CNN Buries Poll Showing Trump Crushing Biden In WI, MI, OH, FL, PA, CO, AZ, GA, ME, MN, NV, NH, NM, NC And VA

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CNN put out a new poll on Thursday that shows President Trump is crushing presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in key battleground states — but the liberal “news” network downplayed that finding to the point of hilarity.

“CNN Poll: Biden tops Trump nationwide, but battlegrounds tilt Trump,” said the headline.

“Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s lead over President Donald Trump now stands at five points, but Trump has an edge in the critical battleground states that could decide the electoral college, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

“Could”? Uh, does. The popular vote across the country doesn’t matter. What decides election is the Electoral College vote (remember when all the pollsters said Hillary Clinton was going to bash Trump in 2016, but he won the EC vote 304-227? Yeah, we do, too).“In the new poll, 51% of registered voters nationwide back Biden, while 46% say they prefer Trump, while in the battlegrounds, 52% favor Trump and 45% Biden,” said the piece.

Huh. The battleground states. Aren’t those the states that decide every presidential election?

So what were the battleground states in the CNN poll? Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico and North Carolina.

Is that all?

That’s 15 states. In Electoral College votes:

  • Arizona, 11
  • Colorado, 9
  • Florida, 29
  • Georgia, 16
  • Maine, 4
  • Michigan, 16
  • Minnesota, 10
  • Nevada, 6
  • New Hampshire, 4
  • New Mexico, 5
  • North Carolina, 15
  • Ohio, 18
  • Pennsylvania, 20
  • Virginia, 13
  • and Wisconsin, 10

That’s 186 electoral votes, well more than half of the 270 needed to win the White House.

Of course, no one is saying that Trump will win all those states, but it’s just interesting that CNN downplayed the findings of its own poll.

“A review of transcripts found that only one CNN program on Wednesday mentioned the poll of registered voters that indicating 52 percent favor Trump, as opposed to 45 percent for Biden, in key battleground states,” Fox News reported.

“CNN Buries Its Own Poll Results on Trump’s Favorability. Guess Why,” Kyle Smith wrote at National Review.

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The Communists News Network(CNN)don’t want anyone to know the truth so they hide it

Maybe we should take a closer look at the responses on pages 6 and 7 of the poll in question.

Luckily for liberals, they have been keeping their whining, crying, complaining, bitching, sore loser attitude tuned up for the past 3 1/2 years, so after they lose they can pick right up where they left off.

Samuel Clemens wrote, “there’s lies, damn lies and statistics.”
When the individual states numbers are so pro-Trump re-election the big media on the Left uses National polls.
So, in a National poll California and New York can outweigh all those little states and, hopefully, discourage Trump voters from showing up and voting.

Except it won’t work.

Trump supporters are high enthusiasm voters.
They’ve seen promises made and kept for a few years now.

Lately President Trump is promising something new: he will lead a massive recovery of this economy devastated by following bad models of a few scientists.

Biden would have doubled down on keeping our borders open, our people more exposed to the virus.
Biden has even lifted up AOC to lead one of his major committees.
She is opposed to opening up the economy and even showing up for jobs people had before the shutdown!
Californians and New Yorkers might think that is a formula for success, but the coastal liberals are pretty much alone in that.

34% described themselves as Democrats, 26% described themselves as Republicans, and 40% described themselves as independents or members of another party. ”

Of course, Comrade Greggie didn’t point that out that the survey was heavily weighted toward Democrats. Wonder why?

@Nan G: If Trump twittered that he was going to build a wall to keep California separate from the rest of the 49, he would gain great support with out building it.

@Greg: Well, as always, the path to winning the presidency is through the electoral college, not the tyranny of the majority popular vote that’s being gamed by your party.

Besides, Trump is going to win by a landslide.

@Nathan Blue:

winning the presidency is through the electoral college, not the tyranny of the majority popular vote

Just a word of caution on your dismissal of the majority’s will, as it was that same “will” that Republicans who were opposed to gay marriage insisted be heard instead of allowing either the courts OR state legislatures to decide that issue.

Another note for your consideration: If you recall several months ago, when Orange-Daddy was promoting Hydroxychloroquine as a miracle cure for coronavirus, I predicted that it would prove worthless, and instead suggested that Remdesivir, as an actual antiviral drug, had a much better chance of proving beneficial. While Remdesivir isn’t a slam-dunk cure, it HAS proven to be beneficial against COVID-19, while Hydroxychloroquine has not, proving once again that if you listen to the science instead of the artificially colored hair, you have a better chance of hearing the truth.

