Pressure is building on the Obama administration to give uninsured people a second chance to sign up for ObamaCare before they are slapped with a fine.
People without insurance in 2015 will pay a fine of $325 or 2 percent of their income, whichever is greater, during next year’s tax season.
Democrats and several advocacy groups argue that people without insurance don’t realize they’re in danger of taking a significant economic hit.
“Millions upon millions of people are unaware about these penalties,” Ron Pollack, the executive director of the nonprofit group Families USA, said in a briefing Wednesday.This year’s penalty is up significantly from the $95 or 1 percent of income fine for not having insurance in ObamaCare’s first year.
The first time people will actually pay the fine is in this coming tax season. Just one-third of people without health insurance said they were aware of the healthcare law’s penalty in a March 2014 poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The administration estimates that as many as 6 million people will be forced to pay up this spring.
Many are confused when they are told of the penalty.
More of this at The Hill
The reason so many are about to be smacked upside the head with stiff penalties? Because Obama and his media will only talk about how free everything is and ignore the fact that you will be penalized for not accepting all his “free” (at the cost of much more than it was) health care.
To paraphrase….
“There is no coercion in health care….”
To Collect Debts, Nursing Homes Are Seizing Control Over Patients
Something else to think about, is whether a nursing home that has successfully stolen guardianship of a loved one (and their finances,) will be able to decide to terminate this patient to free up the bed (once they have bled the patient’s finances dry,) in order to make room for another patient as another cash cow to milk.
Perhaps I should have put a sarc tag on my post #2…
I was poking an allegorical stick at the islamic claim of “there is no compulsion in religion”
No prob. I was looking for an excuse to introduce that somewhat relevant report.