Decertify the Arizona Election: A million files deleted, 280,000 ballot images corrupted

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by JoNova

Patrick Byrne sums up the latest in the Maricopa County Audit.  We knew it was bad, but it’s like the election was run by the underage mafia branch of activist dropouts. The leadership of the most powerful nation in the world depended on it, but no one had updated the software in two years, a twelve year old must have been in charge of printing and a million files, a whole million, were deleted the day before the subpoena deadline. The day before.
A quarter of a million early votes have no custody trail, just magically appearing. And while most people could sign their names before the election, everyone who was illiterate in Mariopa found a way to vote in bins and buckets that would only be counted after election day. What were the odds?
The printing calibration was off, the ink bled through the paper, which was suspiciously low quality, and the votes were certified before people voted, indeed before the ballot papers were even printed.  It’s like someone committed a crime, but didn’t even try to cover it up.
Patrick Byrne:

The Maricopa election should not have been certified, and the reported results are not reliable


  • The day before complying with the subpoena, Maricopa deleted > 1 million election files (each deletion carries 1 federal and state charge);
  • What remained did not reconcile;
  • 255,326 Early Votes have no provenance (they just “appeared”) and another 284,412 have digital images that have been corrupted (with no viable explanation for how that might have happened);
  • There are at least 57,734 ballots with sourcing that is illegal (they were mailed to someone who actually moved out of state 10 years ago, but were voted anyway);
  • There are over 17,000 ballots which are simply photocopies (which is unambiguously illegal);
  • There were 15 other felonies whose impact on the ballots is impossible to quantify;
  • If we turn a blind eye to all that, Biden wins by 10,800 votes.

Centipede Nation

..Ben Cotton described massive IT and Cybersecurity Issues.

  1. 865 directories and 85,673 Election related files were deleted between 10/20/2020 and 11/05/2020.
  2. 1,064,746 Election related files were deleted. Many of them contained scanned ballots.
  3. The files were deleted the DAY before the audit began.
  4. Cyber ninjas have screenshots of the people who deleted logs. Unnamed suspects illegally accessed the computer system just before the audit. They were identified by video capture recorded at the time of the breach.
  5. 284,412 Ballot images on the EMS were corrupt or missing.
  6. After election day, 95% of signatures are illegible (versus 5% in early voting).

Votes were “Certified and Approved” before they were even printed.

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biden lost Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

He did not get 81 million votes.


Well, it’s a relief to know that not a single shred of evidence of fraud can be found.

Right. No evidence has been found of ANY of the MANY irregularities Trump’s followers have claimed.

The consistency isn’t because democrats are so astonishingly clever at covering things up. It’s because the stolen election stories are b.s. If they weren’t, somebody could turn up actual evidence supporting at least ONE of them.

As you can clearly see (if you would lift your eyelids of stupidity), the Democrats have barely bothered to hide anything, including blatantly deleting vital files just before they are to be turned over to auditors (ala Hillary’s emails).

If Schiff had a “mountain” of evidence showing Trump colluded with the Russians, this is a mountain range of evidence running from the Arctic Circle all the way down to the tip of Argentina.

Let’s hope the corrupt Democrats will have their fraud blocked in 2022. That will spell doom for the failed and disastrous socialist party.

The only way you can support Trump at this point is to believe everyone who doesn’t must be stupid.

comrade greggy poo: the pedopile autokrator claims the “he had his butt wiped”, so who wipes your butt, your mommie?

What are you, 10 years old?

I’m not supporting Trump; I’m supporting our democratic republic, something Democrats seem intent on destroying. The evidence of fraud is overwhelming and undeniable. Only a blind sycophant would deny it and support the usurping of power.

Stupid? Fooled, yes.

All tyrannies accuse their victims of what they themselves are doing.

Trump is just a normal American.

Biden and other corrupt Dems/Reps are not.

Ballots were archived, not deleted. Imagine that! Just do 5 minutes of research and stop posting nonsense.