And finally, was just wondering how you’re feeling about the added deaths that are accumulating with the “reopening” that you wanted. While I appreciate your point that deaths accrue either way, I am disappointed at how cavalier the people in some states are taking their responsibilities once the restrictions are lifted. Texas doesn’t HAVE to be killing so many more of its citizens, it just seems indifferent to their deaths.

@retire05, #5:

Of course, Comrade Greggie didn’t point that out that the survey was heavily weighted toward Democrats.

There’s no basis for an assumption that it was weighted in anyone’s favor.

If the survey was a randomized telephone sampling, the distribution indicates that the percentage of people identifying as republicans is declining more rapidly than those identifying as democrats; also, that the number of people identifying as independents is increasing at the expense of both the Democratic Party and the GOP.

This makes sense. We could probably expect more people who are fed up with partisan politics to defect to the independent middle, rather than to the political organization that’s the opposite side of the same partisan coin.

@Nathan Blue, #7:

Besides, Trump is going to win by a landslide.

The land may slide right out from under him. He’s betting the store that the economy can be rapidly revived with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation administered by someone who hasn’t been tested for coronavirus.

@George Wells:

Texas doesn’t HAVE to be killing so many more of its citizens, it just seems indifferent to their deaths.

Whoa there, Bubba. It seems that your own state is a dismal failure compared to Texas so let’s look at the numbers shall we?

Virginia – 26,983 cases and 1,002 deaths from the Kung flu in a population of approx. 8.5 million

Texas – 19,093 cases and 1,305 deaths from the Kung flu in a population of approx. 29 million. So you have one third the population of Texas and 8, 000 more cases.

So when you’re throwing crap at others, remember the crap stains your own hands.


If the survey was a randomized telephone sampling, the distribution indicates that the percentage of people identifying as republicans is declining more rapidly than those identifying as democrats;

You have posted a lot of idiotic crap in your time here at FA, but this has to be one of the most idiotic.

@retire05, #12:

There’s nothing remotely idiotic about the observation, and you are totally incapable of providing any logical reason for having said there is.

You also left off half of the sentence. Allow me “to fix that for you”:

If the survey was a randomized telephone sampling, the distribution indicates that the percentage of people identifying as republicans is declining more rapidly than those identifying as democrats; also, that the number of people identifying as independents is increasing at the expense of both the Democratic Party and the GOP.


Learn to sentence diagram, Comrade Greggie.


So when you’re throwing crap at others, remember the crap stains your own hands

How very colorful. Pity FA doesn’t have a scratch-and-sniff feature you could have linked.

Texas lifted its restrictions while its COVID-19 cases and deaths were still rising, and so did Virginia and a bunch of other similarly stupid states. The fact that ANY of them are as stupid as they are isn’t my fault, a fact that you know with certainty.

After two months of half-hearted adherence to an odd assortment of semi-effective guidelines, most of the country just tossed in the towel and gave up trying to stay healthy. These are the “party-hearty” fools who can’t wait another minute to find out if their dance card expires in fourteen days or not. The same fools who’d rather die making $15 an hour at work than risk getting suicidal over the prospect of spending a sixty-second day with their families. But don’t worry. They won’t all die out, because GOD understands that THEIR chances of survival are poor and makes boucoudles of them for just that reason. Expendable biomass.

Now, the purist of the survivalists have my admiration – they can avoid ever being infected if they so choose, and won’t need to play Russian Roulette with whatever branded drug wins the vaccine derby. But whatever you do, don’t throw your lot in with the meek…they’ll all get cut in the first elimination round. Blessed are the cockroaches, for THEY shall inherit the Earth!

LOL. Like I need to defend the people of Virginia. The state itself is fine. Great weather, including enough rain for year-around crops without irrigation. No tornados or hurricanes where I live in my 50 years here, plentiful seafood for the catching, nice clean ocean… stuff like that. And there are no COVID-19 cases that I personally know of, so I’m thinking they must be concentrated among people who are living too… tightly. Not the case where I live. I don’t personally see a downside in thinning the herd from time to time – we have way more people than the number needed to maintain a healthy gene pool. The only regret I have is that by the time things REALLY return to normal, most of my favorite restaurants will be long gone, and I’ll miss their good food.

@George Wells:

most of the country just tossed in the towel and gave up trying to stay healthy. These are the “party-hearty” fools who can’t wait another minute to find out if their dance card expires in fourteen days or not. The same fools who’d rather die making $15 an hour at work than risk getting suicidal over the prospect of spending a sixty-second day with their families.

