Digging Up Confederate Bones Would Only Make America Worse

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David French:

To no one’s real surprise, the national Confederate-flag debate turns out not to be about flags alone. It’s not even truly about history. And it’s certainly not about dealing with the issues of crime and poverty that still disproportionately impact the black community. It has now moved entirely into the realm of raw cultural and political power. It’s an identity-politics hammer that is “heads, I win; tails, you lose” for all too many conservatives. With the Left in the lead, you’re either a racist for refusing to bulldoze history or — if you go along — you’re still a racist, but at least the Left has you under control.

In a piece on June 19, I articulated a simple principle: Official flag displays that are intended — like the Democrats’ displays in the 1960s — to demonstrate an official commitment to white supremacy are vile and should come down. Flag displays at Civil War monuments, memorials, and battlefields are part of history and should stay. In fact, there is no principled distinction between a flag and the monument itself. If one goes, why not the other?

Why not, indeed. A fever is now sweeping the land. In New Orleans, the mayor has proposed removing four monuments, including one of Robert E. Lee, as “public nuisances.” In her public statement, the mayor decried the “false valor” of Confederate soldiers. Nancy Pelosi introduced a resolution demanding that Mississippi’s state flag be removed from display on U.S. Capitol Grounds. Republicans in the House acquiesced in Democrat Jared Huffman’s proposal to ban even privately placed Confederate flags at Confederate grave sites in national cemeteries. And in the most bizarre move of all, the Memphis city council just voted to disturb Nathan Bedford Forrest’s grave and move his remains from under his statue (with the statue-removal vote to come later.)

This is only the beginning. Speaker of the House John Boehner is proposing a bipartisan commission with a “broad mandate” to “review all issues related to Confederate symbols” (emphasis added). Creating this commission guarantees that the “debate” (such as it is) will carry on indefinitely. I eagerly await their conclusion that social justice demands removing all Confederate remains and Confederate markers from national cemeteries, no doubt to be followed by a mandate that Confederate soldiers in battlefield reenactments fight in Nike shorts and Target T-shirts, waving “Coexist” banners as they charge Union positions.

But let’s fast-forward and imagine an increasingly plausible future where Confederate memorials are piles of rubble, Confederate bones are interred in landfills, and Confederate flags linger on mainly as fading stickers on a few mud-covered pickup trucks — will America be a better nation? Will a single inner-city school improve? Will we have taken a single meaningful step toward finding a way to responsibly end mass incarceration? Will community and police relations improve, at all? Will the leftist urban elite stop oppressing the liberal urban poor?

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And to think both Right and Left here were outraged when we all learned how the Taliban blew up those two ancient Buddhas in Bamiyam.

Now, the Left wishes to emulate the Taliban as well as ISIS in their destruction of all history that precedes their rise to power.
Learn the language of what you are doing.
Jahiliyyah is the Arabic term for looking down on then destroying all of history that doesn’t include you and yours.
It is NOT just monuments and flags and even the Pyramids that must go.
All aspects of Jahiliyya (manners, ideas and concepts, rules and regulations, values and criteria) are evil and corrupt, and must be eradicated as well.
This is why older Islamic poets, like Omar Khayyam, are now in disrepute in modern-day Islam (he loved his WINE, WOMEN and SONG!!!)
And, yes, re-education, like in Dinesh DeSousa’s case might be necessary.

Recall the outrage of the left over US soldiers pissing on dead terrorists? Now, as part of their theater of the absurd, they would do the same to Forrest. Lee will, of course, be close behind. Anyone they can find that represented what, they have (almost) convinced themselves, is racism and hate.

But, is there a clamor to dig up Robert Byrd, Klansman, and relocate or dispose of his remains? How about LBJ, who expressed his TRUE intentions for passing the Civil Rights Act (Democrat votes)?

Now, the Left wishes to emulate the Taliban as well as ISIS in their destruction of all history that precedes their rise to power.

Actually, it appears more that they are trying to erase THEIR past. Perhaps the hope is that, once all the Confederate relics of the Civil War are disposed of, the left can then claim all the Rebels were Republicans.

The other side has hardly been silent on this issue; it’s just that one can make the same argument, based on facts and truth, that not only does the Confederate battle flag not inherently represent racism and hate, but eliminating it will not do one thing to eliminate racism and hate. Furthermore, secession and the war was about far more than slavery and racism was not restricted to the south.


A labor demonstration earlier that year had turned violent, as had a protest by the city’s white, largely immigrant dockworkers, who refused to work alongside African-American workers.

An early target of the mob was the pro-war press, particularly the New York Tribune, run by ardent abolitionist Horace Greeley. By mid-morning a group of protestors had descended on the city’s lower Manhattan media district and were only turned away under heavy fire by armed newspaper staffers. Around the same time, another mob contingent laid waste to the one of the city’s armories. Late that afternoon, the crowd reached the Colored Orphan Asylum on Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street, home to more than 230 children. The orphanage’s staff was able to evacuate all of the children to safety, but just minutes later the mob turned on the building with a savage ferocity, uprooting trees, destroying clothing, toys and supplies before setting fire to the building.

he targeted attacks on blacks intensified and included the lynching of at least two African-American men: a young sailor who had been attacked after speaking to a young white boy and a man who had been captured and killed while attempting to escape to Brooklyn (reportedly disguised in his wife’s clothing).

I’m sure this is the dirty work of racist Confederate sympathizers.

Arguing with the morons that insist that forcing people to believe what they think is racist, though it obviously is not, is futile and pointless. Sadly, far too many politicians think they have to pander to this ignorant mob and submit to their demands; hopefully, the fact that South Carolina taking down the battle flag only whetted the left’s appetite for more control and subjugation and will perhaps steel some others to resist surrender. For, as Josey Wales said, “if you surrender, you neither win nor live.”