Flashback To All The People Who Praised Chavez’s Socialism

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Dead Socialist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez was praised throughout his life by many figures in academia, journalism and Hollywood despite his brutal regime.

This praise included Salon writer David Sirota’s piece after the leader’s death, titled “Hugo Chavez’s economic miracle.” In British publication The New Statesman, a headline as Chavez was nearing death in January 2013 was “Hugo Chavez: Man against the world,” and its sub-headline read “As illness ends Hugo Chavez’s rule in Venezuela, what will his legacy be? Richard Gott argues he brought hope to a continent.”

This praise of Chavez by so many who enjoyed the benefits of living in a capitalist society while looking at the economic record of the late leader, as well as what his succcesor President Nicolas Maduro, has come undone.

Mexican NGO, the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, published its annual ranking of urban crime in January 2016, and found that in 2015, Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, was the most murderous place on Earth. Caracas has 119.87 murders per 100,000 people. Other than personal concerns for safety, Venezuelans suffer from lacking economic opportunity due to low oil prices and government mismanagement of the state-owned oil firm.


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Many years ago Chavez nationalized oil companies there.
He threw out the owners and their employees.
He replaced the workers with family and cronies who lacked the knowledge of how to maintain the refineries.
Eventually those refineries all failed because of lack of proper maintenance.

The rest of the country’s businesses have been treated as enemies.
Maduro even arrested all the remaining business owners recently, replacing them with soldiers.
But Maduro’s soldiers are only using their connection to the food chain to FEED THEMSELVES.
Screw the people!

So, the people have been hunting dogs, cat and pigeons for food this week.
Crime has increased as homes suspected of having some food are rushed and invaded by hungry mobs.

Maduro is probably on the brink of disappearing with his personal riches all stashed offshore.
Why fight the recall that is being demanded from the mobs?
This ruling stuff is hard.

In that Louder with Crowder video about Marxism is a stunning admission by the pro-Marxist narrator:

”There is always corruption at the top….”

Yes, there is.
So, why, I wonder, do Marxists always give total control to some central cabal led by the likes of a Hugo or Maduro?
Isn’t limiting gov’t control better?

@Nanny G:

But Maduro’s soldiers are only using their connection to the food chain to FEED THEMSELVES.
Screw the people!

That’s how socialism works. That’s why you have so many wealthy liberals supporting a candidate and a system that would, in theory, take from them and give to others… they know how it works.

Supporters that can become insiders can keep their wealth… even become MORE wealthy. The same idiots that were in awe of Chavez are the loyal Bernie supporters.

Somehow George W Bush must have moved to Venezuela. He must be to blame for all of this. Why who else could it be? Can’t be democratic socialism of the Bernie Sander ilk .