Exactly. Many third, fourth and later generation Hispanic citizens as well as those who legally immigrated, understand the problems caused by an uncontrolled flood of illegal immigrants. They also tend to be more conservative due to their strong family and religious convictions. They will vote for Trump.
Trump’s desire to support the working class and bring jobs back to the US is a”yuuuge” part of what is bringing blue collar support back to the Republican party. That is also why many rank and file Union workers are thumbing their noses at their union leaders and why they are voting Trump. (It certainly isn’t because of his support for “right to work”.) This of course irritates Union haters like Retire05 who can’t see beyond their anti-union rhetoric. The establishment politicians have been stabbing the working class in the back with their globalist agenda for decades, and it is finally biting them in the ass.
Spurwing Plover
8 years ago
Richard Wheeler
8 years ago
@Nanny G: Nan —I often feel you are misguided but I consider you an honest woman.
Trump is knocking the very popular Latina Gov. Martinez. He’s accusing an Indiana judge, of
Mexican heritage, of prejudicial decisions against him He’s polling under 20% among Latin voters–and that 80+% is getting fired up.
Trump is building the white male vote. Maybe even 70%– I won’t be one of those.
Can he win the Presidency with these racial and male/female divides?
Honest answer.
Martinez, who is a delegate to the Republican convention, has not addressed Trump’s latest comments, the paper reports. But while critical of him, she has not ruled out the possibility of endorsing him.
“I am waiting to hear from him as to addressing the issues facing New Mexico,” Martinez said. “Once I hear that, we’ll see what happens. I am going to tell you I’m not going to be voting for Hillary Clinton.”
As to the Judge, I only have news to base my opinion on.
The judge opened private papers in the case then had to withdraw them because they included all manner of private information of the litigants, like home addresses and phone numbers.
Also among the secrets that were not supposed to become public was the fact that one of the firms picked by Judge Curiel to represent plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit against Trump University have financial ties to Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Financial ties to the tune of half a million dollars.
The judge has been on a La Raza committee to funnel taxpayer money (in the form of scholarships) to illegals he calls ”dreamers.” http://gotnews.com/mexican-judge-gonzalo-curiel/
The judge, after 6 years, even dropped the original plaintiff from this case. Trump’s lawyers argued Makaeff should have to stay on as lead plaintiff, and that the discovery process for the case would have been different if she hadn’t been in the role for the last six years.
She claimed she wanted to avoid being in this case during an election, but the judge turned down both her and Trump’s requests to bring the case to trail before the election season.
The most important thing, however is, for all Trump’s noting of all of this in media, he has not (yet) requested the judge recuse himself.
Now, as to Hispanics, there is nothing in polling to show much …. yet.
However, many heavily Hispanic states are toss ups.
These include Florida, New Mexico and Nevada. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/images/downloads/29_thb.png
I doubt that paid protesters at Trump venues are any indication of ”hotness” on the part of actual likely voters who are Hispanics.
Richard Wheeler
8 years ago
@Nanny G: I honestly think the only reason this race is close is because of his weak opponent .Large % of Trump “supporters” like Ryan and Carson ann McConnell don’t even like him. They see the alternative as worse.
I believe a large percentage of the electorate feel as David and I feel. We dislike them both and WILL NOT vote for either.
BTW-He’s got 4% of the African American vote.
Thanks for your response
Richard Wheeler
8 years ago
@Nanny G: Final thought. The clear winner in this is Obama. His numbers continue to rise as people realize just how bad HRC and DT truly are.
8 years ago
“Deborah L. Rhode, a professor at Stanford Law School and the founding director of the university’s Center on Ethics, said that calls for Judge Curiel to step down from a case because of his Mexican roots were akin to saying that Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice, should never have been able to decide civil rights cases.
“If race were a disqualifying factor, nobody could preside over these cases,” Ms. Rhode said.
