FLASHBACK – Obama’s 2008 Campaign Reps Talked with Iran, Hamas

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Aaron Klein:

Amid the controversy surrounding White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s alleged conversations with Russia, it may be instrumental to recall that representatives for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign were accused of meeting with Hamas and Iran.

Depending on what took place, the alleged contacts with Iran may have violated the Logan Act, which bars citizens from negotiating with foreign governments in dispute with the United States. It may be questionable whether Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, legally qualifies as a foreign government.

In 2008, Robert Malley stepped down as an informal foreign policy adviser to Obama’s campaign when it was revealed that he met with Hamas members.

Malley admitted to the meetings, but he claimed he met with the terrorists as part of his private job.

“I have never hidden the fact that I had meetings with Hamas,” Malley wrote in an open letter published in the New York Times. “I do this as part of my job as Middle East program director at the International Crisis Group.”

He said he distanced himself from Obama’s campaign because the Hamas meetings were “becoming a distraction to me and to Senator Obama’s campaign, and to avoid any misperception — misrepresentation being the more accurate word — about the candidate’s position regarding the Islamist movement.”

Malley later joined the Obama administration. In 2015, he was appointed to lead the Middle East desk of the National Security Council.

He was also named Obama’s special adviser regarding the Islamic State.

Meanwhile, in August 2014, Michael Ledeen, a former consultant to the National Security Council and U.S. Defense Department, penned a column at PJ Media stating Obama opened a back-channel to Iran during the 2008 presidential campaign. Ledeen said the back channel went through retired Ambassador William G. Miller, who also led the 1979 negotiating mission during the Iran hostage crisis. Ladeen wrote that Miller confirmed his back-channel involvement to him.

Ledeen wrote:

The actual strategy is detente first, and then a full alliance with Iran throughout the Middle East and North Africa. It has been on display since before the beginning of the Obama administration. During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.

The Logan Act states:

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Would life in prison be too easy for this Obama creep? he is a total traitor and a scumbag

Meanwhile, in August 2014, Michael Ledeen, a former consultant to the National Security Council and U.S. Defense Department, penned a column at PJ Media stating Obama opened a back-channel to Iran during the 2008 presidential campaign.

That was never confirmed to have happened. Michael Ledeen—the only known source—may well have made the entire story up. He didn’t say how he knew. Audio recordings of the radio discussion between Ledeen and Mark Levin have all been taken down, so you can’t even listen to the interview.

You are an umitigated liar. Perhaps were you not wearing your pink pu$$y hat or had your head so far up your who who, you could verify your assertions before fabricateing a false response.
It is leftist like you that disgust normal Americans. Why do your leftist hate America?

You, along with the alt-left media are fake news. You are not to be believed. People like you should not be allowed to breath the air in our beloved country. You people are maggots, the lowest form of life.

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@July 4th American: We download the archives to listen to when we are camping, our little piece of paradise doesnt get reception for radio or TV. Those and other conservative radio shows, Wisconsin has some of the best.
When the sun goes down I switch to coast to coast AM, for the campfire ghost stories.
Good post Curt do you have Levin TV yet?

@July 4th American, #3:

Nice copy-and-paste work. You didn’t find the particular audio recording in question, did you? Maybe it’s in one of the gaps between dates. Maybe it’s there.

But that wasn’t even the point. The point was that Michael Ledeen was the only source for this bullshit story, and he never bothered to say how he supposedly knew.

I’m afraid “alternate facts” require a bit more authentication than that. If standards of evidence are dropped so low—which is to say, no evidence at all is required for belief—a person will wind up believing all sorts of total nonsense, just because somebody told them a story.

There’s absolutely no evidence that Barack Obama ever had secret talks with Iranian officials in 2008, prior to the presidential election.

Uh, dumbass, the show is five days a week Monday thru Friday.