Files were deleted. If they were archived, they would have been provided for the audit. If they were archived, ALL would have been archived.

Imagine that.

As usual, you’re wrong again. Stop making things up.

“County officials say that the election management system was not purged, and files were not deleted. The county archives items for space purposes and has archived everything from the November election on backup drives.

The Senate DID NOT subpoena the county’s archived data, Elections Department spokesperson Megan Gilbertson said.”

Oh… so the people responsible for the destruction of evidence say it’s not destroyed. Yeah, let’s take their word for it. That sounds smart.

They did. Illegal ballots were counted.

Usurpers only pull the trigger when they have control of the narrative.

Evidence has been given,and evidence has been proven.

Cheaters and their pawns don’t admit guilt lightly. Most Nazis didn’t at Nuremberg.

Biden won nothing, but was installed illegally.

So say all tyrants as the take what doesn’t belong to them.

So much evidence has been found. So much evidence has been shown.

Biden won the way Putin win:

He didn’t.

NO evidence has been found or shown, either one. People simply keep say that it has been.

Ask them to produce it, and they don’t. They just move on to another assertion, and claim the reason they CAN’T actually produce it is because it’s been cleverly hidden, or destroyed, or whatever—with the only evidence for any of THAT being the fact that it can’t be produced. This is utter nonsense.

See the audit.

The audit shows evidence, and greg just says “no evidence”.

They’re just cheating and they know it.

He is also closing his eyes, holding his hands over his ears and screaming, “LA, LA, LA, LA, LA!”

He can’t face the revelations of all the lies he’s been told and been telling.

If evidence truly existed, you could CLEARLY STATE WHAT IT IS. No one ever has. NOT ONCE. You just blather and bloviate. Endlessly.

This is apparently sufficient for Trump supporters. If it were not, you wouldn’t BE Trump supporters.

You’re describing the Russia Collusion Hoax. Even after Trump was completely exonerated, many still believe it to this day. No proof given beyond that paid for by the loser and her colluding FBI.

The evidence of election fraud in both AZ and the other swing states has been given. It’s fact.

Yes. Cheaters usually “cleverly hide” what they are doing…or just boldly lie in the face of Truth, like you are.

The election isn’t valid, and we’re tolerating Biden as he sits in the WH, and unelected puppet.

But keep saying “no evidence” while you ignore what’s right in front of your face.

You and yours have never investigated the election and are intentionally hiding things because, well, you don’t think rigging the election was wrong.

That makes you enemies of our country, traitors.

Give up your sad dedication to a failed and compromised Democrat party and start pushing for the restoration of democracy now.

You are not the majority and you don’t get to take over the country forever just because you think you should.

Joe gave away the game when he said that his extention of the eviction moratorium was UNCONSTITUTIONAL but that, until the Court acted, he and his handlers would just continue it.

Yes, many illegal things happened during the election that were uncovered by this audit.
But look how long it all took, and still the media spins it like that did the “Russia, Russia, Russia” collusion story right up until it was proven to be false by the slow-as-molassass investigation.

Joe’s handlers are counting on that.
On how long everything takes.
There’s a lot of damage they can do before their story that Joe won falls apart.
Heck, Joe might be dead before we get to the bottom of it all.

So, we’ve known this for over a year. When do we move against the tyrannical government?
when will our legislators or congressman stand up for us, our senators? Or is this a do it yourself thing I don’t get it

The conundrum for the democrat party is when Arizona decertifies/nullifies the electors, it will pave the way for Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to do the same.

biden has no political support. His own VP has a higher approval. Time to drive a stake in the heart of the biden agenda.

Let the government shut down. There is no threat of default. That is smoke and mirrors fear tactics propagandized by the democrat party.

Arizona isn’t going to decertify or nullify anything. The audit they commissioned AFFIRMED JOE BIDEN’S VICTORY.

Agreed, but just know over half of the country, the legal and thinking part of the country, doesn’t recognize this clown Biden as the President of the United States, no matter how many Democrat-owned courts and copied ballots and enemy-released pathogens were in play.

