DHS, IRS told to avoid monitoring #Occupy, but focus intently on Tea Party
The Department of Homeland Security “struggled” to avoid monitoring any #Occupy groups, for fear they might tread on someone’s civil rights.
Internal Documents Show the Department of Homeland Security Tried Pretty Hard Not to Monitor Occupy Wall Street
The Department of Homeland Security struggled to avoid monitoring or suppressing the Occupy Wall Street movement last year, despite being bombarded with requests from various federal agencies for intelligence on the protests, according to documents released via the Freedom of Information Act.
The documents show that officials in DHS’s offices of Intelligence Analysis and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties were keenly aware of the legal and constitutional issues raised by federal agencies monitoring political protesters, and sought to tamp down the appetite for intelligence on the Occupy protesters from their colleagues in DHS and other federal agencies that rely on DHS bulletins and intelligence.
Treat the Occupods with kid gloves! But when it comes to the Tea Party, DHS felt no such cumpunction. Nosirree, if you’re talking about dangerous right-wing extremists, DHS puts the Tea Party at the top of their list.
Because people who read the Constitution are a threat to the people who trample on the Constitution.
And if the DHS scrutiny wasn’t enough, the IRS is making sure us Tea Partyers get the message.
The American Center for Law and Justice has reported that the IRS is targeting the nonprofit tax status of Tea Party and liberty groups across the nation.
The IRS questionnaires are quite detailed containing pages of multi-step questions. The organizations have been given two weeks to complete the query. This short deadline would be tough for any organization, let alone all-volunteer groups.
Most of the questions are pointed and obnoxious, but fairly standard by IRS standards: Explain fundraising, explain outreach, explain volunteers, explain your relationship with another group.
Some of the questions are baffling and don’t identify anything of redeeming social value, meaning they seem geared to utilize organizational resources instead of supporting or refuting a tax status.
Examples of these include requests to provide a hard copy printout of web pages, list all issues of importance to the group, and outline any training completed by or presented to the organization in question.
Even better, the IRS is asking for information on the families of Tea Party members. Why? Is this North Korea where our children pose a threat to the regime?
To protect the government, they have to set priorities by which groups can do the most damage. The Tea Party is the group that can cause the most damage.
We are the ones who want a military that is so big and bad that nobody wants to mess with them, we want a government that is only as big as it needs to be, taxes only as much as it needs to, taxes people in a way that is fare for all, and lets the states take care of the rest.
WE ARE THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THEIR WAY OF LIFE! That is the biggest compliment they could have given to us.