DOJ Told FBI to ‘Stand Down’ in Clinton Foundation investigation

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David Thornton:

Hillary Clinton is being hammered in the final days before the election. The news of renewed interest in the FBI probe of her handling of classified information shook the campaign last week. Now comes a new report that FBI agents investigating the Clinton Foundation thought that they had enough information to warrant more aggressive measures, but were allegedly told to “stand down” by the Justice Department.

The Wall St. Journal reports that the investigation into the Clinton Foundation began as a result of the book, “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich” by Peter Schweizer. The investigation began in the summer of 2015 and is ongoing.

Citing multiple sources from several different agencies, the Journal reports that there was a conflict between the FBI and the Department of Justice over the strength of the case.  The investigation into whether Clinton Foundation donors received favorable treatment from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was perceived as weak by the upper levels of the FBI and DOJ, but investigators believed that there were promising leads that they were not allowed to follow.

The discovery of a trove of emails on a computer belonging to Anthony Wiener, the husband of Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, may have revealed some of the limits placed on FBI investigators. Politico reported that the agents had never asked Clinton staffers for their personal email devices and may have even lacked subpoena power.

Much of the debate stemmed from secret recordings of a suspect in a public corruption case. In a recorded conversation, the suspect, whose identity was not disclosed, discussed alleged deals made by the Clintons. The investigators could not corroborate the details of the deals, but wanted to investigate further. Prosecutors disagreed. The Justice Department felt that the information was hearsay and too weak to warrant a more aggressive investigation.

The FBI agents and the DOJ became more frustrated with each other as the investigators continued to try to pursue the case. The FBI pushed for more leeway while DOJ officials were irritated by the failure of the FBI to act discreetly and follow instructions. In February, the DOJ allegedly told FBI investigators to “stand down” according to the Journal sources.

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And this gose all the way to the bottom of the trash barrel Obama Rat,Biden Rat and Kerry Rat

It isn’t Hillary Clinton who is being aided by the theft of government and private files by Russian hackers; by its publication through Wikileaks, which has also illegally published stolen classified national security documents; or by rogue elements within the FBI making unauthorized and highly selective releases of confidential information calculated to alter the course of a U.S. presidential election.

You’re so deep in your bullshit Clinton conspiracy theories that you don’t seem to be able to figure out who’s actually engaging in obvious criminal activities with totally obvious motives. You can’t identify threats to the nation, either foreign or domestic, when they’re standing right in front of you jumping up and down waving their arms around. You won’t even listen to the smartest people on the conservative side of the divide, when they point out to you exactly what the danger is. Instead you listen to partisan crackpots who have taken up the cause of a billionaire conman. You think this draft dodging blowhard knows more about geopolitics and military strategy than the civilian experts and generals who have lifetimes of firsthand experience behind them, and access to information the rest of us are totally clueless about. You think he’s an expert in economic matters because he’s made millions, ignoring the disasters he’s repeatedly walked away from leaving other people to deal with the consequences. You think he’s some kind of roll model for being a tax evader, and seem to admire the fact that he won’t show you his own tax documents while claiming how crooked everybody else is. It’s almost beyond belief.


It is hard to determine who is more in the tank of willing disbelief, you or the left wing DNC media…..

Your criticisms of Trump are about as effective as the democrats campaign. They have nothing because the democrats can not run on issues….

All you have is the politics of personal destruction

@Greg: Hillary made all her classified emails she was illegally storing on her unsecured private server available to anyone that wanted to hack it. The FBI says they are 99% certain at least 5 different entities hacked it. If, Greg, the loss of classified information actually bothered you, you would be infuriated at Hillary for putting her own secret corrupt activities above the security of the United States.

But that doesn’t bother you. Not one bit. All that bothers you is that Hillary’s lies and corruption have been revealed. All that bothers you is that the liberal brand has been damaged. All that bothers you is that you instinctively support a corrupt liar.

Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment

Fox News anchor Bret Baier apologized Friday for reporting that federal investigators had determined that Hillary Clinton’s private email server had been hacked and that an investigation would lead to an indictment of Clinton after the election.