Mr. Vega, now a corporate lawyer who was the best man at Judge Curiel’s wedding, said he did not think that the attacks by Mr. Trump would taint the judge’s approach to the case.
But, remembering when his friend, then a prosecutor, arrived at his house for a barbecue flanked by bodyguards, Mr. Vega noted the irony of Mr. Trump’s criticizing someone who had risked his life to slow the flow of drugs coming from Mexico into the United States — an issue that is dear to Mr. Trump.”
If you disagree with Trump, here come his sycophants to FA to slander a judge who has risked his life to help put Mexican drug cartel members behind bars and end the cartel drug trade into our nation.
Tell me, Nan, how do you intend to spend your 30 pieces of silver?
If you read what I wrote I said the most important point in the whole Trump V judge situation was that Trump has not asked this judge to recuse himself.
I have never equated Donald Trump with Jesus; a sinless, perfect human who never made mistakes, you know,
He has made some rather bad mistakes.
His remark that those cartoonists in Garland Texas must have had better things to do than draw Mohammad is one of them.
As to this judge, he, too, is imperfect.
Just because this judge has/had done some good works in the past doesn’t mean he is unbiased now.
He could have picked any legal team to represent Trump’s opponents in this case.
He did pick a team which backed Hillary to a rather impressive degree.
How much have you given your favorite candidate? This law team gave the Clintons a half a million dollars!
(So how does noting that make ME ”on the take?” )
@Nanny G: Nan —I often feel you are misguided but I consider you an honest woman.
Trump is knocking the very popular Latina Gov. Martinez. He’s accusing an Indiana judge, of
Mexican heritage, of prejudicial decisions against him
While political sensibilities would usually preclude someone from speaking so honestly, what one needs to consider WHY the remarks were made. Trump is reacting to Hispanics acting in the interests of illegal immigrants rather in the interests of citizens. And WHY are they supporting that side? Because of their Hispanic heritage. So, who is being racist… those making decisions based on their race or those who point this bias out?
Well, of course, the racist is the Republican… it always is.
@Nanny G: Final thought. The clear winner in this is Obama. His numbers continue to rise as people realize just how bad HRC and DT truly are.
Obama’as popularity is a product solely of his PR firm, the corrupt media. He is not popular because he has defeated ISIS (a crisis HE created), he is not popular because he created a successful Obamacare (it continues to crater and suck the life out of the economy), he is not successful because he invigorated a struggling, lethargic economy (more bad employment news for May, and revised figures downward for April and March) and he is not popular for unifying a distracted and distraught nation. He is, like the Kardashians, popular for being popular.
If you disagree with Trump, here come his sycophants to FA to slander a judge who has risked his life to help put Mexican drug cartel members behind bars and end the cartel drug trade into our nation.
The judge has not ruled yet, but he has ties to groups that support illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants should NEVER be supported; they are, well, illegally here. So, there can very well be a suspicion, in these times of activist judges that allow their personal prejudices to skew a legal opinion that SHOULD be objective. It is a valid concern that he may let his personal prejudices act against a person that pledges to enforce our immigration laws (see if you can find the truck loads of irony in THAT).
If you read what I wrote I said the most important point in the whole Trump V judge situation was that Trump has not asked this judge to recuse himself.
Trump doesn’t have the authority to ask the Judge to recuse himself. He is the defendant, remember? And if Trump’s lawyers had any proof of judicial misconduct on the part of the Judge, believe me, they would have filed that in court and it would be splashed all across the headlines of the Trump enabling sites like Drudge, Breitbart New and Gateway Pundit, none of which I read any longer due to their hero worship of Trump.
I have never equated Donald Trump with Jesus; a sinless, perfect human who never made mistakes, you know,
But you support a man who seems to think he is “a sinless, perfect human who never made mistakes” when he stated he never asked forgiveness from God.
He has made some rather bad mistakes.
As to this judge, he, too, is imperfect.