Joe Biden won nothing. History is already being written, and the petty, autocratic aims of the Democrats and their mind-slaves won’t last for more than a few years.

Trump has support and is leading the country.

A majority is calling for Biden’s legal removal so we can get back to having a democracy….or at least kick out the Democrats so they can have fun running their Marxist/Socialist experiment and not drag us down with their nightmare idiocy.


No, it did not. The ballot recount counted the same votes that had been previously counted. The forensic audit revealed numerous irregularities.

Try being honest for once in your waste of a life.

You missed the point. This process is two parts. A recount and an audit. The RECOUNT showed Biden getting more votes, but the total tally was close to the original total. Which one would expect if the count was accurate and within acceptable norms. But a RECOUNT is not an audit. An AUDIT looks into the VALIDITY of the votes counted. That’s where the issues are. Funny how you accept the recount portion but ignore and deny the audit part.

Excellent point. Unfortunately, soy boy woke greg knows the delineation of recount vs audit all too well. His insistence that the recount has more merit than the forensic audit is the tell that he is lying. And, again his insistence that the cyber ninja guy claims reporting on the facts is not true furthers soy boy woke gregs propagandist lying. The tell here is the source that he relies upon. The AZ mirror, a running dog for the mccain wing of never Trumpers.

Now it looks like there are so many issues with the ballots in DE that Biden may not have even won his own state.

YOU seem to have missed that the “audit” part repeats the same bullshit previously debunked by Maricopa County election officials—most of whom are REPUBLICAN.

DONALD TRUMP HAS FOUND HIS NEXT MONEY-MAKING SCAM (A PAC without personal use restrictions)

As you’ve probably heard by now, Donald Trump left the White House in debt to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, with a significant chunk of the money coming due just two short years from now. As my colleague Bill Cohan has noted, the ex-president personally guaranteed his debts, meaning that if he doesn‘t pay them—which is pretty much his thing!—his creditors can seize his assets, including Mar-a-Lago, where he currently lives. Would they go after Mar-a-Lago? Bedminster? Trump National Doral Miami? Anything’s possible!

Unfortunately for Trump, thanks to the events of January 6, 2021, corporate America doesn’t want to touch him with a 3,000-foot pole, and he cannot rely on sources of income he assumed were in the bag, like hosting PGA Championship. Of course, there’s the very real possibility he could sell state secrets to the United States’ enemies—a prospect current and former government officials are reportedly girding for—though that would have required him to pay any attention whatsoever during his intelligence briefings, which we know he rarely did. Luckily for the world’s most infamous con man, though, he seems to have identified a new grift: diverting money from the party he’s the de facto head of into his own pocket. Per The Hill:

Former president Trump encouraged donors to give money to his Save America PAC instead of to Republicans he dubbed “RINOS” in another departure from traditional GOP campaign operations. “No more money for RINOS,” Trump said in a statement late Monday, referring to “Republicans in name only.” “They do nothing but hurt the Republican Party and our great voting base—they will never lead us to Greatness.”

“Send your donation to Save America PAC at,” the statement continued. “We will bring it all back stronger than ever before!”

The statement came days after Trump’s lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Republican National Committee (RNC), the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the National Republican Congressional Committee to stop using his name and likeness for fundraising and merchandise sales. The three groups represent the largest fundraising bodies for the GOP.

Last year, as Trump mounted a disgraceful campaign to overturn the results of the 2020 election, supporters were hounded with emails asking them to donate to the then president’s legal defense fund. But as The New York Times reported in November, the majority of those donations went to Trump’s personal PAC, not to fighting (nonexistent) mass election fraud. And while Trump would have had his followers believe such funds were going toward his political activities, as the Associated Press noted at the time, leadership PACs can “be tapped to pay for personal expenses” and have “long been abused.” As Adav Noti, a former Federal Election Commission attorney, explained, the Save America PAC funds “could pay [Trump] children consulting fees. They could pay the children’s significant others’ consulting fees. They could buy Don Jr.’s book, which the campaign can’t do. They could do anything with it. There’s no personal use restriction.” Which sounds like an ideal situation for a guy hundreds of millions of dollars in debt!