In fact, Baier said, after checking with his sources, there is no evidence at this time for either statement.


No, Bret Baier’s multi-part scoop on the FBI’s Clinton probes hasn’t been “debunked”

Bret Baier apologized on television for falsely reporting FBI inside sources had stated that Clinton would likely be indicted. Is that not clear enough? There’s no indication whatsoever that an indictment is likely. The report was b.s. It was intended to influence voters, creating a more unfavorable perception of Hillary Clinton. It’s how the Trump campaign is operating, in a nutshell.

Here’s the entire uncut FOX News video. Listen carefully. They’re still trying to give the impression that Clinton is under serious suspicion, but what they’re actually saying is that there’s somebody inside the FBI speaking to them unofficially who holds that opinion, despite the fact that they’ve found no evidence to back the opinion up.

Of course they were told to stand down, common sense thinking individuals have come to the conclusion. Those who have been told to think otherwise,(greg) are unsuccessfully attempting to apply their “group think” to those who do in fact know better.

That used to work at a time and at a place long ago and far away.
Not any more….

@Greg: You love you some propaganda, don’t you? All Baier has done is clarify that the agents do not indict, but that THEY believe they have enough information that an indictment should be issued. He clarified that the agents issued their opinion, not an indictment. He apologized for not being clearer, not using FBI sources.

despite the fact that they’ve found no evidence to back the opinion up.

YOU should pay attention. They are saying the sources say there is enough evidence to indict. The only point clarified is that THEY do not indict; it is up to the corrupt DOJ.

Apparently, the FBI, who investigate crime and uphold laws, are sick and tired of this administration applying laws only to conservatives and giving liberals a free pass.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Perhaps that is a little too complex for a “group thinker” to process…..

The attorney general is a political hack, should have never been confirmed and is guilty of impeachable offenses while in office. The injustice department needs to be cleaned out of the lifetime political appointees and integrity returned…..

When the law breaks down within a civil society, the civil society ceases to exist. The people of this Country are quickly losing confidence in the application of justice for all.


RON HART: My Clinton Foundation challenge

There’s a bright side to every loss. The Clintons can now spend more time “saving the world” with their Clinton Foundation, which in no way was a self-enrichment/pay-for-play scheme.

While Hillary was Secretary of State, about half of her meetings were with Clinton Crime Family Foundation donors. Her husband was a past president and de-facto head of the Democrat Party. And Hillary was, by The NY Times calculations, a 95 percent sure-lock winner for the 2016 presidency. The same guy the paper used for this mathematical modeling is the one they use for global warming predictions.

Therefore, what nefarious and despotic leader, country or businessman would not like to donate to the Clintons, bundling funds through Canada where they can get a full tax deduction?

This scandal has brought the Clintons closer. Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and her husband were seen Christmas shopping together near Chelsea’s $15 million starter apartment in NYC. They all stick together now, fearful that if one family member breaks loose, he or she might go to FBI Director James Comey and turn state’s evidence on the others.

As someone who had his assertions (that the Clintons enriched themselves around the Clinton Foundation) called “outrageous” by a liberal pundit on a CNN panel, I have a challenge for CNN and that liberal pundit, Bill Press. I will give $1,000 to the Clinton Foundation for every million dollars raised beyond their last official filing of $330 million in donations that year, if he will give to my foundation $1,000 for every million dollars less than $330 million the Clintons raise in future years.

To recap, so even a liberal can understand: If the Clintons raise $350 million for their fine work next year, I donate $20,000 to their foundation. Should they raise, say, $310 million, Bill Press donates $20,000 to mine – i.e., a $1,000 bet per million over or under $330 million.

It sounds fair. If the Clinton scam was all about charity and not influence peddling (and now with all the time Hillary has to devote to “charity work”), logic would dictate that donations should skyrocket. The Clinton Foundation has already eradicated the Haitian earthquake victims’ trust in foundations and the real charitable work they do. But with our help, they can do more.

