by Ace
But it’s still cool if they flood into El Paso every fucking day, right?
While speaking to New York ABC affiliate WABC on Monday, Edison, New Jersey Mayor Sam Joshi (D) stated that he turned a bus full of migrants sent to the city back because local police “did not know if any of those 40 individuals were carrying weapons, they couldn’t be identified.” And this is “a major security risk. It’s a health risk. And we’re just not going to tolerate that.” Joshi, who plans to send migrants back to the border, also stated that he doesn’t want to pawn problems off on other mayors.WABC New Jersey Reporter Toni Yates stated, “The town of Edison, however, has its own answer: A charter bus to send migrants back to the southern border. The bus that arrived the other night was simply ordered to leave.”
She then played a clip of Joshi saying, “Edison Township Police officers did not know if any of those 40 individuals were carrying weapons, they couldn’t be identified. And that is a major problem. That’s a major security risk. It’s a health risk. And we’re just not going to tolerate that.”
As I’ve said, this is unconstitutional. Democrat mayors can no more block illegal immigrants from entering their jurisdictions than Democrat mayors in the 50s could block blacks from entering their towns.
But I haven’t seen Abbott launch a lawsuit to stop this behavior. I don’t know why.
It will keep getting worse. The leftwing psychopaths are determined to keep a policy in place that they know doesn’t work, because they are incapable of ever admitting error to the right. So they will just try to keep the policy, while keeping the unwanted illegals in red jurisdictions.
Due to NYC’s harassing restrictions on bus arrivals, illegals are hopping on to the trains in NJ.
Another plane carrying illegals just landed in Chicago, and Chicago’s woke cornpone dunce of a mayor, who looks like he just walked out a Spike Lee movie in 1988, is very angry about it
Sanctuary City.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 31, 2023
Did Johnson call illegal immigrants “seeds of chaos?” Yes, he did. That may be worse than Jill Biden calling Hispanics in Texas “breakfast tacos.” There hasn’t been any pushback, though, because he’s a black Democrat mayor and he is playing victim to the mean Republican governor in Texas.
In fairness, they only become “seeds of chaos” when they enter blue cities. When they’re in red towns like El Paso, they are the Backbone of America.
That is the official word from the Biden Administration, as delivered by this incompetent diversity hire:
A plane carrying more migrants from Texas arrived in the Chicago area overnight, which @ChicagosMayor Brandon Johnson calls "a very dangerous task" by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and a matter of national security.
"Governor Abbott is determined to continue to sow seeds of chaos."
— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) December 31, 2023
Meanwhile, the pace of illegals entering the country who are on the terror watch list is hitting a new record.
Perhaps he can call biden when he wakes up. Every illegal alien invader needs to be sent only to sanctuary cities. Let them care for them.
That’s some funny stuff right there. Maybe old Joshi should try putting up some razor wire.
Republican Greg Abbott has transported 95 thousand undocumented aliens to all parts of the US at taxpayer expense.
It is a good thing he has done. Why should Texas enjoy the benefits of illegal alien invaders when other states could participate? Why does biden allow CCP nationals into our country without properly vetting? Is this something chairman XI told him he would do in exchange for upwards of 25 million dollars?
biden is forcing Americans to foot the bill to the time of 451 billion annually to provide for the illegal alien invaders.
No doubt Trump will be able to track them all down for deportation later using his Magic Fairy Wand.
It won’t be hard. A proper bounty $ amount will encourage the systematic collection of easily identified illegal alien invaders for immediate return from whence they came. There will be no objection from the sending countries.
Could not happen to a bigger pile of dog shit.
And expect Democrats to rally around that pile of shit. They enjoy the smell and the flies.
Make it known that aiding and abetting illegal immigrants, a CRIME, will be prosecuted. Make it mandatory to provide proof of legal residency to receive government subsidies, including health care. Throw a few mayors, governors, attorneys and activists in jail for coddling illegal immigrants.
Cut off all federal aid to any municipality that serves as a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. Dry up all subsidies that keeps illegal immigration viable. The problem would then just about solve itself.
In addition, every illegal immigrant arrested for other crimes either goes to prison or back to Mexico. It doesn’t matter what their nationality is; they came from Mexico, back to Mexico they go. Let Mexico deal with them; they aided and abetted them violating our sovereignty, they can take care of the problem. Maybe they’ll be a little more careful about who they allow to traverse their country.
It’s not a difficult problem to solve. Trump did it and did it rather quickly. One simply has to care about our country and the people instead of wanting to destroy it as quickly as possible.
Who do you think is paying for the millions Bumbling Biden has shipped in planes to cities all across the nation and in the middle of the night to boot? Frankly, he needs to send them to your city to support, educate and provide medical services. Who pays for that, Comrade Dimwit?
You really are stupid.
Gee I wonder if Biden will sue the mayor here? It appears to be his policy.
Removing the river obstacles, cutting the razor wire, removing storage containers blocking the exit from the river, cutting holes in the border wall… it’s not enough for this regime to just let illegal immigrants through the ports of entry, they have to remove every possible obstacle or impediment that even slows them down.
This is treason, plain and simple.
At TEXAS taxpayer expense. But, then again, all the illegal immigrant expenses in Texas are at Texas taxpayer expense. Every single wetback needs to be sent right to the sanctuary states. YOU want the border open, YOU pay the price, scooter. I’m getting kind of sick of it.
So now their a Security Risk in the minds of the Dumb-O-Crats Now?! No More Excuses Democrats you want those Extra Votes to keep you in office
Send them to the United Nations place their the largest number of Illegal Aliens we have in America
OK, but you be sure to get each wetback on board to sign a waiver stating they WANT to go back to the border. Wouldn’t want to be “kidnapping” anyone, would you?
New Jersey doesn’t want the wetbacks; they don’t need them. They already vote Democrat. Democrats want the wetbacks concentrated in Texas, where they can do some good, illegally voting for Democrats and turning, finally, Texas blue.
The scumbag liars keep trying to tell us the border is secure and the number of illegal immigrants swarming across and being summarily released into the country grows smaller even as one record high number of crossings after another is surpassed. This is negligence, incompetence, dereliction and treason of the highest order and should be punished as such.
Amen bro.