Alex Pfeiffer:
Journalists can’t seem to get their stories straight in the opening weeks of the Trump administration, whether in tweets or in articles where falsehoods have been spread almost daily.
The mistakes have not just been from newer liberal news outlets such The Huffington Post or BuzzFeed, but from legacy media like Reuters, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
What follows are several botched stories or conflicting reports since President Trump took office.
The Trump administration eases sanctions on a Russian intelligence agency.
NBC reported Thursday that the Trump administration was easing sanctions on the FSB, one of Russia’s primary intelligence agencies. Peter Alexander, NBC’s national correspondent, tweeted, “US Treasury Dept easing Obama admin sanctions to allow companies to do transactions with Russia’s FSB, successor org to KGB.”
Less than an hour later, he wrote, “Source familiar w sanctions says it’s a technical fix, planned under Obama, to avoid unintended consequences of cybersanctions.” His initial and incorrect tweet received nearly seven thousand retweets and the correction has less than 300 retweets.
Vanity Fair is still running the uncorrected article: “Russian Stocks Surge As Comrade Trump Eases Relations With Vlad.”
The Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice were blindsided by Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugees.
The New York Times came out with a report this past week titled: “How Trump’s Rush to Enact an Immigration Ban Unleashed Global Chaos.”
It stated: “Gen. John F. Kelly, the secretary of homeland security, had dialed in from a Coast Guard plane as he headed back to Washington from Miami. Along with other top officials, he needed guidance from the White House, which had not asked his department for a legal review of the order. Halfway into the briefing, someone on the call looked up at a television in his office. ‘The president is signing the executive order that we’re discussing,’ the official said, stunned.”
Secretary Kelly, however, later strongly denied this report during a press conference Tuesday. “We knew it was coming. It wasn’t a surprise,” Kelly said.
NBC had their own story about Trump blindsiding officials. John Harwood tweeted, “senior Justice official tells [NBC News] that Dept had no input. not sure who in WH is writing/reviewing. standard NSC process not functioning.” This tweet received over 3,000 retweets.
A few days later, CNN reported that an internal memo showed that the DOJ had in fact approved Trump’s executive order.
Steve Bannon went to visit Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly to convince him to temporarily ban certain green card holders.
The Washington Post’s Josh Rogin forgot to ask the White House for comment about the movements of a White House official for a story he published Saturday.
Rogin reported Saturday: “White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon wanted to stop Kelly in his tracks. Bannon paid a personal and unscheduled visit to Kelly’s Department of Homeland Security office to deliver an order: Don’t issue the waiver. Kelly, according to two administration officials familiar with the confrontation, refused to comply with Bannon’s instruction.”
The report was spread by journalists on Twitter and picked up by New York magazine, The Week, and Mother Jones.
However, an editor’s note was later added to Rogin’s story. It states: “Prior to publication of this column, The Post sought comment from the Department of Homeland Security but not from the White House. We should have done both. After publication, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told The Post that Stephen Bannon did not travel to see Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on the evening of Jan. 28.”
It was also Rogin who reported that the entire senior administrative team at the state department resigned in the opening week of the Trump administration. The columnist failed to mention that only one undersecretary of state stayed in the transition from the Clinton to Bush administration.
The Trump administration forces the resignations of several senior Secret Service officials.
The Atlantic’s Washington editor-at-large Steve Clemons tweeted Friday that Secret Service management level personnel were forced to resign Thursday night and escorted out of the Eisenhower executive office building. He subsequently tweeted that one of these “fired” Secret Service agents “speculates” that Trump is “restructuring the service.”
And after he Primaries and election who thought they would begin responsible reporting? The fact that very few people actually trust anything they say hasnt sunk in. It might be a shame if they ever report something that could be important and we all assume its a lie. What they dont report on is astounding being lap dogs of liberals, the absolute chaos the refugees are causing in Europe. The hard right swing much of Europe is going through, nope not BBC. You cant rely on google anymore it is so damn biased.
What, exactly, is the downside for the corrupt liberal media when they, in their headlong rush to smear Trump, make glaring mistakes? The left doesn’t CARE about facts (witness the cowardly liar AJ that continues to characterize Trump as “vagina grabbing” when there is NO evidence Trump has ever done any such thing. AJ simply doesn’t care; he just wants something g bad to spread about Trump).
However, Trump has successfully exposed the open secret that the media is biased and liberal (not necessarily in that order). More people are doubting the media and researching the facts. The corrupt, liberal media is digging its own grave. Good riddance.
Did you get that RT—Bill says Trump doesn’t grab vaginas. Not your kinda guy..
If Trump wants to continue to categorize the American free press as “the opposition” it’s gonna be a long hard 4 years for him.
Even the once charming, congenial KellyAnne has become a snarling disseminator of “alternative facts.”`
@respecy: Ok, new guy:
You misunderstood, as usual. He was referring to ‘without approval or permission’. I’m sure Trump is red blooded and does whenever he has approval. Unlike Obozo and Tranny that would be grabbing in the other direction.
Why wouldn’t he? They are. It will be a lot harder for them.
Better known as ‘bad facts’ for Dims. The truth for Repubs.
How long you gonna be around, the average for trolls is about 3 months. I believe that’s the standard first hitch for Soros group trolls? We’ve had three for the last quarter. I believe we’ve already got the three new ones for this quarter.
@RedTeam</ Many think Putin is pulling Trump's strings.
Trump is now quoting Putin's great polls.
What do you think of that flamboyant young gay Conservatve with a Black boyfriend whose been making the rounds on Fox? New face of conservatism perhaps?
@respecy: Are you changing your handle Rich or attempting to be a sockpuppet?
@Curt: Just having fun–don’t know where that name came from–I didn’t add it.
Semper Fi