Just because this judge has/had done some good works in the past doesn’t mean he is unbiased now.
But it doesn’t mean he IS biased except for you accepting the crap posted on Charles C. Johnson’s website. Where are the charges against Judge Curiel? You think the most litigious presidential candidate this nation has ever seen has any qualms about destroying a good judge? If so, you are a foolish, foolish woman.
He could have picked any legal team to represent Trump’s opponents in this case.
He did pick a team which backed Hillary to a rather impressive degree.
Judges are not allowed to ask an attorney’s campaign donations any more than they are allowed to ask the defendant’s campaign donations. Want to compare that legal firm’s campaign donations to a Democrat against Donald Trump’s?
How much have you given your favorite candidate?
That’s my business.
This law team gave the Clintons a half a million dollars!
And that was divided up by how many lawyers? What about the money ($100,000.00) that Trump personally gave to the Clinton Foundation, not to mention the thousands of $$ he gave to other Democrats? Pot meet kettle.
(So how does noting that make ME ”on the take?” )
I have read your posts for the last few years. You are a learned woman who seems to hold the Bible and the Constitution dear. Yet here you are, pandering for a man who seems to have no respect for either. How are you any different than the fools who were mezmorized by Grecian columns in Denver not so long ago? If you truly hold certain tenets close to your heart, there is no way you could support someone who is clearly a charlatan. Hence, the 30 pieces of silver reference.
So, there can very well be a suspicion, in these times of activist judges that allow their personal prejudices to skew a legal opinion that SHOULD be objective. It is a valid concern that he may let his personal prejudices act against a person that pledges to enforce our immigration laws (see if you can find the truck loads of irony in THAT).
Baseless allegations are nothing more than slander. Suspicion is not fact. How much do you want to bet that Trump knows that the Judicial Code of Conduct prevents Judge Curiel from responding to those slanderous statements? Trump is accusing Judge Curiel of being biased due to the Judge’s heritage. Perhaps I should accuse Trump of being biased against the U.S. because of his heritage.
Trump slanders a judge who doesn’t seem enamored by his cult of personality because the judge’s parents were Hispanic. Then it is fair game to slander Donald Trump because his father participated in, and was arrested at, a KKK rally. Guess the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Perhaps I should accuse Trump of being biased against the U.S. because of his heritage.
Trump receives plenty of baseless, biased accusations; adding “racist” to the pile is not new. Though there is no evidence of it, much of the violent “protests” against Trump is based on his “racism”… which is based on his pledging to uphold and enforce immigration laws (as opposed to pandering with vague and hollow promises of citizenship) or advancing the notion that we should wait on importing “refugees” from a terrorist infested region until we have the means (and desire) to fully vet them… which the FBI agreed with.
Trump receives plenty of baseless, biased accusations; adding “racist” to the pile is not new.
Making baseless accusations against a sitting Federal judge because he is an American of Hispanic heritage and claiming the judge is unfair to Trump because Trump says he “will build a wall [between us and Mexico] is most certainly “racist” in the minds of any rational thinking person.
If Trump could prove a smidgen of his accusations against Judge Curiel, he would have tried to have him removed from the case. Instead, Trump will rely on smear tactics to discredit someone who doesn’t fawn at his feet.
Though there is no evidence of it, much of the violent “protests” against Trump is based on his “racism”… which is based on his pledging to uphold and enforce immigration laws (as opposed to pandering with vague and hollow promises of citizenship) or advancing the notion that we should wait on importing “refugees” from a terrorist infested region until we have the means (and desire) to fully vet them… which the FBI agreed with.
How is Trump going to forcibly make California adhere to immigration laws? Is he going to stand on the border and personally prevent illegal entry? Or is he going to rule like Obama, ignoring his Constitutional limitations?
Trump didn’t use the term “terrorist nations.” He used the term “Muslim.” I would have agreed with the term “terrorist nations.”
