Democrats Pushing to Permanently Rig Elections?

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By Derek Hunter

Democrats are great at naming bills the reverse of what they really do. Pretty much anything they say, know they are actively working toward the opposite and the bills they push try to codify it into law. Such is the case with the harmless sounding “For the People Act.” What it really does is federalize elections in a way so as to rig all future elections for Democrats.

The most famous example of this Orwellian naming of bills is the “Affordable Care Act.” It caused at least 5 million Americans to lose the health insurance they liked and raised premiums and deductibles to the point that people effectively had no health insurance for tens of millions more. But it was hardly the last example of the fraudulent naming of legislation and the lies Democrats tell about it.

The latest COVID relief bill, called the “American Rescue Plan,” has little to do with rescuing anyone who isn’t a Democrat Party donor or interest group, with only a tiny percentage of the almost $2 trillion having anything tangentially related to COVID. The rest is pay-offs to unions, Silicon Valley, Democrats who’ve run their state’s economy into the ground, and everyone else in the progressive coalition. The “Equality Act” strips Americans of their religious freedoms and female athletes of their rights to compete fairly.

And now we have the “For the People Act,” which Democrats insist will “expand voting rights” and “secure future elections.” It does nothing of the sort.

What FPA does is federalize elections, taking power away from states and has Washington setting the rules. And by Washington, I mean Democrats.

Nationwide automatic voter registration, vote by mail, ballot harvesting, stripping voter ID laws, felons voting, and federal standards for drawing Congressional districts are just a few of the provisions the left has crammed into this abomination. If you wanted to corrupt all future elections, you couldn’t do it more efficiently than the FPA does it.

If people can’t bring themselves to do the simple task of registering to vote, they shouldn’t vote. You almost have to actively avoid registering, but if it’s automatic, the pool of people not voting grows significantly. With the mail in ballot provision, that leaves a lot of ballots that won’t be filled out by the legal recipient but could easily be filled out by someone else.

There would be no signature verification, making discarded or stolen ballots as good as cash on the black market. We’ve all seen pictures of stacks of ballots mailed to apartment complexes just sitting around or tossed into the trash. That’s gold for political hacks. Given the “walking around money” Democrats are famous for, buying ballots to be filled out later from people would become a new sport.

If you can get your hands on the mailed ballots of people who didn’t register, have no history or intention of voting, and no signature verification because they never filled out a voter registration card, it would make rooting out fraud nearly impossible. The only way to invite more fraud would be to allow Democrats to print ballots.

Democrats have also included federalizing the drawing of Congressional districts. Leftists have railed for years against gerrymandering, the drawing of districts to favor one party over the other. They point out where Republicans have done it, but ignore places like Maryland, where the former Democrat Governor admitted under oath that he drew those lines explicitly to eliminate as many GOP seats as possible. It worked, Maryland went from three Republicans in the House to one under the new districts, and the one only survived because they couldn’t find a way to marginalize all the Republicans in the state.

Democrats draw their lines based on race, assuming only someone with the same skin color or ethnicity can represent people – the concept of us all being Americans be damned. The FPA incentivizes more of this because racism is their bread and butter.

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Push? They already have.

It’s over.

The Democ-Rats lust for Control and a push for globalism its been like t hat since the founding of the United Nations and beyond that to the failed League of Nations which America wanted no part of its time to dump the whole United Nations and move them all to Moscow

The answer to the question is a resounding “YES”. HR 1 does nothing but violate Article I, Section IV of the U.S. Constitution. But hey, when did the Constitution ever stop the Democrats from overreaching their federal authority foisted on the American people?

@retire05, #3:

HR 1 does nothing but violate Article I, Section IV of the U.S. Constitution.

Horse hockey. Take note of the words in bold text:

Article I, Section IV of the U.S. Constitution:
Elections – The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The full text of H. R. 1 – For the People Act of 2021

The Republican Party, given the collection of special interests that it has come to represent, cannot hang onto control without suppressing the votes of those whose interests they do not serve.

