There are spin masters in politics, and then there are whirling dervishes. James Comey qualifies as the latter with his response to Inspector General Michael Horowitz’ report on his conduct regarding the leak of memos containing classified information. Horowitz concluded that Comey “set a dangerous example,” knew full well that his memos were work product rather than personal material, and knowingly violated FBI and Department of Justice policies.
In response to this damning report, Comey seized on one small tidbit to claim vindication — and then demanded that everyone admit they lied about him all along. Er … what? Via Twitchy:
DOJ IG "found no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media." I don’t need a public apology from those who defamed me, but a quick message with a “sorry we lied about you” would be nice.
— James Comey (@Comey) August 29, 2019
And to all those who’ve spent two years talking about me “going to jail” or being a “liar and a leaker”—ask yourselves why you still trust people who gave you bad info for so long, including the president.
— James Comey (@Comey) August 29, 2019
Ahem. The report does say that Comey didn’t leak his memos directly to the media. However, Horowitz describes how Comey used a cutout to achieve the same thing, a point which Comey had already admitted in public testimony:
At the time, the OIG also was aware of Comey’s June 8, 2017 congressional testimony that he had authorized a friend (who was also one of his personal attorneys) to provide the contents of Memo 4 — which did not contain any classified information — to a reporter for The New York Times. The focus of the OIG’s investigation was to determine whether Comey violated Department or FBI policies, or the terms of his FBI Employment Agreement, in his handling of the Memos during and after his tenure as FBI Director. The OIG’s investigation included review of the Memos as well as numerous additional documents, emails, and news articles; and forensic analysis of certain computer systems. As part of this investigation, the OIG also interviewed 17 witnesses, including former Director Comey and Daniel Richman, the individual who, at Comey’s request, shared the contents of one of the Memos with a reporter for The New York Times.
Emphasis mine. This can literally be found on Page 1 of the report. Comey is parsing out his vindication on the thin edge that the memo he directed Richman to leak to the Times didn’t have classified material in it, but as Horowitz points out, Memo 4 was designated “For Official Use Only.” This is what Comey’s claiming as vindication:
Comey instructed Richman to share the contents of Memo 4, but not the Memo itself, with a specific reporter for The New York Times. Comey did not seek FBI authorization before providing the contents of Memo 4, through Richman, to a reporter. As noted above, the FBI later marked Memo 4 “For Official Use Only” and determined that it did not contain classified information. We found no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the Memos to members of the media.
Why did Comey direct Richman to leak Memo 4? Politics:
Comey sends a digital photograph of Memo 4 (describing the meeting in which Comey wrote that President Trump made the statement about “letting Flynn go”) to Richman via text message from Comey’s personal phone. Comey asks Richman to share the contents, but not the Memo itself, with a specific reporter for The New York Times. Comey’s stated purpose is to cause the appointment of a Special Counsel to ensure that any tape recordings that may exist of his conversations with President Trump are not destroyed. Richman conveys the substance of Memo 4 to the reporter.
Horowitz makes specific mention of Comey, Richman, and Memo 4 in his conclusion. It’s clear that Horowitz doesn’t see the lack of classification as any sort of vindication for Comey:
Well, dangerous only if used by the wrong people. Only dangerous and harmful if used by someone with something other than liberal agenda results in mind. Otherwise, it’s OK.
Comey tried to pretend outrage over Trump trying to intercede in behalf of General Flynn (who did nothing wrong) and plead for leniency. Yet Comey thought it was just fine to sweep a truck load of mishandling of classified information and obstruction of justice under the rug to protect Hillary; Hillary who never shows mercy.
Multiple findings that Comey failed to follow proceedure, That chucklehead had been in government long enough to become the head of the FBI but procedure was beneath him, he is an arrogant bastid, or he didn’t even know what the procedures were.
Geeze Mr Comey, Im really sorry, truly heartfelt sorry you were ever a part of my government, I lament my tax dollars paid your salary.
I will be sorry if you are not convicted for your crimes.
@kitt: Well, you can’t follow procedures and conduct a coup against a duly elected President. Overthrowing the government because you only got one vote is not written into the Constitution or into FBI operations.
Comey believed only he had the divine knowledge to determine right from wrong. Comey, not Trump, is more related to Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin and others who murdered millions of people because they did not bow to him as a god or the god. The rules and laws were designed to prevent one person from damaging this country as Comey has done. The problem is that all the evidence of his wrong doing is still not public. Also, he could not have accomplished what he did
alone. There had to be many others to include others in the executive branch that either allowed or encourage Comey to do what he has done. There is no punishment too cruel for him!
Comey was promoted by a member of the Rove/Obama UNIPARTY,
GWB !The DOJ has given him a pass because the current AG has direct ties to the Rove/Obama UNIPARTY. He was AG for Bush1 – decades ago.
the UNIPARTY protects its own. As was the case with GWB;s L. Lerner 10 years ago!
I like Barr; but, his connection to the Rove/Obama clique bothers me. As does his “look the other way” with GWB’s Comey!
@Randy: Comey wants us to believe he believed he was on a mission from God. Only problem is, unless he was a complete idiot, he should have doubted the veracity of the “evidence” he was basing all his assumptions on. As a law enforcement officer, he should have verified his “evidence” before taking any action. Once he had real evidence in his hand, his options for action would have been much broader.
Instead, he had dirt that, while useful in the liberal media, was worthless to law enforcement. So first, he threatened Trump with blackmail, who did not blink because he, as well as Comey, knew the “evidence” was nothing but lies. Meanwhile, he launched an investigation, with the intent of not only digging up anything that could be of use but also to smear the President with the onus of an investigation AND protect him from being fired (which didn’t work so well).
The IG rightly identifies Comey’s weasel actions as a danger to the very survival of the FBI, but it is only a danger if it goes unpunished. The danger is in any other rogue agent seeing that they can commit such violations of policy and law, get fired (maybe) then get wealthy writing books and shilling for liberal propaganda mills.
@an ol exaJahead: As with the Obama administration’s refusal to address its many scandals, the fear is what people might say if they are put under the glare of interrogation and investigation. However, the only way to cure this cancer is through invasive surgery.
Lots of takeaways from this. Barr’s rep has definitely taken a hit. People are highly skeptical that we have a fair and balanced system and the DOJ declining to prosecute only adds to that fact. Early this year or last year an FBI agent was sent to prison for doing something similar to what Comey did and he didn’t cause anywhere as much damage to the country as this seditious bastard did. On the other hand, PT didn’t slam the decision not to prosecute as he would have done in the past. That says something about how bigger things maybe coming (FISA warrant abuse etc.) that will result in prosecution for much bigger offenses.
This arrogant fool can run around demanding an apology all he wants. The report is damning and helps lay the groundwork for charges of sedition should they go big and go that route. His defense in all of this will be that he was acting in the best interests of the country. This report totally destroys that defense. It also vindicates PT for firing him which was one of the DS’s excuses for the obstruction frame up.
@Deplorable Me:
The cuts need to be deep. The UNIPARTY , as noted above, started fortifying in ’89. What was a redoubt in ’90 by 2116 is a citadel!
An operation is needed- but it will be both painful and bloody!