What has Obama accomplished? (Note: I did not write this, just sharing.)
Quit trashing Obama’s accomplishments. He has done more than any other President before him. Here is a list of his impressive accomplishments:
1. First President to be photographed smoking a joint.
2. First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
3. First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
4. First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
5. First President to violate the War Powers Act.
6. First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
7. First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
8. First President to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” jobs.
9. First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
10. First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
11. First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
12. First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
13. First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
14. First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
15. First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
16. First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
17. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
18. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.
19. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
20. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
21. First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
22. First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
23. First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
24. First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
25. First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.
26. First President to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.
27. First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.
28. First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
29. First President to go on multiple “global apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
30. First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.
31. First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
Technically, not correct. He is not the first, but his wife has nearly triple the number (at 20) beating out the closest competitor (Hillary Clinton-7).
32. First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
33. First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.
34. First President to repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
35. First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).
36. First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences.”
37. Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
I feel much better now. I had been under the impression he hadn’t been doing ANYTHING… Such an accomplished individual… in the eyes of the ignorant maybe.!.
I would add:
38. The first president to destroy the privacy rights of genetic females. by forcing the states to allow genetic men who “feel like ladies” (and perverts and rapists who also “pretend” to be women,) to violate the sanctity of the ladies room, in order to enact the lofty communist goal of erasing genetic differences between the sexes.
39. First president to incite and sanction rioting against the police.
40. First president to aid in a US hating terrorist nation’s goal to become a a nuclear power.
41. First President to order military members to hide their bibles and religion, and consider veterans as ‘potential home-grown terrorists.’
42. First president to ask the troops if they would be willing to open fire on US civilians, drive out those who say “no” while promoting those who say “yes”.
43. First President to approve of sending female and openly gay recruits to the front line. (There’s that communist agenda stuff again.)
44. First President to openly use the IRS stop political opposition in an election year.
Just some of the accomplishments of our 44th president. I’m sure we can come up with more.
8 years ago
@retire05: Baseless? Really? A liberal judge that supports La Raza, in this time of activist judges, up to and including Supreme Court justices, is capable of anything. Once the left commits to ending their campaign of making false claims and accusations against anyone they disagree with then perhaps the suspicions that a liberal, La Raza supporting Hispanic judge can be called unfair. However, as long as lies and false accusations are the primary tools of the oppostition, someone in Trump’s position has every reason to express his concerns.
And, of course, the left expresses these same concerns of every judge that does not endorse abortion clinics on a regular basis.
How is Trump going to forcibly make California adhere to immigration laws? Is he going to stand on the border and personally prevent illegal entry? Or is he going to rule like Obama, ignoring his Constitutional limitations?
I can understand that after 8 years of Obama, one might forget that there actually is a legal and Constitutional method of enacting policy. If the Republicans maintain a majority in Congress, it would be a very simple task to enact laws that denies federal money to any city, country or state that does not enforce immigration laws and for the DOJ to aggressively pursue harsh legal action against cities like San Francisco that aid and abet illegal immigrant criminals.
Trump didn’t use the term “terrorist nations.” He used the term “Muslim.” I would have agreed with the term “terrorist nations.”
The terrorist infiltrators are not coming from any particular nation; they are coming from ISIS. While there are legitimate refugees from the ISIS threatened areas, ISIS has pledged to infiltrate the refugees and conduct terrorists activities wherever they settle. Even though all Muslims are not terrorists, it is an indisputable fact that each and every terrorist IS a Muslim. The truth cannot be denied. Anyone in a public position with the courage to openly discuss this truth should be applauded, not vilified.
Obama’s has been a major advocate of violence in the streets since his first term.
Latinos For Donald Trump – Angelo Gomez Explains…
Lots of others add their $0.02.
@Nanny G:
Exactly. Many third, fourth and later generation Hispanic citizens as well as those who legally immigrated, understand the problems caused by an uncontrolled flood of illegal immigrants. They also tend to be more conservative due to their strong family and religious convictions. They will vote for Trump.