Pelosi created HR1 last session, but of course it had no chance with the Republican majority in the Senate. This was, of course, even before the 2020 election, but it was a dream list of all the different methods of fraud they employed to drag that idiot Grampa Grope & Rape across the finish line. “To Screw The People Act” is designed to codify all those fraudulent methods. And there will never be another fair and legitimate election again. Ever.

This is how much faith the Democrats have in true citizen’s support for their leftist, socialist, totalitarian agenda. All they have to offer for candidates is garbage and they don’t have Trump to lie about anymore.

@Greg: In the sixty-four-page order, Judge Jeff Weill not only calls for a new election but also finds evidence of fraud and criminal activity, in how absentee ballots were handled, how votes were counted, and the actions by some at the polling place.

In his ruling, the judge said that sixty-six of eighty-four absentee ballots cast in the June runoff were not valid and should never have been counted. Nicholas Holliday was declared the winner by a 37 vote margin. Robert Devaull challenged the results in court.
Mass ballot mailings and harvesting are fertile grounds for fraud.
Just as they evacuated in GA for a pipe burst that was a leaking toilet from 16 hours earlier.

@Deplorable Me: Are you ever going to post one singular piece of evidence of rampant voter fraud? And not just links to dubious reports with a message that it’s in there somewhere. Pull one piece of evidence out of these dopey reports. Post it. Just one.

@Bob Portland: Pay attention to AZ .
Four Months After the 2020 Election in Georgia, Over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation, Yet Biden Was Given the State by 12,000 Votes

@Bob Portland:

Are you ever going to post one singular piece of evidence of rampant voter fraud?

Odd how those on the left when discussing election fraud always have to add some adjective before the word fraud be it “rampant” or “systemic” or some other otherwise useless adjective.

Election fraud exists. It doesn’t matter if it fits the description blathered by the left, it exists and if one vote is illegally cast, it disenfranchises someone who has voted legally. No voter fraud, no election fraud, no matter how massive or how minimal should ever be allowed.

Strengthen our legal penalties for such actions. Make voter fraud, election fraud an automatic 10 year sentence upon conviction.

The election fraud committed in 2020 is, by design, like the toddler who eat the cookie when you’re not looking.

Did they eat it? Yes. Can you “prove” it?

Yes…but only be ripping them open.

There’s “no proof” of every rigged election in history, btw.

Stalin, Castro, Maduro, Xi, Chavez…all of them “won” their elections.

Toppled statues, rigged elections, now abolishing laws and cops, also routing out the military of non-loyalists.

This is so “textbook” it’s almost a joke.

@Bob Portland: I’ve posted lots of it, and there have been numerous articles on the subject discussed on Flopping Aces. You should have been here… it was lots of fun. Sorry you missed it.


Four Months After the 2020 Election in Georgia, Over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation, Yet Biden Was Given the State by 12,000 Votes

So says Joe Hoft of Gateway Pundit, a far-right fake news website. He seems to be the only source of the story. How he came up with it is anybody’s guess.

This is the sort of endlessly circulating b.s. that has convinced people there was “massive election fraud” when there’s not a shred of credible evidence that anything of the sort actually happened.


Election fraud exists. It doesn’t matter if it fits the description blathered by the left, it exists and if one vote is illegally cast, it disenfranchises someone who has voted legally. No voter fraud, no election fraud, no matter how massive or how minimal should ever be allowed.

It does exist. But you don’t overturn the results of an election, or discredit the entire election process in general, when the proven level of occurrence is so low that it is statistically insignificant and has no bearing whatsoever on the outcome.

Claims for “massive levels of election fraud” demand credible evidence before they can be accepted. Claims without such evidence are utterly meaningless. You can’t just say there’s such evidence. You have to state specifically what it is, and present it, and it then has to stand up to critical examination. None of that happened, and it’s not because there wasn’t plenty of opportunity.

@Greg: It has been presented, you did not watch a single hearing. The elections officials refuse to prove Biden won, allowing examinations of the machines and the physical ballots. Those that were examined were missing logs and security seals. Those that challenge are intimidated.

@Greg: Says the guy who bought into the Russian collusion lie for two years.


So says Joe Hoft of Gateway Pundit, a far-right fake news website. He seems to be the only source of the story. How he came up with it is anybody’s guess.

