Does Special Counsel Report + Calls for Dem SCOTUS Retirements = Michelle Obama for President?


By Rick Manning

A few headlines rang the news that some on the left are targeting Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor in a campaign to pressure her to resign from the Court now, while a Democrat still sits in the White House.

Citing fear of a replay of the Ruth Bader Ginsburg decision to not resign to allow then-President Barack Obama to pick her successor, this call could be little more than continuing chatter amplified by the Trump Derangement Syndrome which dominates the left’s thinking.  But what if it is more than that?

Last week’s Special Counsel report on President Joe Biden’s almost career long violations of our nation’s classified documents laws, laid bare the biggest problem facing Democrats in 2024 – the likelihood that Biden will lose to Donald Trump.

No honest observer of President Biden’s performance and capacity over the past three years did not know or at least have a strong suspicion that he is impaired to some extent.  The Special Counsel report which referred to Biden as, “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” put a dagger in the President’s re-election campaign.

It has been no secret that for quite some time, the Democrats have been trying to figure out what to do about Biden to keep him from having the Party nomination in 2024.  The main stumbling block has been the Kamala Harris problem.

Kamala would get smoked by Trump in November in almost every poll taken, so replacing Biden with her doesn’t solve their dilemma. However, as far back as Jan. 2022, Democratic Party leaders and insiders have floated the idea of putting Vice President Harris on the Supreme Court.

A Politico article describing these discussions quotes Steve Maviglio, a Democratic strategist from California calling it a “Win-win.”  Maviglio arguing that Harris “checks a lot of boxes: A woman of color, a liberal, being smart on a lot of issues, having experience,” while noting that, “she’s not horribly popular as vice president, like it or not.”

The same 2022 article quotes an advisor to major Democratic donors as saying a Supreme Court appointment would “solve a lot of problems.” With another Democratic strategist saying, “If it guarantees she never runs for [president] again” she could support a Supreme Court appointment.

To sum it up, the Democrats have an incumbent president who has effectively been mentally disqualified for reelection by the Special Counsel they appointed.

They have a Vice President who would be the natural successor who they do not believe is a credible candidate.

They have a virtually non-existent primary process so no natural successor would be entering their August convention with momentum outside of their leadership’s control.

And they have Michelle Obama – a relatively unsullied candidate waiting in the wings to be anointed.

Into this mix, we now are hearing renewed calls for an opening to be created on the Supreme Court.

Call me cynical, but in the mind of the swamp where defeating Donald Trump is the only imperative, the Special Counsel’s report on the heels of renewed calls for a liberal Justice to step down to provide space for Kamala Harris provides the pathway to reset the presidential race for Michelle Obama without a bloody internal war might just add up.


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Can you imagine the banality of an opinion written by Surpeme Court Justice Kumallover Harris? Good God, it would cause brain blisters. I wonder how many summer homes it would take for the DNC to get Mayor to step down? But, doesn’t this just exemplify the left’s view of competency?

We had a guy at work long, long ago. He was a long-time employee, had lots of friends in labor and management and was, overall, a pretty good guy. But he went nuts. He even threatened to kill people (this was long before this was taken seriously by attorneys). So, he left and went to rehab. When he came back, management discussed what to do with him so he doesn’t snap again. Their solution: make him a lead.

Now, in the normal world, a lead of a crew bears a LOT of responsibility, but in their view, it was a gravy train, something any fool could do. Is that how the DNC looks at SCOTUS? “Kamala is so incompetent, so stupid, so idiotic, so toxic, such a political liability to dispose of, that we don’t know WHAT to do with her. I KNOW!! Let’s make her 1/9th of the highest and most important court in the country! What could it hurt?”

Not that it would matter, but I don’t think Michelle has been thoroughly vetted. Of course, Democrats don’t care what nasty skeletons an avowed racist might have in HER closet, all they care about is the box checking.

Is there a “bonus block” they can check with Michelle? We’ll see.

Kamala is only ten years younger than Sotomayor.
The major difference is that Sotomayor has diabetes that some allege is “brittle.”
Still, Bater-Ginsberg had all manner of ailments yet no one urged her to the door.
And she was much older.
This is just a dem idea of a way to reward Kamala without letting her run for president.
If joe dies we will all see what a train wreak she is as a leader.

Reward, hell, they’re just trying to get rid of her without suffering the backlash of firing a semi/quasi black woman. It’s significant and revealing they view the Supreme Court as a suitable dumping ground.

Once she’s on the Supreme Court, she’s gone for good. No more Kamala to worry about.

Michelle Obama?
Nowadays blacks are getting the shaft from liberals who are literally replacing them with illegals.
Blacks are losing their recreation centers, their school gyms, their handouts.
They will not react kindly to being reminded about how Michelle kicked them out of good hospitals and sent them to sit at bus stops instead of ambulances to get to cheap clinics.
She’s rather infamous for that.
And she’s famous for getting rich doing it, to the tune of $317,000 a year!
Even were we to believe her rewrite of the history of those days: that she “caved” to the pressure of the board of the University of Chicago Medical Center, so she created a program to divert poor, black patients away from the hospital’s emergency room to poorly funded clinics that means she’s weak.
She can be manipulated.

Oh hell why not, put the hyena on the court, and Run Big Mike, if we only had a comedian that could play piano in a creative artsy way.