Cutter: An incomplete is a totally awesome grade after four years

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Ed Morrissey @ Hot Air:

We’ve been waiting for the Barack Obama re-election campaign to come up with a new slogan ever since they added a period to “FORWARD.”  If the last 24 hours are any indication, the new slogan is either “INCOMPLETE” or possibly “GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE.”  After Barack Obama gave himself an “incomplete” on the economy in a Colorado Springs TV news interview last night, ABC’s Jake Tapper asks Team Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter whether that “cut[s] it” as an answer.  Absolutely, Cutter responds:


TAPPER: “So President Obama was asked recently about the grade he would give himself. And once again he gave himself an incomplete. It’s been four years. Does that answer cut it? An incomplete after a full term?”

CUTTER: “Yeah, it does, because, you know, once again I’ll remind you of what life was like when he took office. 800,000 jobs were lost in that month alone. 3.5 million in the 6 months prior. And, you know, pretty quickly he was able to turn job loss into job growth. But when he’s saying incomplete, it means a number of different things. One: we’re on a path forward. You know, we’re on our way up. And there is a lot more that he wants to get done. He’s not done yet.”

We’re moving forward?  Really?  Unemployment has been above 8% since before the recovery began, and we’ve only averaged an additional 66,000 jobs per months since — far below the level needed to keep up with population growth.

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That’s the new “Present.”

I think they spelled incomplete wrong it’s actually spelled = i-n-c-o-m-p-e-t-e-n-t. There, that’s better…

I believe the grade for incompetent = “F” [for fail/failure]

And there is a lot more that he wants to get done. He’s not done yet.”

But of course!. Mister Obama hasn’t finished “fundamentally transforming” America into a 1930’s European socialist state that Woodrow Wilson and FDR wanted (and which would make Mussolini and Hitler proud). “The Won” needs another term to completely bypass and destroy the Constitutional limits on the Executive branch so that he can declare himself President for life.

I wonder how many of the readership has taken in the past, or do presently take, assistance of some type from that socialist government.

@liberal1(objectivity): How is that relevant, lib1?
States that totally opposed Obama’s stimulus were ELIGIBLE for and thus took stimulus money.
People are in the same boat.
Obama’s spokespeeps have raised the ”safety net” from helping only the poor to helping the middle class!
IF Obama wants to hand out cash to middle class families (and he does) then it would be silly to miss out.–finance.html
Unlike getting the ”mark of the beast” on one’s hand and forehead, taking legally arranged governmental supplementals doesn’t require one to vote only in favor of Obama.

The fact of the matter is, when Obama took office, the US economy was already turning around.
This despite all 4 years of lies by Obama about it.

The healing had begun well before his Stimulus package, and well before he started propping his cronies up with huge deficit spending.
But THEN what happened? Obama’s own redistributionist policies kicked in and guess what? The economy braked like the President passing a golf course.