No surprise you would link to the disgraceful, and fully Socialist, Vanity Fair. The same publication that did a feature on Christina Amanpour who bragged that the painting of the burning towers, that takes a special place in her NY penthouse, is her favorite thing in her apartment.

VF peddles left wing crap and should have gone out of business years ago.

If that was actually true, why would you all be so afraid of Trump?

greggie, you mean your Collège on CNBC? He knows all the private financing of Trump? you are so stupid if you believe him. As far as the PAC, every politician has at least on where the person or organization can remain anonymous. Obama even kept credit card donations from the middle east with out vetting them.

Democrat corruption and fraud completely exposed.

greggie dear, no one debunked anything about the forensic audit, they only whined about the findings and hoped that jack asses like you believed the whine!

“There Were Large Pieces Torn Off – Bubbles Being Filled Absolutely Perfect – 60,000 Illegal Ballots” – AZ Audit Volunteers Speak Out on Disturbing Findings —

“There Were Large Pieces Torn Off – Bubbles Being Filled Absolutely Perfect – 60,000 Illegal Ballots” – AZ Audit Volunteers Speak Out on Disturbing Findings — MUST SEE VIDEO

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Nearly 700,000 Ballots in Arizona Identified with Issues from the Audit and Canvassing Work to Date

BREAKING: THE LIST – Nearly 700,000 Maricopa County Ballots Identified with Issues from the Audit and Separate Canvassing Work to Date

WATCH the testimony. Your point is the bullshit.

What testimony? The testimony dating from July, before the audit had been completed?

It has been established that Gateway Pundit has no problem with feeding you false information. The CEO of Cyber Ninja’s himself pointed this out.

It has ALSO been established that people are misrepresenting what Maricopa County EV32, EV33, and VM55 files represent. County voting officials have repeated debunked false claims based on such misrepresentations, along with all sorts of other nonsense about Sharpie pens, double voting, imaginary watermarks, etc.

Look at the report. That he didn’t loose appears to be the indication. But that’s just if facts are important to you.

The testimony of the very people your propaganda is claiming is claiming are saying something different. Get it?

You are lying.

Of course soy boy woke greg is lying. The big lie of the democrat party that biden won is all he has.

The only source that is reporting the cyber ninja lie is the az mirror. If the story were true would not the ny slimes and the Washington compost report it as well.
A cursory search of the net has no links to this story other than the az mirror.
Nuff said

Yeah, he’s telling us the people that testified came out and told us they themselves were spreading false information. Greg needs a proof-thinker.

Az central

A mccain running lapdog rag

Arizona AG orders Maricopa County to freeze all 2020 election materials…

First step toward criminal investigation.

Well, whatever is left.

During Testimony Maricopa County Officials Admit to Deleting 2020 Election Data to Avoid Audit Subpoena

Earlier today, during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the Arizona vote outcome, representative Andy Biggs (R-AZ) questioned Maricopa County officials about their deletion of 2020 election data in order to avoid a state senate subpoena for election records.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers and the boards vice chairman, Bill Gates, admitted they intentionally deleted election data to route it onto an archive file. The archives of the county records were not subpoenaed, that way the county could avoid sending the full 2020 election data to the auditors.

No, Maricopa officials DID NOT admit to DELETING election data. They ARCHIVED the data. It was MOVED, not deleted. Rep. Biggs is a f*cking Trump tool. He keeps repeated “deleted”, even after it is repeatedly explained that the files were simply moved in accordance with a routine data management practice.

Do you LIKE being treated as if you were stupid? Because that’s precisely how such people are treating you.

The subpoena clearly specified all election records.

The Maricopa county supervisors could not justify their actions given previous election records were not archived within a similar time frame.

If you have noting to hide you do not need to hide things.

President Trump won Arizona. Embrace the suck