Trump’s desire to support the working class and bring jobs back to the US is a”yuuuge” part of what is bringing blue collar support back to the Republican party. That is also why many rank and file Union workers are thumbing their noses at their union leaders and why they are voting Trump. (It certainly isn’t because of his support for “right to work”.) This of course irritates Union haters like Retire05 who can’t see beyond their anti-union rhetoric. The establishment politicians have been stabbing the working class in the back with their globalist agenda for decades, and it is finally biting them in the ass.
@Nanny G: Nan —I often feel you are misguided but I consider you an honest woman.
Trump is knocking the very popular Latina Gov. Martinez. He’s accusing an Indiana judge, of
Mexican heritage, of prejudicial decisions against him He’s polling under 20% among Latin voters–and that 80+% is getting fired up.
Trump is building the white male vote. Maybe even 70%– I won’t be one of those.
Can he win the Presidency with these racial and male/female divides?
Honest answer.
@Richard Wheeler:
This is the latest about the NM gov and Trump:
As to the Judge, I only have news to base my opinion on.
The judge opened private papers in the case then had to withdraw them because they included all manner of private information of the litigants, like home addresses and phone numbers.
Also among the secrets that were not supposed to become public was the fact that one of the firms picked by Judge Curiel to represent plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit against Trump University have financial ties to Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Financial ties to the tune of half a million dollars.
The judge has been on a La Raza committee to funnel taxpayer money (in the form of scholarships) to illegals he calls ”dreamers.”
The judge, after 6 years, even dropped the original plaintiff from this case. Trump’s lawyers argued Makaeff should have to stay on as lead plaintiff, and that the discovery process for the case would have been different if she hadn’t been in the role for the last six years.
She claimed she wanted to avoid being in this case during an election, but the judge turned down both her and Trump’s requests to bring the case to trail before the election season.
The most important thing, however is, for all Trump’s noting of all of this in media, he has not (yet) requested the judge recuse himself.
Now, as to Hispanics, there is nothing in polling to show much …. yet.
However, many heavily Hispanic states are toss ups.
These include Florida, New Mexico and Nevada.
I doubt that paid protesters at Trump venues are any indication of ”hotness” on the part of actual likely voters who are Hispanics.
@Nanny G: I honestly think the only reason this race is close is because of his weak opponent .Large % of Trump “supporters” like Ryan and Carson ann McConnell don’t even like him. They see the alternative as worse.
I believe a large percentage of the electorate feel as David and I feel. We dislike them both and WILL NOT vote for either.
BTW-He’s got 4% of the African American vote.
Thanks for your response
@Nanny G: Final thought. The clear winner in this is Obama. His numbers continue to rise as people realize just how bad HRC and DT truly are.
“Deborah L. Rhode, a professor at Stanford Law School and the founding director of the university’s Center on Ethics, said that calls for Judge Curiel to step down from a case because of his Mexican roots were akin to saying that Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice, should never have been able to decide civil rights cases.
“If race were a disqualifying factor, nobody could preside over these cases,” Ms. Rhode said.
Mr. Vega, now a corporate lawyer who was the best man at Judge Curiel’s wedding, said he did not think that the attacks by Mr. Trump would taint the judge’s approach to the case.
But, remembering when his friend, then a prosecutor, arrived at his house for a barbecue flanked by bodyguards, Mr. Vega noted the irony of Mr. Trump’s criticizing someone who had risked his life to slow the flow of drugs coming from Mexico into the United States — an issue that is dear to Mr. Trump.”
If you disagree with Trump, here come his sycophants to FA to slander a judge who has risked his life to help put Mexican drug cartel members behind bars and end the cartel drug trade into our nation.
Tell me, Nan, how do you intend to spend your 30 pieces of silver?
