By Joe Hoft
The Democrats must be very scared of the results from the Arizona forensic audit going on today so they recruited the faithful SDNY to harass a top conservative and change the narrative away from the obvious 2020 Election fraud.
The corrupt SDNY has raided Rudy Giuliani’s Manhattan Apartment and seized his electronic devices.
These people want power and will do anything to get it and to keep it.
Business Insider is reporting:Federal investigators raided former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani’s Manhattan apartment on Wednesday and seized his electronic devices, The New York Times reported.
The feds executed the raid after obtaining a search warrant, and it was part of an ongoing criminal investigation into Giuliani’s foreign dealings in Ukraine, sources told The Times. The outlet reported that investigators had been trying to secure a search warrant against Giuliani for months but that the Trump Justice Department quashed their efforts.
The investigation into Giuliani, who serves as Trump’s personal lawyer, resumed in earnest last month, and the Justice Department lifted its objection to the warrant after Merrick Garland was confirmed as attorney general.
Prosecutors have been scrutinizing Giuliani’s activities in Ukraine since at least 2019 and are said to be examining if he broke foreign lobbying laws while working as former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. The FBI’s investigation also includes a counterintelligence aspect.
Two sources familiar with the investigation told The Times that investigators are looking into Giuliani’s role in the recall of former US ambassador to Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch, who was a foreign service officer for 33 years before being abruptly removed from her post in spring 2019.This is the Obama/Biden/Garland DOJ – just plain corrupt.
The SDNY is run by Audry Strauss, a biased Democrat
The SDNY was behind the arrests of four Americans who helped build portions of the Southern wall when the Democrats were blocking the funding for President Trump to build the wall. They sent 15 armed Postal Service Inspectors from New York to Florida to arrest war hero and triple amputee Brian Kolfage, forcing him to drag himself through the rain and pull himself into the inspectors’ car. They drove for hours and never considered obtaining a vehicle to provide for Kolfage’s disabilities.
The SDNY was also behind an indictment of former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort.
For some time people have believed that the SDNY wanted to get Rudy’s electronic devices so they could steal his communications with President Trump that are protected under client-attorney privilege.
But the SDNY has all but ignored Hunter Biden’s crimes related to China – nothing will happen to Hunter and everyone knows it
Proof of the Ronny was right between ’46 and ’89; and will be right forever!.”Government can not solve our problems. … the GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM!”!
If the fed budget were only $1,000,000 SDNY would have no thugs; none! Same for FBI!
“Two sources familiar with the investigation told The Times that investigators are looking into Giuliani’s role in the recall of former US ambassador to Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch, who was a foreign service officer for 33 years before being abruptly removed from her post in spring 2019.”
So, will crack-head Hunter’s home be raided because he “advised” daddy (aka “Pop”, aka “The Big Guy”) to get the prosecutor that was threatening his and daddy’s money laundering scam with Burisma?
“Common sense gun control” Democrat’s are also totally unconcerned with Hunter violating the “universal background check” mantra by lying on his federal background check application… a crime.
As far as Democrats are concerned, the entire federal government exists solely to serve them and further their agenda.
“ So, will crack-head Hunter’s home be raided”
You’re confusing batshit crazy coo-coo for coco puffs conspiracy theories with the real time actual scandals the country had to deal with under your mafia thug leader that you genuflect to.
Trump is no longer in charge and unable to obstruct the investigation. This is simply picking up where Trump temporarily ended it.
Rudy is obviously in deep doo-doo and we will see him, more like him, and possibly Trump himself behind bars.
Hunter will no more be prosecuted than we’ll be limited to a once a month hamburger.
Here comes the sun.
“Hunter will no more be prosecuted than we’ll be limited to a once a month hamburger.”
Which only proves that Democrats are never willing to hold their own accountable. Hunter can take millions of $$ from China and Russians, all to share with the “big guy” but hey, Democrats are going to be Democrats. At least the “big guy” protected little Hunter from having to suffer in racial jungles.
Hunter’s laptop is not a conspiracy theory and him colluding with Idiot Daddy to get the investigation of Burisma killed is documented. So, once again, your pretend world where leftist crimes don’t exist is shattered.
Trump obstructed what investigation, exactly? Feel free to provide your evidence.
If Giuliani is in such dire trouble, why didn’t they arrest him or even file a charge? Oh… that’s right. This is simply another leftist case of investigating in search of something that can be construed as a crime.
Should Hunter be prosecuted for lying and falsifying a federal firearms background check?
Should Kerry be prosecuted for violating the Logan Act, the very law idiot Biden suggested using to prosecute Gen. Flynn for actually doing his job?
Should idiot Biden be impeached for gutting border security, luring hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants across our border and allowing COVID-infected illegal immigrants to spread all across the country?
Can you see anything but partisan BS?
They have a history of targeting CROOKS.
A history of protecting Democrat crooks.
This will just get worst with the Democ-Rats in charge Higher Taxes more regulations and the FBI used against everyone who displeases the Democ-Rats
And it comes out that the leftist, liberal, Democrat propaganda arm media LIED about the Russians warning Giuliani. How could anyone be STUPID enough to ever trust the liberal media?