Saw the ballots. Talked to people who saw the ballots. There is a number of ways to find and report the facts. Now, if there was someone that could REFUTE the evidence instead of just crying, “NUH UH!”, it would be a bit more credible.

This is the sort of endlessly circulating b.s. that has convinced people there was “massive election fraud” when there’s not a shred of credible evidence that anything of the sort actually happened.

It is the massive amount of credible evidence of widespread voter fraud that is convincing. The fact that those that committed the fraud want to pretend the questions don’t exist is also convincing. Add to that the fact that NO ONE addresses the evidence, they simply pretend there is none and you have one great big suspicious-looking fraud pie. There was fraud. Lots of it. No doubt about it. We can’t know if it turned the election, but it probably did. The idiot Biden will NEVER be rid of that stain and have legitimacy. Add to that his utter incompetency. We traded a competent, able, accomplished LEADER for a ventriloquist’s dummy.

The fact that numerous states (where Democrats are not still high-fiving the success of their fraud campaign) are taking steps to avoid such a corrupt debacle in the future attests to the damage done by corrupt Democrats.


It does exist. But you don’t overturn the results of an election, or discredit the entire election process in general, when the proven level of occurrence is so low that it is statistically insignificant and has no bearing whatsoever on the outcome.

Yet, the left demands “Every Vote Counts.” The problem with that is no, not all votes should count if they are illegitimate votes.

Example: in my county we had a race for a county office. Both candidates were well qualified to hold the office they were seeking. One a home town boy, the other who had a steller resume. The election was decided on just 12 votes out of over 46,000. A recount was done and it was found that there were 4 illegitimate votes cast for the loser making the winner the winner by 16 votes. Four illegitimate votes out of over 46,000 votes cast. But here is the thing, 7 illegitimate votes for the loser would have given him the win illegally.

Is that “rampant, systemic or wide spread” voter fraud that you on the left demand exist before you declare voter fraud is important? No, it’s not but it is important to the outcome of elections and it is important that voters know that there is NO voter/election fraud to maintain faith in our elections.

Claims for “massive levels of election fraud” demand credible evidence before they can be accepted. Claims without such evidence are utterly meaningless. You can’t just say there’s such evidence. You have to state specifically what it is, and present it, and it then has to stand up to critical examination. None of that happened, and it’s not because there wasn’t plenty of opportunity.

Voter fraud has been presented to a number of State Legislature Committees. It was sufficient enough that those Legislators requested information from the State Department of Elections. So why would any state DoE refuse to cooperate with the state legislators? Election process, like any other government action, should be open and transparent. If there is no “there, there” great. Faith in elections is maintained. If there is something that needs to be corrected, the State Legislators need to correct the problem.

But you on the left understand that only by cheating can Democrats win the number of seats they hold. There was clear election fraud in LBJ’s first election, there was clear election fraud in the Illinois election of John Kennedy and there was clear election fraud in the election of Al Franken. Votes found days, weeks after an election should not be counted.

Then there is the fraud committed with absentee ballots. The Carter Committee stated:
“Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

So why are the Democrats pushing for wide spread absentee ballots in all the states? Simple. The Dems know that with vote mining and third party involvement, they can steal elections with ease.

No voter should be disenfranchised because of vote fraud. And states/counties should increase their budgets to prosecute those who commit voter/election fraud. Better yet, vote/election fraud should be made a federal offense with a minimum 10 year sentence if found guilty.

No ballot should be sent to any voter who cannot prove that they are physically unable to go to a polling location. This would require a physician’s statement or statement from a senior care center.

Eliminate early voting that is weeks, months before Election Day.

If early voting is allowed, make it the Saturday prior to Election Day.

Allow polling locations to be increased in areas with large populations, not limited to one in each voting precinct.

Make Election Day a National Holiday so that those who work can have the day off to vote.

Have poll workers that are specifically trained in signature verification for absentee ballots (all absentee ballots are mail-in ballots) and verify those signatures against the voter registration cards.

Require photo I.D. in all states. Even those who are on welfare have a photo I.D.

