energy.”
“Do you think Joe Biden could ever be capable of this level of passionate fighting for what is in our country’s best interest?” asked Hannity.

Biden Gave Russia Leverage With Nord Stream 2 Pipeline
The New York Post reported in 2018 that Trump’s comments were referencing “the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that would bring natural gas from Russia to northern Germany and bypass other nations like Poland and Ukraine.”
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You may recall that President Biden waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2 even as he killed the Keystone pipeline in America, something the BBC described as “a major geopolitical prize for the Kremlin.”
In an interview this past summer on Fox News, Trump slammed President Biden for his alleged weakness when it came to his first meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He referenced the pipeline as an example of such weakness.
“We gave a very big stage to Russia, and we got nothing. We gave up something that was unbelievably valuable. I stopped the pipeline, NordStream II, and the pipeline was stopped, and it was given back [to Germany and Russia] and nothing was gotten for it,” Trump said.
“I think it was a good day for Russia. I don’t think we got anything out of it.”
Senate Democrats sided with Biden and Russia, defending Nord Stream 2 by rejecting an effort by Senator Ted Cruz to impose sanctions related to the Russian-German natural gas pipeline just one month ago.
As the all-out war effort in Ukraine deepened and Russian attacks have intensified, Biden was forced to implement sanctions on the company in charge of building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Cruz praised Biden for coming to his senses.
“President Biden made the right decision today,” the Texas Republican said in a statement. “Allowing Putin’s Nord Stream 2 to come online would have created multiple, cascading, and acute security crises for the United States and our European allies for generations to come.”
Perhaps the President should have paid attention to Trump’s claims that Germany was “totally controlled” by Russia.

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The whole darn UN is controled by the Globalists/Left they don’t lift a finger to stop any invasions at all but demands we keep our Borders open

Biden caused this.

Trump was severely criticized for speaking frankly and honestly with NATO members. But, once again, as we can clearly see, he was absolutely and totally 100% right. Undeniably.

He got NATO to commit to their full financial responsibilities to strengthen the alliance and stop relying on the US to carry all the burden (they still haven’t, though). He warned them about getting in bed with the remnants of the Soviet Union, Russia, the REASON for NATO in the first place. If NATO chooses to weaken itself to that extent, what is its purpose? It becomes nothing but a club for military reenactments.

Yesterday, it was we have no business losing a single American life in Europe.
Today, it’s NATO is nothing but a club for military reenactments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Yesterday, “Trump would have prevented this.”

Today, “Trump would have prevented this.”

Can you tell me what FOX news is saying? I don’t watch them, but I know a deranged Leftwing partisan jerkoff who does, seems to love getting mad over their “news” then projecting it over strangers instead of offering a cogent defense of their own media-provided ramblings.

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Yes thats true.
Biden has put harsher sanctions on our energy producers than on Vladd.
Germany and Italy refuse to condone the sanctions cause they know they will freeze to death that the USA wont drill baby drill for them. Biden ever the follower (he cant remember where he is or where he is going) waits for agreements from the EU.
50million a day into Putins war coffers as we import russian oil.

Yesterday, it was we have no business losing a single American life in Europe.

It was? Where?

What about what Trump said was incorrect?

And, in the world where truth is more useful than idiotic lies that are easily refuted, it was:

If NATO chooses to weaken itself to that extent, what is its purpose? It becomes nothing but a club for military reenactments.

No one has any use for petty, weak, crybaby, sore loser liars. Stop being one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Just Plain Bill

What Trump said that was incorrect. The son of a b–ch is undermining the American President’s credibility. Given Putin’s unbalanced mental state, that is not just treasonous, but extraordinarily dangerous. Putin might decide that Biden won’t act if he moves troops into a NATO country. Trump probably thinks the same thing, being an idiot himself. Biden wouldn’t hesitate. Then we’d be at war with Russia. All because of Vladimir Putin, and Trump acting like his cheerleader.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Oh little dude of small mind
The son of a b–ch is undermining the American President’s credibility. Given Putin’s unbalanced mental state, that is not just treasonous, but extraordinarily dangerous.
For 4 years thats all the left did was undermine an American President in every way shape and form. Treasonous worthy of death….get a grip. Biden has the unbalanced mental state, anyone in this country can be critical of any person in and out of politics.
Treason is spying on a President in attempts to overthrow him.
Now we know you do not have the capacity to comprehend freedom or what a constitutional Republic actually is, just move to where you understand the political system.

