By Earick Ward
Ron DeSantis has been an outstanding governor and has withstood his share of slings and arrows from the rabid left.  He’s effectively maneuvered COVID, has taken on the radical LGBT and Black Lives Matter (CRT) communities, and most importantly has ushered in election reforms that have leveled the playing field for Republicans in the State of Florida.
These battles will continue and will need to be fought at the national level.  Ron DeSantis has without question established his bona fides.  When the time comes, he can and will be a solid replacement to take on the globalists who are seeking America’s destruction.  Our current leader, Donald Trump, has been kneecapped (Tanya Harding style) by a myriad of Deep State players who have lied, cheated, and colluded to deny him (and us) of our legitimate seats of power.
If justice (true justice) is not meted out against those who cheated us of victory in 2020 (and 2022), then, as Donald Trump suggests in his latest tweet, what rules are we, as society, ruled by?
Are we (minions) to live by the constraints of the Constitution while our Washington betters live by their own set of rules?
Shall we just wipe clean past abuses committed against Donald Trump (and us) and move on to a new candidate for president?  I think not.
Should we think Ron DeSantis will be treated fairly if we abandon Donald Trump because so many in Washington (including the GOPe) are aligned against him?  Do we think Google and Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, CNN and MSNBC, CBS and PBS, or Fox News will embrace our more polished candidate?
Ron DeSantis could see a weakened Donald Trump as an opportunity to slide into “his” spot and to seize his opportunity now.  This would be a grave mistake. You see, it wasn’t just Donald Trump who got kneecapped; it was 80+ million of his supporters.
Donald Trump was wronged.  We were wronged.  Ron DeSantis could cement his future by helping Donald reclaim what was his (ours).
Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis (with Elon Musk) working together would be a powerful force.  Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis would both suffer by attempting to split 80+ million American patriots.
The left will continue in its dishonesty.  The fight ahead will be intense, but the fight behind us is yet to be fought.  We must continue to expose the vile nature of the left — its lies; its schemes; its collusion; and yes, its illegal, unconstitutional practices.
The left and their minions in the M.S. Media are still trying to get Trump tied for some fake crime this is a Witch Hunt i tell you and lead by the CFR/UN/Globalists with the aid of China, Russia and THE DNC
I don’t know how any Republican can expect to win an election in the future if they keep pretending election fraud doesn’t exist and it will just disappear when Democrats grow ashamed of themselves. The failure to adequately address and prevent it in 2020 now has even more devastating results.
When DeSantis starts getting the Trump treatment, he won’t know what hit him.
The the GOPe all of sudden colluded with the media, companies, and the government (JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DO) during the 2020 election is just more justification to vote for Trump or any candidate like him: Constitutional, moderate, and America-first.