I would hope that our leaders would never believe that any American desires to make another American an enemy. Let’s dial it back.
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) February 17, 2017
It’s been a good old-fashioned gun fight, sans guns, an almost no-holds barred MMA (mixed martial arts) battle with $4 billion in campaign funds to blast some outrageous images and rhetoric at voters. Now that the shouting is nearly over, voters will finally have their say. It’s likely the the GOP will have a sweeping victory in the House, according to most polls, and Ohio Rep. John Boehner is poised to become speaker of the House.
Boehner has been a point of the spear for the GOP’s fight to block the Democratic agenda, take back the House and Senate, and take on President Obama. Tonight, he is expected to deliver a speech in which he paints Mr. Obama as bitterly partisan, viewing the GOP as “enemies” based on a remark he made to Univision radio.
“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”
Following are Boehner’s prepared remarks for a rally in Cincinnati on the eve of the election:
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president in the White House who referred to Americans who disagree with him as ‘our enemies.’ Think about that. He actually used that word. When Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush used the word ‘enemy,’ they reserved it for global terrorists and foreign dictators — enemies of the United States. Enemies of freedom. Enemies of our country. Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word ‘enemy’ for fellow Americans — fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government — people speaking out for a smaller, more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small businesses to create jobs. Mr. President, there’s a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don’t call them ‘enemies.’ We call them ‘patriots.'”
Obamas enermies are the hard working god fearing gun owning avrage american becuase we dont want any part of some damn World Community or a North American(Soviet)Union and we dont want open borders and we want the 9th Circus Court cleaned out of the crooked liberal actvists judges
obama is an enemy of America, and has always been an enemy of the People of America.
It is no more evident now that in the post presidency he is conducting himself as a traitor, a domestic enemy of the state. While it may have been reported his intention to remain in Washington was to “protect” his legacy, thta may be the superficial view.
However, what his org is doing is far more sinister. He knows what was done to America during his 8 years can be dismantled for the benefit of all Americans. But, as an alinksy marxist, he does not want that to happen.
So, behind the scenes, this disgrace of human skin is plotting to thwart any effort to undo the damge he inflicted in 8 years. He is engaging in sedition.
This is more of that fixation with the truth that make some of our left wing commenters so uncomfortable
told you all for the last eight years he is a muslim terrorist