That’s not how it’s supposed to work at times when we’re threatened as a nation. This is one of those times. Figure it out:

The autocratic dictator of one of the world’s greatest nuclear powers has just rolled over a sovereign, independent, democratic nation of 44 million people, and he’s giving everyone who threatens to stop him crazy, hateful looks.

We’ve stood there watching while retaliating with sanctions, because we don’t want to trigger an effin’ nuclear war. But there’s Putin, waging war right on the NATO border. He’s warning far-flung, non-NATO European nations not even to THINK about saying anything, and stay the hell away from NATO, or they’re gonna get it. He might just decide to push the envelope, just to see where we’ll really draw the line.

It’s no damn time to be sending Putin mixed messages in any way, shape, or form. It’s not a political opportunity. Anyone who thinks it is sure as hell shouldn’t be driving.

Biden has the unbalanced mental state, anyone in this country can be critical of any person in and out of politics.

That’s not how it’s supposed to work at times when we’re threatened as a nation.

We are ALWAYS threatened as a nation. It is a constant condition that Russia, China, Iran, N.Korea, al Qaeda, ISIS and more to come want to eradicate the United States because we stand in the way of their ambitions. There is NEVER a time that we are not threatened as a a nation and, thus, every time we weaken ourselves, someone will step up to take advantage of it and try to chip away at our strength.

Idiot Biden is weakness itself. He is incompetent, stupid, weak and corrupt, compromised by both Russia and China. He cannot be relied on to protect this country, much less any other. All you say in your second and third paragraphs is absolutely true. What is also true is that strength would have held all that in check. Putin has 4 years, at best, to get his agenda done. After that, he doesn’t know if he will have such a golden opportunity as having someone so weak and incapable as idiot Biden to deal with.

And China, Iran and N.Korea hasn’t even started yet.

Also, Putin is not exactly “rolling over” Ukraine. He may have made yet another miscalculation, exposing the weakness of his military. But with idiot Biden as an ally, he will probably prevail.

It’s no damn time to be sending Putin mixed messages in any way, shape, or form

That is LITERALLY all that Biden and company have done.

Trump’s messages to Putin were not mixed. They were clear and decisive.

The way world-leaders looked down and shut up when Trump entered a room….he was in command.

Biden and those who installed him, including the hapless minority of voters like you, have caused death, destruction, and economic ruin because they couldn’t put their own ego aside and admit they don’t know the f*ck is going on.

Biden caused this. Not Trump.

Trump stopped it.

Rigged elections have consequences. The real price of installing a puppet so Trillionaires and Companies can make Trillions more is a world at war.

You did this. This is on you.

A little history lesson for you.

Trump Isn’t Sounding Like a Russian Mole

Biden = Putin’s puppet.

If Trump were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:

  • Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
  • Blocking oil and gas pipelines
  • Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
  • Cutting U.S. military spending
  • Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran

Heeeeeyyyy… wait a minute. That sounds JUST LIKE ANOTHER GUY!

Thing was, it was worse than what this article depicts.
At that time many European countries were in NATO but not paying their agreed upon share into NATO.
They expected the USA to carry them.
Add to that,some of them also made deals with Russia for oil and natural gas because their own “green” energy attempts were proving too expensive, too unreliable and too insufficient for their needs.

We just need great leaders like Eric
US Rep. Swalwell Suggests Kicking Russians Out of US Universities But Ignores Chinese in US Universities
Common the man likes to date.

Maybe he could fart on them.