During his CIA interrogations, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told his interrogators that following the 9/11 attacks he knew we would be on the lookout for Arab men. So he recruited a cell of Southeast Asian terrorists from a group called Jemmah Islamiyah to carry out the “second wave” attack to crash a hijacked airliner into a building in Los Angeles. KSM later acknowledged before a military commission at Guantanamo Bay that the target was the Liberty Tower, the tallest building on the West Coast.
~~~ This weekend on CNN, Senator Jeff Sessions said that Trump’s travel ban could include countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen among others.
Good to know. If we ban immigration from those and other countries, ISIS will simply recruit operatives from countries we have not banned. According to a September 2015 report from the New York Times:
American intelligence analysts have been preparing a confidential assessment that concludes that nearly 30,000 foreign fighters have traveled to Iraq and Syria from more than 100 countries since 2011. A year ago, the same officials estimated that flow to be about 15,000 combatants from 80 countries, mostly to join the Islamic State.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has this interactive map that shows the foreign fighter flow from different countries around the world:
Read more from Marc Thiessen
So because we cannot block every threat, we should block none?
American-born jihadist killers have included the sons of immigrants whose assimilation has been … meh. They’ve had parents who’ve encouraged them to be “more Islamic,” meaning more unassimilated and less like the Muslims happy to be here and happy to become Americans. Overseas organizations will always play a cat-and-mouse game with whatever security precautions we take. I think Trump’s point is to take away a source of “home grown radicalized Muslims.”
@Beth just south of Berkeley and just east of San Francisco: I think Trump wants to prevent Moslems from entering the US who are not properly vetted. Very few have documents that allow for proper vetting. Those who do are not threats. There are also potential terrorists allowed to cross out southern border. I think he wants to also stop that.
Well, DUH. it’s no surprise that the ultimate radical Islamic terror weapon would be a radicalized Swede with an explosive vest. Yeah, we have to watch out for them, too.
However, we know what the vast majority will look like and where they will come from. Not acknowledging that is pretty stupid.
What have been the repercussions from banning Christian immigrants?
As Europe evolves into a Third World cess pool are we going to reject Christians who want to flee the rapists and homicidal maniacs?
Wordsmith is on an anti-Trump campaign. Until he gets over his #NeverTrump butt-hurt, we will have to make eye-rolling allowances for his reliance on leftist, MSM and establishment news sources.