The Clintons ran their charity (ostensibly) out of the publicly funded “Clinton Library,” since Arkansas has lower taxes than New York. This was the only non-stripper charity Bill did not fund in Arkansas, and his is the only presidential library with a “Ladies Get in Free, 2-for-1 Drinks” night.

Obama has decided to put his presidential library in Chicago, the town where he taught a college law school class: “How to Circumvent the Constitution.” Trump’s will be The Donald J. Trump Presidential Library, Golf Course and Casino.

WikiLeaks dogged Hillary. Leaking is historically an issue for folks approaching 70. It was how we learned that Bill and Hillary’s business model was to rake in the money personally. Clinton pimp Doug Band, who leaked email around the Clinton Foundation, said, “President Clinton’s business arrangements have yielded more than $30 million for him personally, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years …;”

The Clintons probably learned their self-enrichment techniques from Vice-Hypocrite Al Gore. When Gore ran for president in 2000, the federally required filing of his net worth was $700,000. According to CBS News, his net worth now exceeds $200 million. The Clintons, fellow career “public servants,” are worth about the same. It’s a good thing they are libs and the money doesn’t mean anything to them.

Gore made his money by shaking down Silicon Valley and selling government-issued TV station licenses to that oil-rich/carbon emissions monster, the government of Qatar. Captain Crony Capitalist Al Gore set the model for the Clintons. Act like you are doing something noble like “saving the planet,” and then set about shaking down governments and corporations for money. It kinda feels like the way the Castro brothers got to a billion dollar net worth.

Shakespeare summed these two up best in Henry VI, Part II: “Virtue is choked with foul ambition.”

This reminds me of a great line from an Alabama Democrat congressman facing a challenge for his seat. He leveled with voters and told them he had been in Washington for eight terms and had already stolen all he needed; this new guy would have to start from scratch, and it would cost them.

It’s a good thing Trump already has his money.

It’s Over! Clinton Global Initiative Is Being Shut Down…

A major arm of Clinton influence is ending.

Screen Shot taken by YC at 2017-01-14 at 9.10.26 PM

This is a notice, required under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act), about pending layoffs.

Clinton Global Initiative will be closing, that is the reason given for laying off 22 employees on 4/15/2017.

74 employees were previously let go at the end of December, according to other WARN filings.

What foreign government would want to donate now to someone who will not be President, who will have no power?

There have been questions raised about whether everything in the Clinton Foundation was actually in compliance with the charity laws in the state of New York.

There was also investigations regarding questions of conflicts of interest and pay-for-play that circled around the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.

But it is interesting that even after Hillary Clinton lost, the Clintons are ending this influence organ.

Some are speculating that it has more to do with the investigations.

While the investigations as to Hillary Clinton’s emails have apparently ended, those as to the Foundation have not.

(Excerpt) Read more at …

@July 4th American: I would be as glad as anyone else to see this money laundering/personal ATM enterprise shut down, but I am wary. As I understand the WARN Act, it has to be implemented (notifying employees 6 weeks in advance of a layoff) when a certain percentage of employees is being cut. The question I have, if they laid off 74 employees in December, did they have to comply with WARN then? We didn’t hear about it.

Also, if they have only 22 employees now, they are not required to file the WARN.

Gee, I just don’t know….

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

74 employees were previously let go at the end of December, according to other WARN filings.

I am curious as to that as well and the 22 is less than required as I remember from the past. I wonder if they still must do so since they at one time had the required number. I dont know either. But, I am with you, the crimal crime syndicate laundering moeny for influence instead of the faux charity org is a good thing.

The balance of the money should go proportionately to those countries they hosed, like Haiti….

That will mean web hubbell’s daughter, chelsea may have to find a real job….

I didn’t see the liberals jumping in on this post! I guess that it is quite evident that when the Clinton Foundation can not provide play for pay, there is no longer any pay.


The net worth of the clintions in terms of influence is equivalent to swamp real estate…

Wonder what those despotic regimes who gave millions of dollars are thinking now….