There are seven days in a week

Saturday and Sunday follow the Monday thru Friday thing

You might be wearing that pu$$y hat bit too tight

You’re still ignoring the point, but that’s so obvious it should go without saying. There’s really no need to make it again.

The Democrats are trying to make a scandal out of the fact that one or more people associated with the Trump presidential campaign had telephone conversations with one or more representatives of the Russian government prior to Trump’s inauguration. Is there anything wrong with that? Not as far as we know. The CIA/NSA leakers have declined to say anything about the content of the conversations, so they must have been benign. Let’s release the tapes and eliminate all doubt, and then let’s fire the leakers and, if appropriate, send them to prison.

But in the meantime, let’s not forget an infinitely bigger scandal: in 2008, while he was running for the presidency, Barack Obama deliberately undermined American foreign policy by secretly encouraging Iran’s mullahs to hold out until he became president, because he would be easier to deal with than President George Bush. I wrote about the Obama scandal here: “HOW BARACK OBAMA UNDERCUT BUSH ADMINISTRATION’S NUCLEAR NEGOTIATIONS WITH IRAN.” Check out the original post for links. Here it is:

In 2008, the Bush administration, along with the “six powers,” was negotiating with Iran concerning that country’s nuclear arms program. The Bush administration’s objective was to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. On July 20, 2008, the New York Times headlined: “Nuclear Talks With Iran End in a Deadlock.” What caused the talks to founder? The Times explained:

Iran responded with a written document that failed to address the main issue: international demands that it stop enriching uranium. And Iranian diplomats reiterated before the talks that they considered the issue nonnegotiable.

The Iranians held firm to their position, perhaps because they knew that help was on the way, in the form of a new president. Barack Obama had clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3. At some point either before or after that date, but prior to the election, he secretly let the Iranians know that he would be much easier to bargain with than President Bush. Michael Ledeen reported the story last year:

During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.

So Obama secretly told the mullahs not to make a deal until he assumed the presidency, when they would be able to make a better agreement. Which is exactly what happened: Obama abandoned the requirement that Iran stop enriching uranium, so that Iran’s nuclear program has sped ahead over the months and years that negotiations have dragged on. When an interim agreement in the form of a “Joint Plan of Action” was announced in late 2013, Iran’s leaders exulted in the fact that the West had acknowledged its right to continue its uranium enrichment program:

“The (nuclear) program will continue and all the sanctions and violations against the Iranian nation under the pretext of the nuclear program will be removed gradually,” [Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif] added. …

“Iran’s enrichment program has been recognized both in the first step and in the goals section and in the final step as well,” Zarif said.

“The fact that all these pressures have failed to cease Iran’s enrichment program is a very important success for the Iranian nation’s resistance,” he added.

So Obama delivered the weak agreement that he had secretly promised the mullahs.

That, readers, is what a real scandal looks like.

Once again, the only source is the same Michael Ledeen annecdote.

“Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.”

I can’t find any confirmation of that claim from William G. Miller himself, or from anyone else. The claim starts with Ledeen, and has been endlessly repeated all across the right-wing echo chamber without a single bit of evidence to back it up.


That was never confirmed to have happened. Michael Ledeen—the only known source—may well have made the entire story up.

As the left has proven and continues to support, confirmation means nothing. Right?

Of course, there was not a juvenile gang of whiny cry-babies attacking every move and motion of the Obama administration. You also didn’t have traitors leaking sensitive classified information like Trump has with the residual infestation of Obama people in his administration.

It is far more reliable a source to believe the veracity of the reporting of the treason conducted by obama than to believe otherwise. It is well known and well documented that obama is an habitual liar.

I can’t find any official denial that the statement from William G. Miller himself, or from anyone else that he did not engage in treasonous pre administration activity with Iran and Hamas.

Obama Held Secret Talks With Iran, Syria Weeks Before Election

U.S. President Barack Obama employed representatives to hold secret high-level talks with Iran and Syria months prior to his election as president.

