Cops turn backs on de Blasio at executed officer’s funeral

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NY Post:

As Mayor Bill de Blasio took the podium Saturday at the funeral of P.O. Rafael Ramos, thousands of police officers in the streets watching video of the service inside turned their backs, in unison, to the monitors.

Instead of listening to Hizzoner, whose brief remarks were carried live on large speakers and screens outside the Glendale church, the cops chatted and generally ignored the eulogy.

The mayor — whom union officials have said has “blood on his hands” for rhetoric that has created a dangerous atmosphere for cops, and led to the assassinations of Ramos and his partner, Officer Wenjian Liu — arrived 30 minutes early to the service at Christ Tabernacle Church with wife Chirlane McCray by his side.

A huge crowd of officers refused to acknowledge de Blasio, who quietly greeted Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and his wife before slipping into the funeral home adjoining the Glendale house of worship through a side door.

The execution of Ramos and Liu as they sat in their patrol car in Brooklyn sparked a tidal wave of anger toward the mayor from the city’s cops, who turned their backs to him as he walked through a hospital corridor last Saturday night after visiting the officers’ grieving families.

Earlier that night, when de Blasio approached a group of NYPD’s Finest and said, “We’re all in this together,” a stone-faced officer replied, “No, we’re not.”

Officers again turned their backs on deBlasio Friday night when he arrived at Ramos’ wake.

Many cops have blamed deBlasio for helping to create a climate of distrust in cops, turning them into targets as protests against police brutality swept through the city in the wake of a Staten Island grand jury’s decision not to indict a cop in the July death of Eric Garner.

They pointed to Hizzoner’s comments in which he called an assault by Brooklyn Bridge protesters on two NYPD lieutenants an ­“alleged” assault, even as dramatic video of the attack emerged.

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Good for them I say!

DeBlago was there for the ‘optics’ anyway. He doesn’t care.

Ironic – Delano is so worried about his son.

What words does he have for Jaden and his brother, Officer Ramos Wife? – now that THEY DON’T have a father a husband?

Why? Because this Mayor sided with the THUG That executed Officer Ramos. This Mayor sides with Evil and the consequence??

Truly good, honest people lose and lose BIG.