CNN memo to staff: We are not at this time showing Charlie Hebdo cartoons of “the Prophet”

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Like I said: Terrorism works. The future will not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

In fact, in the future, maybe our media will refer to him as “the Prophet” without further description. If you’re going to live by one Muslim standard, you might as well live by all of them.

[Senior CNN editorial director Richard] Griffiths’ email:

Although we are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet considered offensive by many Muslims, platforms are encouraged to verbally describe the cartoons in detail. This is key to understanding the nature of the attack on the magazine and the tension between free expression and respect for religion.

Video or stills of street protests showing Parisians holding up copies of the offensive cartoons, if shot wide, are also OK. Avoid close-ups of the cartoons that make them clearly legible.

It’s also OK to show most of the protest cartoons making the rounds online, though care should be taken to avoid examples that include within them detailed depictions of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

This isn’t the first time American news networks have refused to show images of Mohammed, as the boss emeritus points out, but that tremulous “if shot wide” in the excerpt above is a perfectly absurd little coup de grace. I saw someone tweet earlier this afternoon that they’d rather see news outlets avoid this story entirely than betray the martyred Hebdo staff by refusing to transmit the images they died defending. I agree. There’s a shred of honesty in a total blackout, an acknowledgement that if a journalist can’t cover a story without restrictions he shouldn’t cover it at all. To repeat the point I made in the post about Obama’s 2012 speech, I can tolerate caving to jihadi sensibilities so long as there’s some shame involved. Blacking out the story entirely would signal shame. Refusing to do close-ups of a crowd of people mourning satirists murdered in the name of censorship because you fear you might pick up one or two of the offending drawings doesn’t.

Oh, incidentally, NBC and its affiliates won’t be showing the cartoons either:

Fox News aired showed one this morning but has “no plans” to show them again as I’m writing this. All of this was predictable. This, unfortunately, was predictable too:

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Try to convince me that the muslim religion is not a terrorist organization. Can anyone quote from the koran where it says anything about loving others, or forgiving? I don’t know. I’m just asking.

But hey, let’s not hesitate to show the one ridiculing the Pope

@drjohn: If a crew of masked Cardinals descended on them with AK’s, you can be certain they would re-think that one, too. It’s all about the path of least resistance.

We have been thwarting Muslim ideology since 1801 starting with the 1st Barbary war in North Africa. It looks like the civilized world is beginning to lose as muslim men subdue by invasion and rape. Try Googling rape and Norway for the numerous statistics and articles. If Norway’s latest findings are representative of the other EU nations, the Muslim jihad terror assault in Paris is just the tip of the iceberg.

Won’t happen here because our media industry and Dark House operatives already told us that Benghazi was triggered by an unheard of U-Tube video. 1st attack on twin towers wasn’t Jihad, 2nd Twin Towers wasn’t Jihad, and Paris yesterday was not even terrorism.

Head in the sand is a common affliction of the left and dumbocrat elites.

Although we are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet considered offensive by many Muslims, platforms are encouraged to verbally describe the cartoons in detail.

At this time in history, it’s very appropriate and necessary to give an eff-u and draw and post cartoons of Mohammed. Everyone should do this. Reasonable Muslims should and will understand that this act of defiance is not meant to disrespect and hurt them, but to make a statement against murderous terrorists and those Islamists who think like them, desiring to impose their beliefs unto others. If a Muslim feels affected negatively by this, that’s a problem he needs to resolve within himself.