Erick Erickson:
People are idiots. Donald Trump will keeping winning because people are idiots. And no, I am not talking about Trump supporters. I am mostly talking about the press corps.
Let’s review Saturday shall we?
The press decided to give massive coverage to the Women’s March in Washington with members of the press gleefully reporting every insult against Trump, but patently ignoring that one of the key speakers opposed the collapse of the Berlin Wall because she thought the communists were better than us. Another speaker, Ashley Judd, suggested Trump supporters were Nazis.
Consider the reaction of the press had this been said of Barack Obama. Well, we do not have to ponder it. We know. The press was outraged. Remember how a congressional staffer got fired for tweeting something about the Obama kids? On Friday, multiple people with blue checkmarks on Twitter were attacking Barron Trump and the press said nothing. (UPDATE: Well, one reporter was pretty vocal about it at least) We also know how the press responded when anyone called Obama a muslim, Nazi, commie, etc.
All this reinforces in many people’s minds that there is a double standard. And that double standard went into full force on Saturday. Supposedly objective reporters spent the day as activists and you all know it.
Overnight Friday, Zeke Miller tweeted out that the MLK bust was gone. It set off an uproar online. But he was in error. He tweeted out, basically, a “my bad” later that night. The bust had been hidden behind a door or secret service agent or something.
On Saturday, Donald Trump went to the CIA and bashed Miller, though not by name. The press flew into full outrage, using the fact that Trump stood in front of a memorial to dead CIA agents as the pretext for attacking Trump for attacking one of their own.
They failed, in the process, to report that Trump’s remarks about the press were met with uproarious applause by the agents of the CIA. Trump acted exactly like Donald Trump acts and the press not only considered it news, but because he went after one of their own it suddenly became the biggest news of the day. A skillful way, by the way, to take away coverage from the Women’s March.
Later, when Sean Spicer lashed out at the press for daring to report Trump’s inaugural crowd was smaller than Obama’s, the press had a complete meltdown. But Spicer threw in a sleight of hand the press never picked up on. He clearly meant not just actual attendees, but also viewers and listeners online, on radio, and on television around the world. He still probably is not accurate, but it gave Trump supporters a pre-text again to go after the press for bias yet again.
Now, here we are at the close of Saturday, and the press has been fixated on a President of the United States daring to fight them. They have never had a President push back against them before like this. So now they’re screaming “First Amendment” and offended that Trump is doing all this.
They are screaming and moaning over treatment from a man who won a national election after video revealed he thought he could grab women by, well, you know where. And somehow the press thinks that voters who voted for Trump after that will care about this.
And WHY is Trump’s approval rating low? Well, because of the reportage by this very same corrupt media, the same media that conducts the polls on which the approval rating is based. What a racket, huh?
Another detail the media fails to take into account (since they are the guilty party) is that Trump’s account of his battle with the dishonest media was SURE to be met favorably by the members of the CIA since THEY are treated dishonestly by the corrupt liberal media.
I enjoyed this post. Yes, the press thinks only their opinion counts and it’s quite clear from the libs on this blog that they rapidly consume and live and breathe the sh!t fed out by the liberal press. They actually believe that someone believes everything the press says. Unfortunately for libs, they have no built in reasoning ability so they are kinda left by the wayside. Yes, there are clearly libs on Fox News also. Kelly is gone now, to her better fit with NBC. (Nothing But Crap), unfortunately Chris Wallace will likely stick around. He thinks he is taken seriously on Fox so he can be as lib as he wants to but still gets to pass as neutral just by his presence on Fox.
Yes, Trump is a master at playing the press. The art of distraction. So, yes, Trump will keep winning because the Liberal press is apoplectic and take themselves seriously.
Seems like the photo comparisons between Obama and Trump were from different times of the day.
Obama DURING his speech.
Trump BEFORE his speech.
The interactive CNN photo is DURING Trump’s speech.
Looks easily as big as Obama’s.
And as to the MLK bust.
That reporter represented ALL reporters as THE pool reporter for the WH meeting.
When he “reported” the MLK bust was removed he was calling Trump the racist many already thought he is.
His report went out to 3,000 before he corrected it.
People who want to believe Trump is a racist who would remove the MLK bust will not get the correction memo.
Now, how skewed was the coverage of the womxns march?
Did you hear the report that 50 of the organized groups were all Soros’ backed?
Did you see the aftermath of the astroturfed event?
Did you see how a pair of womxn set fire to a Trump supporter’s hair?
Did you see that Secret Service is going after Madonna for reading her pre-written remarks inciting violence?
Did you see the main organizer of this march flashing the sign of ISIS???