Gregg Re @ The Daily Caller:
Marty Morgenstern, the secretary of the California agency that substantially under-reported unemployment claims last week, contributed to President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential election campaign, The Daily Caller has learned.
On Oct. 11, the federal government reported that weekly jobless claims were down significantly, suggesting a dramatic national increase in economic growth and a steep decline in layoffs. Jobless claims, according to the Labor Department, had fallen by 30,000 to 339,000, their lowest level since February 2008.
The good news for the Obama administration spread quickly, with outlets like CNN and Bloomberg declaring, “Jobless claims fall to four-year low.”
But within hours, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Labor Department analysts announced that one major state had failed to fully document jobless claims. They declined to name the state.
Speculation among market watchers and economists initially focused on California, but the state’s Employment Development Department strongly denied that it had failed to properly document the data.
“Reports that California failed to fully report data to the U.S. Department of Labor, as required, are incorrect and irresponsible,” California Employment Development Department director Pam Harris said in a statement last week. “The California Employment Development Department, which administers the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program in the state, has reported all UI claims data and submitted the data on time.”
Early Thursday, the federal government finally revealed that California had, in fact, under-reported jobless data, skewing the national jobless claims results. This week’s updated jobs report corrected the error and showed unemployment claims spiking back up by 46,000 to 388,000.
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Romney played this up at the charity dinner for Al Smith.
He said after those skewed numbers came out Obama could at least say, “You are better off now than you were 4 weeks ago.”
This will come back to haunt 0-blama and the Democrats. California is soooo in the crapper and we have the wacho liberals to blame for it. Granted Arnold didn’t help but moon beam has proven worse!!
I think that the more intelligent people see how politics are practiced in Chicago, they will turn away. Most of these will be independents and democrats who are concerned about fiscal policy. Jack Welch called it right! They cheated!
The ends justify the means. It’s the LEFTIST way.