If you read what I wrote I said the most important point in the whole Trump V judge situation was that Trump has not asked this judge to recuse himself.
I have never equated Donald Trump with Jesus; a sinless, perfect human who never made mistakes, you know,
He has made some rather bad mistakes.
His remark that those cartoonists in Garland Texas must have had better things to do than draw Mohammad is one of them.
As to this judge, he, too, is imperfect.
Just because this judge has/had done some good works in the past doesn’t mean he is unbiased now.
He could have picked any legal team to represent Trump’s opponents in this case.
He did pick a team which backed Hillary to a rather impressive degree.
How much have you given your favorite candidate?
This law team gave the Clintons a half a million dollars!
(So how does noting that make ME ”on the take?” )
@Richard Wheeler:
While political sensibilities would usually preclude someone from speaking so honestly, what one needs to consider WHY the remarks were made. Trump is reacting to Hispanics acting in the interests of illegal immigrants rather in the interests of citizens. And WHY are they supporting that side? Because of their Hispanic heritage. So, who is being racist… those making decisions based on their race or those who point this bias out?
Well, of course, the racist is the Republican… it always is.
Obama’as popularity is a product solely of his PR firm, the corrupt media. He is not popular because he has defeated ISIS (a crisis HE created), he is not popular because he created a successful Obamacare (it continues to crater and suck the life out of the economy), he is not successful because he invigorated a struggling, lethargic economy (more bad employment news for May, and revised figures downward for April and March) and he is not popular for unifying a distracted and distraught nation. He is, like the Kardashians, popular for being popular.
The judge has not ruled yet, but he has ties to groups that support illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants should NEVER be supported; they are, well, illegally here. So, there can very well be a suspicion, in these times of activist judges that allow their personal prejudices to skew a legal opinion that SHOULD be objective. It is a valid concern that he may let his personal prejudices act against a person that pledges to enforce our immigration laws (see if you can find the truck loads of irony in THAT).
@Nanny G:
Trump doesn’t have the authority to ask the Judge to recuse himself. He is the defendant, remember? And if Trump’s lawyers had any proof of judicial misconduct on the part of the Judge, believe me, they would have filed that in court and it would be splashed all across the headlines of the Trump enabling sites like Drudge, Breitbart New and Gateway Pundit, none of which I read any longer due to their hero worship of Trump.
But you support a man who seems to think he is “a sinless, perfect human who never made mistakes” when he stated he never asked forgiveness from God.
He has made some rather bad mistakes.
But it doesn’t mean he IS biased except for you accepting the crap posted on Charles C. Johnson’s website. Where are the charges against Judge Curiel? You think the most litigious presidential candidate this nation has ever seen has any qualms about destroying a good judge? If so, you are a foolish, foolish woman.
Judges are not allowed to ask an attorney’s campaign donations any more than they are allowed to ask the defendant’s campaign donations. Want to compare that legal firm’s campaign donations to a Democrat against Donald Trump’s?
That’s my business.
And that was divided up by how many lawyers? What about the money ($100,000.00) that Trump personally gave to the Clinton Foundation, not to mention the thousands of $$ he gave to other Democrats? Pot meet kettle.
I have read your posts for the last few years. You are a learned woman who seems to hold the Bible and the Constitution dear. Yet here you are, pandering for a man who seems to have no respect for either. How are you any different than the fools who were mezmorized by Grecian columns in Denver not so long ago? If you truly hold certain tenets close to your heart, there is no way you could support someone who is clearly a charlatan. Hence, the 30 pieces of silver reference.
Baseless allegations are nothing more than slander. Suspicion is not fact. How much do you want to bet that Trump knows that the Judicial Code of Conduct prevents Judge Curiel from responding to those slanderous statements? Trump is accusing Judge Curiel of being biased due to the Judge’s heritage. Perhaps I should accuse Trump of being biased against the U.S. because of his heritage.