National data base, or a state share system, that shows where voters are registered so no one can early vote in New York and vote on Election Day in Florida. Double voting is a problem even if you want to deny it is. Students often early vote in their home counties and then vote again where they are attending a university in another state.

No same day registration. See above.

Ballots not received by the end of voting on Election Day are not to be counted. Period. The voter has a responsibility to make sure their ballots are sent in enough time to be received by the Elections Office.

Repeal the Motor Voter Act.

@kitt, #15:

It has been presented, you did not watch a single hearing.

I understood what I watched. The mere recitation of claims in the setting of a hearing does not constitute evidence.

I watched Rudy unload his manure wagon in an official setting provided by Pennsylvania republicans. It was still a load of manure—just repeated claims, and accounts that were nothing more than subjective interpretations. There’s a reason why this sort of “evidence” gets no traction whatsoever in a courtroom.

That Trump’s supporters believe they’ve seen credible evidence results only from a lengthy and expensive media campaign contrived to convince them that they have. Not once has any such ‘evidence’ actually been laid and survived close inspection and critical evaluation.

@Deplorable Me, #17:

Saw the ballots. Talked to people who saw the ballots. There is a number of ways to find and report the facts. Now, if there was someone that could REFUTE the evidence instead of just crying, “NUH UH!”, it would be a bit more credible.

There has been NO credible evidence of significant levels of voter fraud or systemic election irregularities presented anywhere, and it sure as hell isn’t because of any lack of effort to find it, or any lack of opportunities to present it.

@Greg: If in question its up to the elections officials to prove who won as they hold most of the evidence. When they refuse thats when the voters can refuse to accept their word for it.
Especially when there are 2 separate security films from 2 different states backing up witness statements.

People always have the option of refusing to accept reality, but reality will be unaffected.


I understood what I watched. The mere recitation of claims in the setting of a hearing does not constitute evidence.

By the same token, genius, merely parroting what a drunk like Pelosi says doesn’t disprove anything. The evidence is real and solid. To DISPROVE it, you would have to examine and investigate it, presenting evidence that dispels it. It’s been 4 months and not only have you not discredited any of the accusations, you haven’t even EXAMINED them. You fear what would be revealed, so all you is deny the existence. That may satisfy those who prefer leftist lies, but it does little to dispel valid suspicions.

@Greg: You refused for years to accept that Russians didnt steal the election, heres your “*President’
Trump tookout ISIS Biden got Mr. Potato head.

@retire05, #25:

From the linked article:

As of March 3, only 56 of Georgia’s 159 counties have provided ballot transfer form data to The Georgia Star News. The number of absentee by mail ballots delivered to registrars in those 56 counties total only 195,309, or 32.5 percent, of the estimated 600,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes and delivered to county registrars and counted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

In other words, there is no chain of custody for 67.5 percent – an estimated 404,691 – of the estimated 600,000 absentee vote by mail ballots deposited in drop boxes and delivered to county registrars and counted in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.

The ballots went directly from designated drop boxes to county registrars. What missing “chain of custody” is being referred to? Does somebody imagine they should have been counted and tabulated as they were removed from the drop boxes and the resultant forms turned over to the registrar along with the ballots?

This “missing chain of custody” step is the only thing that the claim for 404,000 questionable ballots is based upon, but specifically what that step should have been is being left entirely to the reader’s imagination. Why is that?

@Greg: There are rules,
Clicking links in the articles will answer your questions because you have little imagination as to why there are forms for chain of custody.


The ballots went directly from designated drop boxes to county registrars. What missing “chain of custody” is being referred to?

I hope we never become as stupid as you think we are. Do you know what “chain of custody” even refers to? If there is no chain of custody, you don’t KNOW that the ballots went directly from designated drop boxes to county registrars. This is just one aspect of fraud in one state. Georgia still had 66,247 illegal underage votes cast. If only 12,000 of those went to the idiot Biden, he LOST Georgia.

Without a verified chain of custody, one box of ballots could be picked up and a different one counted. Or, even WITH a chain of custody, depending on how much the left paid the operatives.

Then on to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona.

Massive. Widespread. Fraud.