CNN’s Oliver Darcy Suggests The Next Step In Leftist Authoritarian Censorship

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By Jeff Charles

In the wake of the pro-Trump riots at the U.S. Capitol  building and the wave of social media censorship that followed, it appears that some on the left seek to use the events to push further towards leftist authoritarianism. Predictably, the activist media seems to be firmly on board with the idea.

CNN media activist Oliver Darcy weighed in on the idea in a piece he wrote for the alleged news outlet’s “Reliable Sources” newsletter.

“We regularly discuss what the Big Tech companies have done to poison the public conversation by providing large platforms to bad-faith actors who lie, mislead, and promote conspiracy theories. But what about TV companies that provide platforms to networks such as Newsmax, One America News — and, yes, Fox News?” he wrote.

That’s right, folks. Oliver Darcy is now pushing for cable companies to squelch content from television news outlets expressing ideas that hurt his feelings. He put forth the ridiculous notion that not only should entire networks be held responsible for the opinions of their anchors, but the cable companies that host them should also be accountable.

In his propaganda piece, Darcy went on to suggest asking cable ccompanies about their practices and “if they have any regret over carrying right-wing channels that were in many ways partly responsible for what took place in our nation’s capital this week.”

Only one cable provider was willing to humor Darcy’s foolishness. CenturyLink told him that it is committed to providing “a variety of broadcast channels covering thousands of topics” and that it did not “endorse specific media or outlets.”

As you might imagine, this wasn’t good enough for Darcy, who claimed that the company was dodging his question.

But the problem with Darcy’s bloviating is the fact that he works for a left-wing activist operation masquerading as a journalistic outlet. His network peddles in the same kind of propaganda of which he accuses networks like Fox News or Newsmax.

CNN was the activist media outlet responsible for the Covington Kids hoax, which could have ruined the lives of high school students who happened to have the wrong political beliefs, according to the left. The network also promoted the Charlottesville “fine people” hoax to fool its audience into believing that President Trump complimented white supremacists. They were one of the primary entities pushing the Russia collusion hoax as well.

If Darcy truly cared about the spread of disinformation, he would be checking his own network and others like it.

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recent legislatin in the shit hole state of ny can imprison suspected unhealthy persons that pose a danger to the outrageous communist dictator cuomo, detention is without warrents or arraignment . William Shirer outlines succinctly how the Nazi’s began the cncentration formation. YES,WHERE ARE THE GAS CHAMBERS?? Hanna Arendt in her seminal work, The Origins of Totalitarianism, in chapter,Classless Society describes the similar operations to kill the unwanted and undesirable in a communist social order.
ever read All the President’s Men by the fake journalist bernstein and woodward? probably not? probably only read the fake book review from the ny slime and titbits of social interaction on fri/sat dinner parties. . The number of anonymous sources and alleged digestible intelligence is very flawed. a greater part of the book is exaggerated journalistic fantasy abounds. both alleged journalist are rabid socialists.

The Left accuses the Right of what they themselves are doing.

OK, how’s this as a start; anyone that promoted the obvious lies that Trump was a Russian asset should be permanently banned and put out of business.

Sound good, CNN?

Back in 2012, Obama signed a law that allowed for the “indefinite detention of American citizens” without a judge or jury. Then in 2013, Obama signed an NDAA bill that packaged an end to the Smith-Mundit act that prevented the government from using propaganda against its own citizens enabling the government again to legally produce propaganda.
We see MFM and SM battling to be the main mouth piece of communist government truth.

@kitt: The media was always allowed to lie. Only relatively recently has it become an attribute.