Trump slanders a judge who doesn’t seem enamored by his cult of personality because the judge’s parents were Hispanic. Then it is fair game to slander Donald Trump because his father participated in, and was arrested at, a KKK rally. Guess the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Trump receives plenty of baseless, biased accusations; adding “racist” to the pile is not new. Though there is no evidence of it, much of the violent “protests” against Trump is based on his “racism”… which is based on his pledging to uphold and enforce immigration laws (as opposed to pandering with vague and hollow promises of citizenship) or advancing the notion that we should wait on importing “refugees” from a terrorist infested region until we have the means (and desire) to fully vet them… which the FBI agreed with.
Go ahead; add on another layer.
Making baseless accusations against a sitting Federal judge because he is an American of Hispanic heritage and claiming the judge is unfair to Trump because Trump says he “will build a wall [between us and Mexico] is most certainly “racist” in the minds of any rational thinking person.
If Trump could prove a smidgen of his accusations against Judge Curiel, he would have tried to have him removed from the case. Instead, Trump will rely on smear tactics to discredit someone who doesn’t fawn at his feet.
How is Trump going to forcibly make California adhere to immigration laws? Is he going to stand on the border and personally prevent illegal entry? Or is he going to rule like Obama, ignoring his Constitutional limitations?
Trump didn’t use the term “terrorist nations.” He used the term “Muslim.” I would have agreed with the term “terrorist nations.”
@Richard Wheeler:
What has Obama accomplished? (Note: I did not write this, just sharing.)
Also the first to direct fines be paid as donations to political non-profits instead of the government.
Technically, not correct. He is not the first, but his wife has nearly triple the number (at 20) beating out the closest competitor (Hillary Clinton-7).
I would add:
38. The first president to destroy the privacy rights of genetic females. by forcing the states to allow genetic men who “feel like ladies” (and perverts and rapists who also “pretend” to be women,) to violate the sanctity of the ladies room, in order to enact the lofty communist goal of erasing genetic differences between the sexes.
39. First president to incite and sanction rioting against the police.
40. First president to aid in a US hating terrorist nation’s goal to become a a nuclear power.
41. First President to order military members to hide their bibles and religion, and consider veterans as ‘potential home-grown terrorists.’
42. First president to ask the troops if they would be willing to open fire on US civilians, drive out those who say “no” while promoting those who say “yes”.
43. First President to approve of sending female and openly gay recruits to the front line. (There’s that communist agenda stuff again.)
44. First President to openly use the IRS stop political opposition in an election year.
Just some of the accomplishments of our 44th president. I’m sure we can come up with more.
@retire05: Baseless? Really? A liberal judge that supports La Raza, in this time of activist judges, up to and including Supreme Court justices, is capable of anything. Once the left commits to ending their campaign of making false claims and accusations against anyone they disagree with then perhaps the suspicions that a liberal, La Raza supporting Hispanic judge can be called unfair. However, as long as lies and false accusations are the primary tools of the oppostition, someone in Trump’s position has every reason to express his concerns.
And, of course, the left expresses these same concerns of every judge that does not endorse abortion clinics on a regular basis.
I can understand that after 8 years of Obama, one might forget that there actually is a legal and Constitutional method of enacting policy. If the Republicans maintain a majority in Congress, it would be a very simple task to enact laws that denies federal money to any city, country or state that does not enforce immigration laws and for the DOJ to aggressively pursue harsh legal action against cities like San Francisco that aid and abet illegal immigrant criminals.
The terrorist infiltrators are not coming from any particular nation; they are coming from ISIS. While there are legitimate refugees from the ISIS threatened areas, ISIS has pledged to infiltrate the refugees and conduct terrorists activities wherever they settle. Even though all Muslims are not terrorists, it is an indisputable fact that each and every terrorist IS a Muslim. The truth cannot be denied. Anyone in a public position with the courage to openly discuss this truth should be applauded, not vilified.