Right, and you know what it feels like to have a child say “Daddy, I’m hungry” and you respond that there is no food because unemployment doesn’t allow for rent, utilities AND food.

And there are no COVID-19 cases that I personally know of,

Really? Even though there have been 539 cases reported of the Kung flu in Virginia Beach where you live? Don’t get out much, do you?

What a callous bastard you are, King George. But then, I really wouldn’t think that a child of privilege (doctor father and high paid artist mother) would understand the plight of the common man. Or even care.

@George Wells: It seems you cheer the lock down dont really care if the owners of these restaurant in go broke, as long as the restrictions you think are ok put them in the position of poverty. The winners big corporate franchises, the little guy competition with higher quality food falls on your selfish sword. Now never mind no one would drag you from you house to these places, those 15 an hour humans just trying to pay their bills, not stand in a breadline. There are plenty of opposing scientists that think Faucx xi has his head up some big pharmas ass.
I say there will not be a safe effective vaxx, we need to learn to live with this and many other things that kill us. Lots of people killed in their own bathrooms every year, you I assume dont think a thing about going into your bathroom, 400 yearly die from falling out of bed does yours have siderails?
These lockdowns are killing people that cant go for screenings, stress tests, our hospitals are now prepared, that was the goal, why are we still not open ?
You see cases going up because there are loads more tests being done.
Some of those thousand upon thousands of tests are false negatives so the spread will continue, it is not and never has been certain death, 97 % recover.

@kitt: The dumb dems are already seeing quite a few unintended consequences to total shut down instead of implementing something similar to Sweden. It is not all conservatives who are protesting these days. There is a Stanford expert who outlined the best future for getting back to normal. Our CDC and WHO had to listen to Ferguson in the UK and follow his recommendations. He missed by more than 10 times. If those ignorant Dems like MI and WA, SF continue for months, the impact will last well beyond November and there is some important event happening in November.

@Randy: The “scientists” need to chase a safe and effective treatment there is too much evidence of reinfection and the Flu vaxx makes you more susceptible to catching the Kung Flu by over 30 %.
I havent had the time to peek at this new possible treatment
I dont like the RNA based approach pushed by Franken drug pusher Faux xi.


there is no food because unemployment doesn’t allow for rent, utilities AND food.

REALLY good point! Those are those “Commie-liberal safety net” features that the GOP has been gutting for since GOD knows when, so don’t come crying your crocodile tears to me over them. Dems put them there for a good reason, and instead of figuring out how to prevent their abuse by some, the GOP simply whittled them down whenever they got into power. Let’s hope those poor suffering bastards understand what they have to do the next time they get a chance to vote…

Even though there have been 539 cases reported of the Kung flu in Virginia Beach where you live? Don’t get out much, do you?

I don’t go slumming, if that’s what you mean. I live in a neighborhood appropriate to my means. That doesn’t make me a callous bastard, it makers me a good Republican. The virus is concentrated among the tightly-packed Democrats on the dole, who can’t afford their own breathing room, much less healthcare. Not that many of them vote for candidates who are not Black, but I’d expect you’d be happy to see THEIR ranks thinned.


I say there will not be a safe effective vaxx,

You got that right.

You want to know the REAL problem?
Scientists have seen the same thing a thousand times. When too many of the same organism live in close proximity, lethal diseases inevitably take a terrible tole. The Irish potato famine, the Dutch Elm disease, blights and rusts that sweep through multi-thousand-acre single-species crops that have been hybridized for yield to the exclusion of natural disease resistance, and human pandemics – all would have been prevented by more restrained over-PLANTING. That’s right – 8 billion people isn’t a population, it’s an infestation.

YES! You are RIGHT! Science can’t hope to keep up with what irresponsible reproductive impulses can create on a global scale. Vaccines, when they ARE effective, can help in some cases, but viruses mutate way faster than vaccines can be developed, so that effort falls far behind whenever something even remotely lethal shows up.

And don’t worry that 97% are recovering from COVID-19. First, we haven’t yet discovered what the long-term effects of this virus are. We are already seeing children dying from some sort of inflammatory reaction that is probably another, more delayed immune reaction to the virus. And just imagine what the lungs of the people who have recovered from the respiratory syndrome now look like. Chronic emphysema, anyone? And second, this isn’t as bad as it can get. 3% mortality is a mere drop in the bucket. Wait and see how panicked people get when something that’s 50% lethal and just as contagious as COVID-19 shows up.