United States President Barack Obama employed representatives and experts to hold secret high-level talks with Iran and Syria months prior to his election as president, organizers of the meetings told Agence France Presse on Monday.

Over the past few months, Obama campaign and election officials, as well as nuclear non-proliferation experts, had several “very, very high-level” contacts with Iranian leaders, according to Jeffrey Boutwell, executive director for the U.S. branch of the Pugwash group, a Nobel Prize-winning international organization of scientists. Former defense secretary William Perry, who served in Obama’s election campaign, also participated in some of the meetings, which included discussions on Iran’s nuclear program and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Though Boutwell refused to name other participants, he said they were senior figures in the Iranian and US governments.

The United States and Iran have had no official diplomatic relationship since the overthrow of the Shah and the institution of the Islamic Republic, 30 years ago. The U.S. accuses Iran of developing nuclear weapons.

In his first television interview as president, conducted by the Muslim Al-Arabiya television network, Obama called Iranians “a great people,” adding “the U.S. has a stake in the well being of the Muslim world.”

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad affirmed the reports Monday that Obama officials had repeated contact with his country for some time prior to the U.S. elections. “Dialogue started some weeks ago in a serious manner through personalities who are close to the administration and who were dispatched by the administration,” Assad said.

A group of experts, under the auspices of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) think tank, announced Thursday that they met for more than two hours in Damascus with President al-Assad. Obama transition team member and former Clinton White House adviser Ellen Laipson attended the meeting as well, they said.

The United States has accused Syria of protecting and aiding Hizbullah and Hamas terrorists, and of providing a channel for anti-U.S. Muslim militants to attack U.S. positions in Iraq.

@Greg: You made a valid point?

My point? You’re fixating on imaginary bullshit that someone claims took place in 2008. I suppose it’s a good distraction from what’s happening in 2017. Or maybe altering the past is a way of rationalizing your more recent screw-ups, so the consequences can be pinned on somebody else when they start rolling in.

However that may be, I’m increasingly aware of the utter futility of any effort at intelligent discussion. The right’s views will not be altered by rational argument. They’re going to have to either knock sense into their own heads by colliding with reality, or knock themselves out. Maybe Trump is the needed lesson.


But that wasn’t even the point. The point was that Michael Ledeen was the only source for this bullshit story, and he never bothered to say how he supposedly knew.

Interesting. Michael Ledeen was the ‘only’ source for this bullshit story. Say that again Greg and then tell us who was the source for the Flynn story. Seems as NOT ONE has turned up for it, but it sure as hell didn’t slow down the news stories.

The sources were apparently sufficiently credible for even Donald Trump to realize the man was seriously compromised—unless you believe Trump dumped a faultless man because he wet his pants at the prospect of negative media stories. Take your pick.

“It’s fake news, folks—but I’m going to fire him anyway.”

“It’s fake news, folks. There’s nothing to it at all. But we’ve got to find out who’s leaking this classified information, because it’s very very serious.”

There were other sources, it just so happens he was one who came forward with the information.

obama is a traitor and should be locked up for the remainder of his miserable life.

The damage done by this piece of shit is enough to keep the next four presidents busy cleaning up.

What other sources? The story originated with Leeden. You won’t find any other sources that don’t circle back to Leeden.

Its too bad that the Obamas will be moving into a realy nice neighborhood their neighborhood values will be dropping where the Unwelcome Wagon when you need it?

obama as well as clinton have a resume that lists “Hate America First” as their strongest asset.

Defiantly defending either of these pieces of shit is crossing a bridge too far. Both of these individuals are enemies of America and do not have the best interests of my beloved country in their minds.

We are fortunate to have survived the 8 years while obama was “fundamentally transforming America”. But, the real work lie ahead. These despicable persons and their minions have put in place many booby traps not only for President Trump but for the Country as well.

And, it is now evident that they will try to derail efforts to dismantle the inner structure put in place by obama as well as others over the past decades.