No, those survivalists have it right. They just need to engineer into their plans 100% self-sufficiency, because anything less will get them killed.

And one last note on your (again) correct dismissal of the flawed testing. Did you catch that 13 of the USS Roosevelt’s “recovered” crew have been REINFECTED? Right. Either the tests are THAT bad (each case was multiple-confirmed infected and multiple-confirmed recovered) or the so-called “herd immunity” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

More testing = more cases. We have shown we can handle the cases. It is fairly easy to NOT get infected. The elderly need extra protection. Time to open up.

@Deplorable Me:

More testing = more cases.

Donald Trump started this idiot idea, the corollary implication to it being that if you DON’T test anybody, nobody gets the disease. The better statement would have been “The more testing, the more information,” but that didn’t convey the sort of idiot bias against testing that Trump wanted. Heck, testing makes a lot of errors, and it costs money that isn’t refundable if the answers it gives are wrong.

It is fairly easy to NOT get infected.

And how do children do that? They can’t grasp the significance of any of this (just try to get a five-year-old to stay six feet away from ANYBODY) and they are developing lethal conditions we don’t yet understand. And, OK, quarantine the elderly for the next two years and see how many of them HAVEN’T figured out how to kill themselves waiting for a herd immunity that never comes. That leaves the middle demographic – like the Roosevelt sailors who are now re-infecting themselves. We don’t know what any of this means yet, not now, and not in the long run. Saying that doesn’t mean that I advocate shutting down the economy, it means just the opposite. Anyone who volunteers to be a Guinea-pig in this pandemic experiment should indeed go back to work, go to concerts and beaches and restaurants and theaters, and provide for the rest of us the data that will ultimately answer the as-yet unanswered questions. GOD knows there are enough of them.

@George Wells: Have you ever had a cold? maybe twice or many colds the flu maybe twice or many times? Corona is the close relative or engineered virus of common cold no cure or vaxx for that. Have you had your HIV vaxx?
There isnt any choice but to open up unless you also want starving to break into your home for your food, and they will to feed their kids. People who wouldnt think of shoplifting a thing will turn to murder for the survival of their children. Keep everything ever so sanitary around you and you will give yourself HIV, you will destroy your own immune system, it needs the millions harmless viruses and bacteria to exercise.
Guinnea pigs is exactly how they are treating us how much boot will we take. How can they keep changing the goal line before we tell them to kiss out germy asses. Second wave fear porn, we all dont live in over crowded filthy cities like NY but thats what they sold.
Unlike Venezuela we are still armed we wont let them run every aspect of our lives.
You are right you cant train children to act unnaturally we are a social animal always have been. Let the children play get dirty or what ever else develops their immune systems.
For some of us it isnt about getting away from family its about our normal gatherings. The 35 to 40 that come to my moms house for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The couple of hundred that come to family reunions, funerals and weddings.
You as a sad little shape shifter say goofy negative crap about normal activities then say thats what you want to happen. Because you never held a child of your own seem to think nobody else should want one or two of them. You need an iota of self awareness. Get a tiny bit of empathy for those that live paycheck to paycheck but basically happy lives.
Take a sheet of paper write down all the positives of shut downs on one side and the negatives on the other side. Then grow a set and make a decision and stand by it.
We have weighed them and made our decision. But this all has nothing to do with the thread dearie not one thing.

@George Wells: If you actually think he said or meant anything like that, perhaps you should look closer to home for the idiot.

@retire05, #14:

Learn to sentence diagram, Comrade Greggie.

You should learn to make sense.


I am with you 98% of the way regarding exposure to NORMAL germs and viruses.

I just happen to draw a line at the really bad actors. We DON’T have “acquired immunity” to Ebola, Plague, hemorrhagic fever, HIV, MERS, COVID-19, and others, and we probably won’t ever. And you can’t draw a parallel between developing a resistance to pollen and a resistance to a lethal pathogen. Hell, you can’t even make the argument that we’ve grown immune to the Spanish Flu, since it hasn’t been present for generations, and the flu viruses, like all viruses, mutate constantly. Flu vaccines are a high-cost placebo and nothing more, a hoax perpetrated on a public that is convinced that drugs are the answer to everything. They aren’t. And sooner or later, precisely because there are too many people crammed onto this one small planet, there will be a fresh new bug that kills a few billion souls, vaccine or not. If that happens a few MORE times, there might finally open up some serious room on good old Earth, and safe distancing will finally work.